NASA reports sabotage and drunk astronauts

  • NASA
  • Thread starter Ivan Seeking
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In summary, two recent reports have shed light on concerning behavior within NASA, including a NASA subcontractor sabotaging a computer intended for the international space station and astronauts flying while intoxicated. This has sparked a debate about the agency's policies and the need for stricter regulations, with some questioning the effectiveness of the current policy of no drinking within 12 hours of a flight. Safety and responsibility are crucial for NASA and its employees, and incidents like these raise concerns about the organization's ability to maintain these standards.
  • #1
Ivan Seeking
Staff Emeritus
Science Advisor
Gold Member
The unidentified employee, who works for a NASA subcontractor, cut wires inside the computer that is supposed to be delivered to the international space station by Endeavour[continued]

Aviation Week & Space Technology, a weekly trade journal, reported the finding from the panel on its Web site. The weekly said that the committee found that on at least two occasions, astronauts were allowed to fly after flight surgeons and other astronauts warned they were so intoxicated that they posed a flight-safety risk. [continued]

This probably merits two threads but both stories broke about the same time. If this causes confusion, Evo or I can split it up later.
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  • #2
I don't hold NASA in high regards, so this is no surprise to me. Actually, I care very little about NASA.
  • #3
SA reports sabotage and drunk astronauts
That's very unfortunate, but people are people. It happens in aerospace, nuclear and medical industries. Hopefully intervention by others removes such people before they do harm. In the nuclear industry, we have 'fitness for duty' requirements, and that includes random testing for drug and alcohol for those directly involved in the operation nuclear plants.

I don't hold NASA in high regards, so this is no surprise to me. Actually, I care very little about NASA.
I know and work with a number very fine people at NASA. Don't judge the organization because of the actions of a few people. NASA, like many large organization, is bureaucratic and is subject the vagaries of the NASA and federal administrations.
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  • #4
cyrusabdollahi said:
I don't hold NASA in high regards, so this is no surprise to me. Actually, I care very little about NASA.
:confused: That's a bizarre comment :confused:

Have they done something to hurt you?
  • #5
Oh, they let politics get in the way of the first shuttle blowing up, instead of looking at safety and listening to what the engineers had to say about the extreme cold. They converted their units wrong and crashed a $125 million Mars orbiter. They have diaper wearing lunatics/alcoholics for astronauts. They let G. Bush sensor what they say in their reports on the climate. Also, I saw a program on the lives of the families after the second shuttle that crashed on return. There was one woman whose husband is also an Astronaut. They were filiming his life after his wife died, and that guy was a real POS. He didnt know jack about his son, how to do anything around the house. He was like, "Yeah, I put my job before my family...but I am trying to learn about my son now". I was like wow, your son is almost 13 years old, if not older. You're a little late there my friend.

These are not traits I respect in an Organization that supposedly has the 'best and brightest'.

NASA in the 60's, now that's something to respect.
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  • #6
The converted their units wrong and crashed a $125 million Mars orbiter.
I believe that was a subcontractor, not NASA. However, it was NASA's project and there should have been better oversight.

He didnt know jack about his son, . . . .
One will find people like that in every sector of science and technology. I know a guy who realized when his daughter graduated from high school that he really didn't know her. He quit his job, which he had made a priority in his life, in order to spend more time with his family.
  • #7
My jaw hit the floor as I watched that program though. He was talking to his son, how do I cook for you? Hes making the kid crap like hot dogs. And he's talking to his son like he's a stranger. Talk about weird...

He was like, "Yeah, I'd go to work all day and come home late at night and go back to work in the morning. I'd spend almost no time with my family"
  • #8
Astronauts' Behavior Prompts NASA Policy Debate

All Things Considered, July 27, 2007 · After astronaut Lisa Nowak went on a bizarre cross-country trip that ended with an attempted assault on a romantic rival, NASA promised to review its efforts to monitor the mental health of the astronaut corps.

Now, the agency has released two reports on the issue — one of which says the agency allowed two astronauts to fly 12 hours after they had gotten drunk.

A debate!? What's to debate? You get drunk (before a flight) - you're out!

NASA needs to drop the hammer and mandate 'fitness for duty'. If you're drunk before a flight - you're unfit.

I heard someone mention that the NASA policy was no drinking 12 hrs before a flight. I am somewhat bewildered by that statement. One shouldn't be drinking days or a week or more before a flight, especially with all the prep. I am not referring to one or two drinks (e.g. beer or wine) with a meal, but rather thinking of the situation where one is drinking many drinks.

Safety is paramount and if there is suspicion of someone being drunk or under the influence while on duty, the testing should be mandatory, and anyone failing a test goes on immediate suspension. Reckless endangerment is unacceptable.
  • #9
"That's not the 'right stuff' as far as I'm concerned," said Bart Gordon, D-Tennessee.

Well said, Mr.Gordon!

I guess this story shocks me more than anything. You would think that 2 incredibly incredibly people, (the astronauts), would be sensible enough to refrain from drinking alcohol a few days before a Space Flight. They have a responsibility to the Nation be fully aware of what they are doing!
  • #10
Astronuc said:
NASA needs to drop the hammer and mandate 'fitness for duty'. If you're drunk before a flight - you're unfit.

I heard someone mention that the NASA policy was no drinking 12 hrs before a flight. I am somewhat bewildered by that statement. One shouldn't be drinking days or a week or more before a flight, especially with all the prep. I am not referring to one or two drinks (e.g. beer or wine) with a meal, but rather thinking of the situation where one is drinking many drinks.

Get this. It was reported that the 12 hour bottle to throttle rule was only applied to training missions!

NASA has a policy that prohibits any drinking in the 12 hours before an astronaut flies in a training jet - the bottle-to-throttle time - and this policy has applied to spaceflights as well. But it wasn't enforced. As a result of this new panel, the rule will be official - no drunk astronauts allowed.

This must all trace back to the original test pilots - The Right Stuff and all. Hard drinkin, hard playin thrill seekers.
  • #11
I don't understand how it was only enforced during training. That's a bit ridiculous for an organization like NASA. One would think that they wouldn't gamble with lives like that... oh and their own expensive hardware. Needless to say, they don't need any more negative attention these days. At least there were no hostages involved this time.
  • #12
z-component said:
At least there were no hostages involved this time.

...or diapers!

FAQ: NASA reports sabotage and drunk astronauts

1. What exactly happened with the NASA reports of sabotage and drunk astronauts?

NASA reported that a technician deliberately sabotaged a computer that was supposed to be used on the International Space Station, causing a delay in a mission. Additionally, there were reports of astronauts being intoxicated before launch.

2. How did this incident affect NASA's operations and reputation?

The incident caused a significant delay in a mission, which required additional resources and time to fix. It also raised concerns about the safety and reliability of NASA's operations and the behavior of its astronauts.

3. What measures were taken by NASA to address this issue?

NASA conducted a thorough investigation of the incident and implemented stricter security protocols to prevent future sabotage. They also implemented stricter rules and regulations for astronauts, including random alcohol testing before missions.

4. Were the astronauts involved in this incident punished?

Yes, the astronauts involved in the incident were reprimanded and faced disciplinary action from NASA. The technician responsible for the sabotage was also fired.

5. How does NASA ensure the safety and professionalism of its astronauts in the future?

NASA has strict screening processes and training programs in place to ensure that astronauts are fit for space missions. They also have protocols in place to address any misconduct or safety concerns. Additionally, NASA continues to review and update its policies and procedures to maintain the highest standards of safety and professionalism.

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