How Can I Modify My Fortran Code to Correctly Read an .xvg File?

In summary: Input, fnameOutput ! Added !######################################################## open (unit=10, file='rdf_42_OW_OW.xvg',action='read') open (unit=11,file='rdf_42_OW_OW.out',action='write')
  • #1
anupama sharma
TL;DR Summary
I need help in writing a Fortran code to read in the numeric data, but the file contains some character in few initial lines and later the numeric data has been written. please help me in writing the Fortran code. I will be thankful for the kind help......
I need help in writing a Fortran code to read in the numeric data, but the file contains initially some character in few initial lines and later the numeric data has been written. please help me in writing the Fortran code. I will be thankful for the kind help...
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  • #2
Maybe you can try to put an if statement to identify the difference between string and int
anupama sharma said:
but the file contains initially some character in few initial lines and later the numeric data has been written.
  • #3
hello friends,
I have written a small Fortran code to read the *.xvg file and extract the numeric data and it is working well but each time I have to modify the loop in order to read another *.xvg file. Can anybody help me in writing a more general code for the requisite work?

here is my code

program readxvg
      implicit none
      real (kind=4) x,y
      integer :: lskip,lread
      open (unit=10, file='rdf_42_OW_OW.xvg',action='read')
      open (unit=11,file='rdf_42_OW_OW.out',action='write')
      DO lskip = 1,24
         do lread=1,1834
      read (10,*)x,y
      write (11,30)x,y
      30 format (6x,f5.3,4x,f5.3)
      end program readxvg
and here is sxvg file I am working with

# This file was created Mon May 20 10:55:52 2019
# Created by:
#                    :-) GROMACS - gmx rdf, VERSION 5.1.4 (-:
# Executable:   /home/sudip/Desktop/softwares/gromacs/5.1.4/gmx_installed/bin/gmx
# Data prefix:  /home/sudip/Desktop/softwares/gromacs/5.1.4/gmx_installed
# Command line:
#   gmx rdf -f ../../traj_mod/trjconv_ctab42_nopbc.trr -s ../../../256/mdrun/em.tpr -n ../../index/N_headgrp.ndx -o rdf_42_OW_OW.xvg
# gmx rdf is part of G R O M A C S:
# Great Red Oystrich Makes All Chemists Sane
@    title "Radial distribution"
@    xaxis  label "r (nm)"
@    yaxis  label "g(r)"
@TYPE xy
@ subtitle "reference Water_&_OW"
@ view 0.15, 0.15, 0.75, 0.85
@ legend on
@ legend box on
@ legend loctype view
@ legend 0.78, 0.8
@ legend length 2
@ s0 legend "Water_&_OW"
      0.000    0.000
      0.002    0.000
      0.004    0.000
      0.006    0.000
      0.008    0.000
      0.010    0.000
      0.012    0.000
      0.014    0.000
      0.016    0.000
      0.018    0.000
      0.020    0.000
      0.022    0.000
      0.024    0.000
      0.026    0.000
      0.028    0.000
      0.030    0.000
      1.032    0.000
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  • #4
anupama sharma said:
I have written a small Fortran code to read the *.xvg file and extract the numeric data and it is working well but each time I have to modify the loop in order to read another *.xvg file. Can anybody help me in writing a more general code for the requisite work?
Here's one solution that would allow you to enter the filename of one .xvg file at a time.
Declare two character arrays of size about 30 characters in the part of your program where you declare x, y, lskip, and lread. You could call them fnameInput and fnameOutput.
Before the start of the loop body, prompt the user to enter the name of the file to read, and the name of the output file, and store these in the two variables. Use the fnameInput value in the line where you open the input file, and use fnameOutput in the line where you open the output file.

The code would look something like this:
program readxvg
      implicit none
      real (kind=4) x,y
      integer :: lskip,lread
      character(len = 30) fnameInput, fnameOutput              ! Added
      write(*, *) 'Enter the name of the input .xvg file: '        ! Added
      read (*, *) fnameInput                                                        ! Added

      write(*, *) 'Enter the name of the output file: '             ! Added
      read (*, *) fnameOutput                                                    ! Added
      open (unit=10, file=fnameInput,action='read')              ! Changed
      open (unit=11,file=fnameOutput',action='write')          ! Changed
      DO lskip = 1,24
         do lread=1,1834
      read (10,*)x,y
      write (11,30)x,y
      30 format (6x,f5.3,4x,f5.3)
end program readxvg

I don't have a Fortran compiler, so I can't verify that the above will compile correctly, but the basic idea is OK.

If you need to process multiple input files, you could embed the lines between the first write statement and the final close statement in a while loop, exiting it when the user enters a file name that is an empty string.

BTW, you are closing unit 10 -- you should also close unit 11.
  • #5
Thanks for your reply..
But this doesn't seems to work...
  • #6
Whenever i compile the code it shows error
  • #7
anupama sharma said:
Whenever i compile the code it shows error
What is the compiler error message, and what line does the compiler say the error is on? A screen shot of the error message would be helpful.
  • #8
Here I am attaching the fortran code and also the screen shot of error message...

program readxvg
implicit none
real (kind=4) x,y
integer :: lskip,lread
character(len=30) :: infile,outfile,newfile
integer :: nvals =0
integer :: sta
real :: valu

write(*, *) 'Enter the name of the input .xvg file: '
read (*, *) infile

write(*, *) 'Enter the name of the output file: '
read (*, *) outfile

open (unit=11,file='outfile',action='write')
openif: if (sta==0) then
DO lskip = 1,24
readloop: do
read(12,*,iostat=sta) x,y
write (11,*)x,y
if (sta/=0) exit
enddo readloop
readif: if (sta>0) then ! a read error occured. Tell user.
32 format (2x,'An error occurred reading line',i6)
else ! the end of data has reached. tell user
write(*,33) nvals
33 format (2x,'End of file reached. There were ',i6,&
' values in the file.')
endif readif
else openif
write (*,34) sta
34 format (2x,'error opening file: iostat = ',i6)
endif openif
close (unit=12)
close (unit=11)

end program readxvg


  • readxvg.png
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  • #9
anupama sharma said:
Whenever i compile the code it shows error
The screen shot you posted is **not** a compile error. It was an error that occurred at run time. I am adding code tags around the code you posted, below. I'm also making significant changes to your code to make it easier to read.

Again, I don't have a Fortran compiler, so can't verify that there aren't any small errors in this code, but it should be fairly close to what you're trying to do.
anupama sharma said:
Here I am attaching the fortran code and also the screen shot of error message...
program readxvg
      implicit none
      real (kind=4) x, y
      integer :: lskip, lread
      character(len=30) :: infile, outfile
      integer :: nvals =0
      integer :: sta = 0
      write(*, *) 'Enter the name of the input .xvg file: '
      read (*, *) infile

      write(*, *) 'Enter the name of the output file: '
      read (*, *) outfile

      open(unit=12,file='infile', status='old', action='read', iostat=sta)
      open (unit=11,file='outfile', action='write')
      if (sta > 0) then  ! File could not be opened. Tell user.
                Write(*, *) 'Error opening the input file'
      DO lskip = 1,24
            READ(12, *)

           read(12,*,iostat=sta) x, y
           nvals = nvals + 1         
           if (sta < 0) then      ! the end of data has reached. tell user
                write(*,33) nvals
                33 format (2x,'End of file reached. There were ',i6,&
                              ' values in the file.')
           write (11,*)x, y          

      close (unit=12)
      close (unit=11)
end program readxvg
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FAQ: How Can I Modify My Fortran Code to Correctly Read an .xvg File?

What is an .xvg file?

An .xvg file is a type of data file commonly used in scientific research, particularly in the field of molecular dynamics simulations. It contains a series of data points, typically representing the values of a variable over time.

How do I open an .xvg file?

To open an .xvg file, you will need a software program that can read and interpret the data. This may include specialized scientific software such as VMD or GROMACS, or general data analysis software like Excel or MATLAB.

What information can I find in an .xvg file?

An .xvg file can contain a variety of data, depending on the specific study or experiment it was created for. This may include information on the movement of molecules, the temperature or pressure of a system, or other variables that are being measured over time.

How do I interpret the data in an .xvg file?

Interpreting the data in an .xvg file may require some knowledge of the specific research being conducted. However, in general, the data points in the file can be plotted on a graph to visualize the trends and patterns over time.

Can I edit an .xvg file?

Yes, you can edit an .xvg file using a text editor or a software program that allows for data manipulation, such as Excel. However, it is important to be cautious when editing the file as it may affect the integrity of the data and the results of the study.

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