Nonconservative work kinetic friction problem

In summary: Objects A and B are moving at the same speed so their kinetic energy is the same. However, because A's surface is flat and B's surface is not, the force of friction is greater on B's surface. This causes B's kinetic energy to be greater than A's, and the result is that m_A = m_B.
  • #1
This isn't homework. I'm reviewing physics after many years of neglect. As with most of my posts, I made this problem up.

Let object A have mass [itex]m_A[/itex] and object B have mass [itex]m_B[/itex]. One of A's surfaces is flat, as is one of B's. These flat surfaces are in contact and slide relative to each other in a straight line for a distance, x, experiencing kinetic friction. The kinetic friction, of magnitude f, is constant and is the only force acting on A or B in the direction of motion, and the only other forces acting on A and B are the normal forces pressing the surfaces together. The normal forces are assumed to be equal and opposite, so that the only acceleration of the objects is in the direction of friction. No net force acts on the center of mass.

During a finite time interval, the speed of each surface relative to the other decreases from [itex]v_i[/itex] to [itex]v_f[/itex] due to friction. The nonconservative work done by each surface on the other is [itex]W_{noncons} = -fx[/itex] since each surface experiences the same displacement and the magnitude of the frictional force exerted by each surface on the other is the same since the two frictional forces comprise a force/reaction force pair.

Therefore the change in kinetic energy of A, [itex]\Delta K_A[/itex] as seen from B's restframe is equal to the change in kinetic energy of B, [itex]\Delta K_B[/itex], as seen from A's restframe, since we are assuming that no other forces accelerate the objects.

Therefore [itex]\frac{1}{2}m_A v_{f}^{2} - \frac{1}{2}m_A v_{i}^{2} = \Delta K_A = \Delta K_B = \frac{1}{2}m_B v_{f}^{2} - \frac{1}{2}m_B v_{i}^{2} \Rightarrow m_A = m_B[/itex], an absurd result.

Something's wrong and it's driving me crazy! Please help me find the error in this reasoning, thanks.
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  • #2
Try analyzing things from an inertial frame. Since the objects are accelerating, their rest frames are non-inertial.
  • #3
Thank you! It was staring me in the face.

FAQ: Nonconservative work kinetic friction problem

1. What is nonconservative work in a kinetic friction problem?

Nonconservative work refers to the work done by a force that depends on the path taken by an object. In a kinetic friction problem, this force is the force of friction, which acts in the opposite direction of motion and dissipates energy as heat.

2. How is kinetic friction different from static friction in nonconservative work?

Kinetic friction occurs when an object is already in motion and sliding against another surface, while static friction occurs when an object is at rest and trying to overcome the initial resistance to motion. In nonconservative work, kinetic friction results in energy being dissipated, while static friction does not.

3. How does the coefficient of friction affect nonconservative work in a kinetic friction problem?

The coefficient of friction, which is a measure of the roughness of the surfaces in contact, affects the magnitude of the force of friction and therefore the amount of work done. A higher coefficient of friction means a greater force of friction and more energy being dissipated as heat.

4. Can nonconservative work be negative in a kinetic friction problem?

Yes, nonconservative work can be negative when the force of friction is acting in the same direction as the motion of the object. In this case, the object is losing energy due to the frictional force, resulting in a negative work value.

5. How can one calculate the nonconservative work in a kinetic friction problem?

The nonconservative work done by the force of friction can be calculated by multiplying the magnitude of the frictional force by the distance the object travels along the surface. This can be represented by the equation W = Ff*d, where W is the work, Ff is the force of friction, and d is the distance traveled.

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