Non-equilibrium Statistical Mechanics of Liquids

In summary, Non-equilibrium Statistical Mechanics of Liquids is a branch of physics that studies the behavior of liquids under non-equilibrium conditions, such as when they are subjected to external forces or temperature gradients. It involves the application of statistical mechanics principles to understand the macroscopic properties of liquids and their dynamic processes. This field has important applications in various areas, including materials science, chemical engineering, and biophysics, and has led to the development of new theoretical and computational tools for studying liquid systems.
  • #1
TL;DR Summary
Do I need triple and higher correlation functions in this equations to make non-Equilibrium kinetic models that describe liquids?
Molecular Transport equations for Liquids are harder to compute than that for gases, because intermolecular interactions are far more important in liquids. A System of equations for particle Distribution function and the correlation functions (BBGKY-Hierarchy) is used in General. For gases, it is possible to derive e.g. the Boltzmann equation from the BBGKY-hierarchy. The structure of this hierarchy is given by

d/dt f_n + L_n f_n = C_n(f_(n+1))

with n-particle Distribution function f_n, n-particle Liouville Operator L_n and the n-particle collision Operator C_n that depends on the next higher Partition function f_(n+1). We can do an Expansion for the n-particle Distribution in Terms of correlation functions, e.g. f_2(x_1,x_2) = f_1(x_1) f_1(x_2)+g_2(x_1,x_2) for a two-body correlation function g_2 and Phase-space coordinates x. After some calculus, we can obtain equation of Motion for every correlation function.

Frequently I have heard that in liquids, the thermal kinetic Energy (that is kT) of a molecule is of similar magnitude as the interparticle interaction Energy. Also the collision Operator scales with particle number density times the effective volume of a particle (that is the volume it occupies and the volume, where it can attract other particles); in liquids this quantity cannot be assumed as a small perturbation. Some People say because of These reasons the hierarchy would couple to third and higher order correlations; this would make the calculations extremely complicated.

But can we develop a kinetic equation valid for liquids without incorporating higher correlation functions? When we say g_3 = 0 we have a closed set of equations. The Terms that account for intermolecular interactions would be

- A mean field force term, where the potential is averaged over the particle Distribution function (see also Vlasov equation, Hartree-Fock method, ...)
- A 2-body correlation term that couples to the inter-particle potential, but also accounts for the Motion of particles in an effective potential

One note to the 2-body correlation term: There will be a linear equation for g_2 in the form

A*g_2 = S

where S is the source of correlation dependent on Partition function and A is an effective Liouville Operator containing also the interparticle potential. The Operator A can, due to effective potential, Shield the particle from getting correlations with other particles. Would a Theory up to 2-body correlations predict characteristic Parameters of a simple liquid like viscosity, thermal conductivity, … with sufficient accuracy? Or are many-body correlations mandatory for having not too large Deviation of transport quantities from the experimental values?
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  • #2
Start with this book:

But I would say the history of theories using only 2-body correlations for liquids is not great. Sometimes things work, sometimes they don't, and I don't think people have had much success predicting ahead of time which it's going to be.
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  • #3
Dear Mr. Grayce,

thank you very much for your Reply! In which cases a kinetic model that incorporates only 2-body correlations is sufficient for liquids? Is it sufficient for Special types of liquids?

And models that have 3-body correlations, but neglecting (or only roughly modeling) 4-body and higher order correlations? Will they have much better accuracy or are These still inaccurate, too?

A Reply I would highly acknowledge.
  • #4
I just wanted to point out that one of the simplest and best studied liquids is the "Fermi liquid" for which a Boltzmann equation can be derived and inclusion of only two body interactions is a good approximation.

FAQ: Non-equilibrium Statistical Mechanics of Liquids

1. What is non-equilibrium statistical mechanics of liquids?

Non-equilibrium statistical mechanics of liquids is a branch of physics that studies the behavior of liquids that are not in thermodynamic equilibrium. It involves understanding how liquids evolve and change over time, and the underlying physical processes that govern these changes.

2. What are some examples of non-equilibrium phenomena in liquids?

Examples of non-equilibrium phenomena in liquids include diffusion, flow, and phase transitions. These are processes that involve the movement and rearrangement of particles in the liquid, and are driven by external forces or gradients in temperature, pressure, or concentration.

3. How is non-equilibrium statistical mechanics different from equilibrium statistical mechanics?

Equilibrium statistical mechanics deals with systems that are in a steady state, where the macroscopic properties of the system do not change over time. Non-equilibrium statistical mechanics, on the other hand, deals with systems that are constantly evolving and changing, and therefore requires the use of time-dependent equations and concepts such as irreversibility and fluctuations.

4. What are some applications of non-equilibrium statistical mechanics of liquids?

Non-equilibrium statistical mechanics of liquids has a wide range of applications in various fields, including materials science, chemical engineering, and biophysics. It is used to understand and predict the behavior of liquids in industrial processes, biological systems, and environmental conditions.

5. What are some current research topics in non-equilibrium statistical mechanics of liquids?

Some current research topics in non-equilibrium statistical mechanics of liquids include the study of active matter, which involves the behavior of self-propelled particles in liquids, and the development of new theoretical and computational methods to better understand and model complex non-equilibrium systems.

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