New Geometrical Polar-Ring Solution for Magic Numbered Nuclei

In summary: We see, that they are built up out of 2 or more generations of thesubmagic nuclei. For example, the next nucleus after Pb126, whichshould be stable, is 178, and 178 is an integration of two 108submagic nuclei. In summary, the new geometrical polar-ring solution for magic numbered nuclei suggests that each magic numbered nucleon has a polar axis occupied by an even number of nucleons, with concentric symmetrical rings perpendicular to the axis and occupied by even numbers of nucleons. This solution also proposes the potential existence of new magic numbers, 178 and 244, and the study of intermediate "jump" situations between these structures. Additionally, there are two types of
  • #1
New Geometrical Polar-Ring Solution for Magic Numbered Nuclei.

It is well known that if the neutron- or proton number within atomic nuclei have the following quantities (2, 8, 20, 28, 50, 82 and 126: the magic numbers), then the atoms are showing a more than average stability. As an example, the element lead PB126 is an integration of two T= 82 and T=126 structures. (figure B)see:

For this new solution: Each magic numbered nucleon is supposed to have a polar axis which is occupied by an even number of nucleons.
This axis is the centre of the coaxial placed symmetrical and globular system of circular trajectories or rings.
The planes of the rings are supposed to be concentric symmetrical and perpendicular to the polar axis.
Each circular trajectory is occupied by even numbers of nucleons, as represented in the figures below.
These figures have to be interpreted as central sections over the axis of the globular nucleus.
The magic number nuclei with 82 and 126 nucleons have a second "concentric inner system" of nucleons.
Number T=82 has only one inner ring with 6 nucleons, and number T=126 has three inner rings with respectively 6,8, and 6 nucleons.

Based on this growing system we may construct and suggest the next magic numbers= 178 and 244.
It would be interesting to study on the intermediate transitional "jump" situations in nature, between these structures.
See the figure B:
There are 7 magic numbered ATOM NUCLEI systematically represented, as a central section through the axis of the more or less globular nucleus, starting with nucleon number: T=2, and in succession T=8, 20.28.50,82 and 126.
The dot sign represents an axial located nucleon.

There are two types of circular located nucleons:

Type A: outer ring located Nucleons: represented in figure B as a closed rectangular with a number X enclosed. This represents a circular trajectory (ring) occupied by X nucleons, concentric with he polar axis of the nucleon.

Type B: so called Inner ring located Nucleons: represented in figure B as a closed rectangular with an internal horizontal striping and an external located number Y. This represents a circular trajectory occupied by Y nucleons, concentric with the polar axis of the nucleon.
For T=2, there are 2 axial nucleons.
For T=8, There are 2 axial nucleons, and 6 ring nucleons= 8.or, as an alternative: 4 axial nucleons, and 4 ring nucleons=8 nucleons.
For T=20, There are 6 axial nucleons, and 14: (4+6+4) ring nucleons= 20 nucleons.
For T=28, there are 8 axial nucleons, and 20: (6+8+6) ring nucleons=28 nucleons.
For T=50, there are 12 axial nucleons, and 38:(6+8+10+8+6) ring nucleons.
For T=82, there are 16 axial nucleons, and 66: (6+8+10+12+10+8+6)+ (6:in the inner ring) ring nucleons=82 nucleons.
For T=126, There are 20 axial nucleons, and 106: (6+8+10+12+14+12+10+8+6)+(6+8+6: in the inner ring)=126 nucleons.

As a result: we may assume that all nucleons should have more or less the same combined structure of Axial and Concentric Ring located Nucleons, as the origin of atomic up or down polarity.
Science news on
  • #2
I made additions to my original article with solutions for so called
Sub-Magic nucleons, see below.

Geometrical Polar-Ring Solution for Magic Numbered Nuclei.

It is well known that if the neutron- or proton number within atomic
nuclei have the following quantities (2, 8, 20, 28, 50, 82 and 126:
the magic numbers), then the atoms are showing a more than average
stability. As an example, the element lead PB126 is an integration of
two T= 82 and T=126 structures. (figure B)see:

Each magic numbered nucleon is supposed to have a polar axis which is
occupied by an even number of nucleons.
This axis is the centre of the coaxial placed symmetrical and
globular system of circular trajectories or rings.
The planes of the rings are supposed to be concentric and
perpendicular to the polar axis.
Each circular trajectory is occupied by even numbers of nucleons, as
represented in the figures below.
These figures have to be interpreted as central sections over the
axis of the globular nucleus.
The magic number nuclei with 82 and 126 nucleons have a
second "concentric inner system" of nucleons.
Number T=82 has only one inner ring with 6 nucleons, and number T=126
has three inner rings with respectively 6,8, and 6 nucleons.

Based on this growing system we may construct and suggest the next
magic numbers= 178 and 244.
It would be interesting to study on the intermediate
transitional "jump" situations in nature, between these structures.
See the figure B:
There are 7 magic numbered ATOM NUCLEI systematically represented, as
a central section through the axis of the more or less globular
nucleus, starting with nucleon number: T=2, and in succession T=8,
20.28.50,82 and 126.
The dot sign represents an axial located nucleon.

There are two types of circular located nucleons:

Type A: outer ring located Nucleons: represented in figure B as a
closed rectangular with a number X enclosed. This represents a
circular trajectory (ring) occupied by X nucleons, concentric with he
polar axis of the nucleon.

Type B: so called Inner ring located Nucleons: represented in figure
B as a closed rectangular with an internal horizontal striping and an
external located number Y. This represents a circular trajectory
occupied by Y nucleons, concentric with the polar axis of the nucleon.
For T=2, there are 2 axial nucleons.
For T=8, There are 2 axial nucleons, and 6 ring nucleons= 8. Or, as
an alternative: 4 axial nucleons, and 4 ring nucleons=8 nucleons.
For T=20, There are 6 axial nucleons, and 14: (4+6+4) ring nucleons=
20 nucleons. Or, as an alternative : 4 axial nucleons and 2x8 ring
For T=28, there are 8 axial nucleons, and 20: (6+8+6) ring
nucleons=28 nucleons.
For T=50, there are 12 axial nucleons, and 38:(6+8+10+8+6) ring
For T=82, there are 16 axial nucleons, and 66: (6+8+10+12+10+8+6)+
(6:in the inner ring) ring nucleons=82 nucleons.
For T=126, There are 20 axial nucleons, and 106:
(6+8+10+12+14+12+10+8+6)+(6+8+6: in the inner ring)=126 nucleons.

As a result: we may assume that all nucleons should have more or
less the same combined structure of Axial and Concentric Ring
located Nucleons, as the origin of atomic up or down polarity.

So called submagic nuclei, are nuclei which show also a more than
average stability, but less manifest than the magic numbered nuclei.
The numbers found by experiments seem to be: 14,
38,40,64,108,114,120,152, and 162. If we look at the 7 magic numbered
nucleons (see also figure B ), it is
obvious that it represents 7 special Polar/Ring shaped moments within
a growing nuclear scheme. As a consequence, there should be
intermediate geometrical structures possible between the seven
different cross sections given in the figure B, with equatorial
symmetry and more or less deformed globular structures.

For T=14, it is assumed that there are 6 axial nucleons and 8 ring

For T=38, there are 10 axial nucleons and 28 (6+8+8+6) ring

For T=40, there are 12 axial nucleons, and 28 (6+8+8+6) ring

For T= 64, there are 16 axial nucleons and 48 (6+8+10+10+8+6) ring

For T=108, there are 18 axial nucleons and 90 (6+8+10+12+12+10+8+6) +
(6+6+6: in the inner ring).

T=114, is assumed to be basically identical with T=126, however
with subtraction of the two inner rings occupied with each 6

T=120, is assumed to be also corresponding with T=126, however with
extension of 2 extra axial nucleons (22 total) and with subtraction
of the single inner ring occupied with 8 nucleons.

T=152, is assumed to be also corresponding with T=126, however with
extension of 4 extra axial nucleons (24 total) and with addition of
an extra "double equatorial ring " (8+14=22 nucleons) adding 26 extra
nucleons to the T=126 nucleus.

T=162, is assumed to be corresponding with T=126, however with
extension of 4 extra axial nucleons (24 total) and with addition of
2x double equatorial rings (8+14+14+8=44 nucleons) and under
subtraction of two inner rings of 6 nucleons. As a result this
nucleus should have a cylindrical non-globular form elongated along
the nuclear axis.

(see; Figure B. .The schematic
geometrical representation of these nucleons placed in magic number
  • #3
As I expected, I found also possible geometrical solutions for "sub
magic numbered" nuclei.with the nucleon numbers: 14,
38,40,64,108,114,120,152, and 162.
So I extended my original article, see below.

Geometrical Polar-Ring Solution for Magic Numbered Nuclei.

It is well known that if the neutron- or proton number within atomic
nuclei have the following quantities (2, 8, 20, 28, 50, 82 and 126:
the magic numbers), then the atoms are showing a more than average
stability. As an example, the element lead PB126 is an integration of
two T= 82 and T=126 structures. (figure B)see:

Each magic numbered nucleon is supposed to have a polar axis which is
occupied by an even number of nucleons.
This axis is the centre of the coaxial placed symmetrical and
globular system of circular trajectories or rings.
The planes of the rings are supposed to be concentric and
perpendicular to the polar axis.
Each circular trajectory is occupied by even numbers of nucleons, as
represented in the figures below.
These figures have to be interpreted as central sections over the
axis of the globular nucleus.
The magic number nuclei with 82 and 126 nucleons have a
second "concentric inner system" of nucleons.
Number T=82 has only one inner ring with 6 nucleons, and number T=126
has three inner rings with respectively 6,8, and 6 nucleons.

Based on this growing system we may construct and suggest the next
magic numbers= 178 and 244.
It would be interesting to study on the intermediate
transitional "jump" situations in nature, between these structures.
See the figure B:
There are 7 magic numbered ATOM NUCLEI systematically represented, as
a central section through the axis of the more or less globular
nucleus, starting with nucleon number: T=2, and in succession T=8,
20.28.50,82 and 126.
The dot sign represents an axial located nucleon.

There are two types of circular located nucleons:

Type A: outer ring located Nucleons: represented in figure B as a
closed rectangular with a number X enclosed. This represents a
circular trajectory (ring) occupied by X nucleons, concentric with he
polar axis of the nucleon.

Type B: so called Inner ring located Nucleons: represented in figure
B as a closed rectangular with an internal horizontal striping and an
external located number Y. This represents a circular trajectory
occupied by Y nucleons, concentric with the polar axis of the nucleon.
For T=2, there are 2 axial nucleons.
For T=8, There are 2 axial nucleons, and 6 ring nucleons= 8. Or, as
an alternative: 4 axial nucleons, and 4 ring nucleons=8 nucleons.
For T=20, There are 6 axial nucleons, and 14: (4+6+4) ring nucleons=
20 nucleons. Or, as an alternative : 4 axial nucleons and 2x8 ring
For T=28, there are 8 axial nucleons, and 20: (6+8+6) ring
nucleons=28 nucleons.
For T=50, there are 12 axial nucleons, and 38:(6+8+10+8+6) ring
For T=82, there are 16 axial nucleons, and 66: (6+8+10+12+10+8+6)+
(6:in the inner ring) ring nucleons=82 nucleons.
For T=126, There are 20 axial nucleons, and 106:
(6+8+10+12+14+12+10+8+6)+(6+8+6: in the inner ring)=126 nucleons.

As a result: we may assume that all nucleons should have more or
less the same combined structure of Axial and Concentric Ring
located Nucleons, as the origin of atomic up or down polarity.

So called submagic nuclei, are nuclei which show also a more than
average stability, but less manifest than the magic numbered nuclei.
The numbers found by experiments seem to be: 14,
38,40,64,108,114,120,152, and 162. If we look at the 7 magic numbered
nucleons (see also figure B ), it is
obvious that it represents 7 special Polar/Ring shaped moments within
a growing nuclear scheme. As a consequence, there should be
intermediate geometrical structures possible between the seven
different cross sections given in the figure B, with equatorial
symmetry and more or less deformed globular structures.

For T=14, it is assumed that there are 6 axial nucleons and 8 ring

For T=38, there are 10 axial nucleons and 28 (6+8+8+6) ring

For T=40, there are 12 axial nucleons, and 28 (6+8+8+6) ring

For T= 64, there are 16 axial nucleons and 48 (6+8+10+10+8+6) ring

For T=108, there are 18 axial nucleons and 90 (6+8+10+12+12+10+8+6) +
(6+6+6: in the inner ring).

T=114, is assumed to be basically identical with T=126, however
with subtraction of the two inner rings occupied with each 6

T=120, is assumed to be also corresponding with T=126, however with
extension of 2 extra axial nucleons (22 total) and with subtraction
of the single inner ring occupied with 8 nucleons.

T=152, is assumed to be also corresponding with T=126, however with
extension of 4 extra axial nucleons (24 total) and with addition of
an extra "double equatorial ring " (8+14=22 nucleons) adding 26 extra
nucleons to the T=126 nucleus.

T=162, is assumed to be corresponding with T=126, however with
extension of 4 extra axial nucleons (24 total) and with addition of
2x double equatorial rings (8+14+14+8=44 nucleons) and under
subtraction of two inner rings of 6 nucleons. As a result this
nucleus should have a cylindrical non-globular form elongated along
the nuclear axis.

(see; Figure B. The schematic geometrical representation of these
nucleons placed in magic number nuclei)


FAQ: New Geometrical Polar-Ring Solution for Magic Numbered Nuclei

1. What is a "New Geometrical Polar-Ring Solution"?

A "New Geometrical Polar-Ring Solution" is a mathematical model used to explain the structure of certain nuclei, specifically those with a magic number of protons or neutrons. It proposes that these nuclei have a polar ring of particles surrounding a spherical core, resembling a planet with rings.

2. What are "Magic Numbered Nuclei"?

"Magic Numbered Nuclei" are nuclei that have a stable configuration due to having a specific number of protons or neutrons. These numbers are considered "magic" because they have a stronger binding energy and therefore, are more stable than other configurations.

3. How is this new solution different from previous theories?

Previous theories focused on the shell model, which explains the organization of protons and neutrons within the nucleus. The new solution proposes a polar-ring structure, which adds an additional layer of understanding to the overall nuclear structure.

4. What evidence supports this new solution?

The new solution is supported by experimental evidence from nuclear scattering experiments, as well as theoretical calculations. It also explains the properties and behavior of magic numbered nuclei more accurately than previous theories.

5. What applications does this new solution have?

This new solution has potential applications in nuclear physics, as it helps to better understand the structure and behavior of magic numbered nuclei. It could also have applications in other fields such as materials science, where understanding the properties of nuclei is important for developing new materials.

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