My house is like an intellectual desert

  • Thread starter zk4586
  • Start date
In summary: Sometimes I do think it is kinda unfair and feel jealous when we see our friends or classmates whose families are intellectual and they can discuss with their families what they've learnt, but we can't make comparisons because it would be painful to compare everything you don't have with others, and keep in mind what we do have is already a lot.My life at home was very different from what you are saying. I learned physics principles at dinner through questions my father would ask, such as "Do you want a positive or negative meniscus?" he would say when pouring our drinks. Whenever a guest would come over, we would have to quickly tell them to answer, "Negative!"
  • #1
I honestly don't think my parents have ever had an intelligent thought in their lives. My mother couldn't sit through the last ten minutes of a radio program on virtue because she wanted to watch television. She said that at her age (late 40's) she has no desire to think about life, and that all these philosophers were doing were blabbing on. What a horrible state to reach. How am I even related to this woman? ...At least I far outmatched her in wit and cleverness in a little argument we had after I turned it off. Haha.
Physics news on
  • #2
Originally posted by zk4586
I honestly don't think my parents have ever had an intelligent thought in their lives. My mother couldn't sit through the last ten minutes of a radio program on virtue because she wanted to watch television. She said that at her age (late 40's) she has no desire to think about life, and that all these philosophers were doing were blabbing on. What a horrible state to reach. How am I even related to this woman? ...At least I far outmatched her in wit and cleverness in a little argument we had after I turned it off. Haha.

I wouldn't consider being "intellectual" a positive quality myself. I also wouldn't consider being "intelligent" positive. I'd consider them both neautral.

But if you're seeking them in others, then I see your point. In some ways I agree, and yet sometimes I try to seek those who are not intellectual, because there always seems to be less stress involved.
  • #3

Originally posted by RSM1000
I wouldn't consider being "intellectual" a positive quality myself. I also wouldn't consider being "intelligent" positive. I'd consider them both neutral.

Might one ask, why?

But if you're seeking them in others, then I see your point. In some ways I agree, and yet sometimes I try to seek those who are not intellectual, because there always seems to be less stress involved.

Spoken like a true anti-scientist (no offence).
  • #4
zk4586, you are not alone. My mother is the most "anti-learning" people I know. It's actually rather irritating, which would explain why I've stopped talking to her (or pretty much anyone else) about any of the things I learn.
  • #5
My mother actually gave me a funny look when they saw I had bought an issue of National Geographic. I'm glad someone else out there knows what it's like.
  • #6
^I wouldn't think that kind of behaviour is so uncommon from Mothers :smile:
  • #7
Originally posted by zk4586
My house is like an intellectual desert...

Intellectual desert... or intellectual dessert?

  • #8

Originally posted by eNtRopY
Intellectual desert... or intellectual dessert?


His post makes it rather obvious that he's talking about a "desert", not a "dessert".
  • #9
How old are you, zk4586?
  • #10
Wow, my mom would love to see me reading National Geographic. She's not the most educatd woman, but she has an appreciation for education.
  • #11
Originally posted by Dissident Dan
Wow, my mom would love to see me reading National Geographic. She's not the most educatd woman, but she has an appreciation for education.

Hey, you trying to make me jealous?
  • #12

Originally posted by Mentat
His post makes it rather obvious that he's talking about a "desert", not a "dessert".

My post makes it rather obvious that I'm just joking around.
Mentat or Mental...

  • #13
Originally posted by Mentat
How old are you, zk4586?

17 as of April. I'll be a senior next year. You?
  • #14
Re : My house is like an intellectual desert

zk4586, it seems to me that you do mind your house is like an intellectual desert, right?

I know how it feels because I don't think my house is an intellectual one too. All I know is that our parents want us to be educated and to be a useful person in the future. Hm.. afterall we are the one who are in control of our own lives, be positive.

Sometimes I do think it is kinda unfair and feel jealous when we see our friends or classmates whose families are intellectual and they can discuss with their families what they've learnt, but we can't make comparisons because it would be painful to compare everything you don't have with others, and keep in mind what we do have is already a lot.
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  • #15
My life at home was very different from what you are saying. I learned physics principles at dinner through questions my father would ask, such as "Do you want a positive or negative meniscus?" he would say when pouring our drinks. Whenever a guest would come over, we would have to quickly tell them to answer, "Negative!" or they would find themselves struggling to drink from a cup on the brink of overflowing.

So I can't appreciate your position, but I can tell you this, try to make the best of it. Your mom and dad won't be around forever. Talk to them about what interests them and find your intellectual stimulation elsewhere.

Life has a way of knocking the desire to improve yourself out of many people ( like your mom said, she has no desire to think about life). Try to understand that it comes from a feeling of hopelessness, the thought that there is no way to improve things. Not necessarily that she wants the same for you.
  • #16
My father used to test my attention to detail in the same way. For instance, when I asked if I could have a cookie, he might say "two" yet hold up three fingers. If I was paying attention, I'd notice his fingers and get to have 3. :smile:
  • #17
Originally posted by zk4586
17 as of April. I'll be a senior next year. You?

15, also as of April.
  • #18
Originally posted by Hurkyl
My father used to test my attention to detail in the same way. For instance, when I asked if I could have a cookie, he might say "two" yet hold up three fingers. If I was paying attention, I'd notice his fingers and get to have 3. :smile:

That is impressive.

Good pattern recognition.
  • #19
i know how you feel... it is depressing to challenge other more experianced peer in intellectual debate and be shot down only because you yourself are inexperianced. My mother and sister are more interested in trying to be "hoots" then to actually think.
  • #20
my mom encourages my education, but has different opinions about my philosopical views. she obviously would like me to join into her vauge religion and when i say that i can't, she dismisses it as "a part of the rebellious teenage nature".

FAQ: My house is like an intellectual desert

1. What does it mean when someone says "My house is like an intellectual desert"?

When someone says this phrase, they are expressing that their home or living environment lacks intellectual stimulation or thought-provoking discussions. It may also suggest that there is a lack of knowledgeable or intellectual individuals residing in the house.

2. How can a house be like an intellectual desert?

A house can be like an intellectual desert if the occupants do not engage in intellectual activities or discussions. This could be due to a lack of interest in learning or a lack of access to educational resources. It could also be caused by a disinterest in intellectual pursuits among the individuals living in the house.

3. Is "My house is like an intellectual desert" a negative or positive statement?

It can be interpreted as both negative and positive. On one hand, it may suggest that the individual feels isolated or unstimulated in their home. On the other hand, it could also imply a sense of peace and simplicity without the distractions of intellectual discussions.

4. Can living in an intellectual desert house have an impact on one's intelligence?

It is possible that living in an environment with limited intellectual stimulation could have an impact on one's intelligence. However, this would depend on the individual's own drive and motivation to seek out and engage in intellectual activities outside of the home.

5. How can one transform their house from an intellectual desert to a more intellectually stimulating environment?

One can transform their house by actively seeking out intellectual activities and discussions, such as joining book clubs or attending educational events. It may also involve surrounding oneself with intellectually curious individuals or incorporating educational resources and materials into the home.

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