Need help with fast neutron absorbed dose rate

In summary, the chamber will be exposed to a uniform beam of fast neutrons with a fluence rate per unit energy of (10^5 n /cm^2 s MeV) in the energy range of 0.1 to 10 MeV. The dominant reaction in the chamber walls is elastic scatter with hydrogen, and the microscopic cross-section for hydrogen scatter with neutrons in the energy range 0.1 to 10 MeV is approximated by: σ(E)= (4.83/E^0.5)-0.578
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Hello everyone. I need a hint of how to do the following question. I spent long time trying to solve and I could not do it.

An ionization chamber that will be used to measure fast neutron absorbed dose rate consists of
ethylene (C2H4) gas at a density of (1.2×10^-4 g/cm^3) enclosed by polyethylene (C2H4)n walls in a parallel-plate geometry, where the active volume of the chamber is 5 cm^3. The atom density for hydrogen in polyethylene is 8.6×1022 atoms per gram.The chamber will be exposed to a uniform beam of fast neutrons with a fluence rate per unit energy of (10^5 n /cm^2 s MeV) in the energy range of 0.1 to 10 MeV. The dominant reaction in the chamber walls is elastic scatter with hydrogen, and the microscopic cross-section for hydrogen scatter with neutrons in the energy range 0.1 to 10 MeV is approximated by:

σ(E)= (4.83/E^0.5)-0.578​

where neutron energy E has units of MeV and σ(E) has units of barns. For a given neutron
energy E, the average energy for a scattered proton is E / 2. The chamber walls are thick enough
to achieve charged particle equilibrium for the scattered protons, and offer negligible attenuation
to the incident fast neutrons. The stopping powers for scattered protons in the chamber wall and
in the chamber gas are equal.

What is the expected absorbed dose rate (in units of MeV/g*s ) to the chamber wall
due to the fast neutron irradiation as described above?
Physics news on
  • #2
Try to write a description for 'absorbed dose' and then write an equation for 'absorbed dose'. This is why we request students to write problem statements and relevant equations.

In computing an absorbed dose, one must consider the 'reaction rate' and the energy absorbed per reaction. The reaction rate is a function of atomic density, neutron density and microscopic cross-section.

Dose rate implies dose per unit time, and since there is an energy spectrum, one must integrate over the energy range, or use the average energy per interaction.

Typically one would use a Monte Carlo method since a fast neutron may have one, two or more interactions before it scatters out of the fast energy range.
  • #3
Thank you so much for your quick response. I will try to do it and i will response later. Thank you again
  • #4
  • #5

Hello again Mr.Astronuc.
Can you check if this is the correct way to day as I attached my solution.
Thank you again


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FAQ: Need help with fast neutron absorbed dose rate

1. What is fast neutron absorbed dose rate?

Fast neutron absorbed dose rate is a measure of the amount of energy deposited by fast neutrons in a material per unit time. It is typically expressed in units of gray per hour (Gy/h).

2. Why is it important to measure fast neutron absorbed dose rate?

Fast neutron absorbed dose rate is important because exposure to high levels of fast neutrons can cause significant damage to biological tissues and materials. Therefore, it is crucial to accurately measure and monitor this parameter in environments where fast neutrons are present, such as in nuclear power plants or during radiation therapy.

3. How is fast neutron absorbed dose rate measured?

Fast neutron absorbed dose rate is typically measured using specialized instruments such as fast neutron dosimeters, which are designed to detect and quantify the energy deposited by fast neutrons in a given material. These dosimeters may use various techniques, such as activation detectors or thermoluminescent dosimeters, to measure fast neutron dose rate.

4. What factors can affect fast neutron absorbed dose rate?

Fast neutron absorbed dose rate can be affected by various factors, including the type and energy of the neutron source, the distance from the source, the type and thickness of the material being irradiated, and the presence of shielding materials. It is important to consider these factors when measuring and interpreting fast neutron dose rates.

5. How can fast neutron absorbed dose rate be minimized?

Fast neutron absorbed dose rate can be minimized by using appropriate shielding materials, maintaining a safe distance from the neutron source, and limiting the exposure time. It is also important to follow proper safety protocols and regulations when working with fast neutrons to minimize potential health risks.
