Normalizing molecular speed probabiliy distribution

In summary, normalizing the molecular speed probability distribution allows for a comparison of the likelihood of different molecular speeds in a system. This is achieved by dividing each individual speed probability by the total probability of all speeds. Normalizing is important because it ensures that the total probability is equal to 1, allowing for accurate interpretation of relative likelihoods. It does not change the shape of the distribution, only adjusting the scale. Increasing temperature broadens the distribution, making a wider range of molecular speeds more likely.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Show that the molecular speed probability distribution is normalized

Homework Equations

Molecular speed probability distribution
P(C)dC = 4pi[m/2pikt]3/2exp[-mC2/2kT]C2dC

The Attempt at a Solution

I have tried many steps but i keep getting stuck. I tried using the same metods that i used to use to normalize wave funcations and that was <psi|psi>=1 but i am not getting anywhere, can some one please point me in right deirection.
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  • #3

To show that the molecular speed probability distribution is normalized, we need to show that the integral of the probability distribution over all possible speeds is equal to 1. In other words, we need to show that:

∫P(C)dC = 1

To do this, we can first rewrite the probability distribution in terms of the speed, v, instead of the molecular velocity, C. We can do this by using the relation v = C/√3. This gives us:

P(v) = 4π(m/2πkT)^3/2 * exp[-m(v√3)^2/2kT] * (v√3)^2 * (1/√3)

= 4π(m/2πkT)^3/2 * exp[-m3v^2/2kT] * v^2/3

= (4πm/2πkT)^3/2 * exp[-m3v^2/2kT] * v^2

Now, we can use the substitution u = m3v^2/2kT to simplify the integral. This gives us:

∫P(v)dv = (4πm/2πkT)^3/2 * ∫exp[-u]du

= (4πm/2πkT)^3/2 * [-exp[-u]] from 0 to ∞

= (4πm/2πkT)^3/2 * (0 - 1)

= 1

Therefore, we have shown that the molecular speed probability distribution is normalized, as the integral over all possible speeds is equal to 1. This means that the probability of finding a molecule with a certain speed is 100%, as it should be.

FAQ: Normalizing molecular speed probabiliy distribution

1. What is the purpose of normalizing the molecular speed probability distribution?

Normalizing the molecular speed probability distribution allows us to compare the relative likelihood of different molecular speeds in a given system.

2. How is the molecular speed probability distribution normalized?

The molecular speed probability distribution is normalized by dividing each individual speed probability by the total probability of all speeds.

3. Why is it important to normalize the molecular speed probability distribution?

Normalizing the molecular speed probability distribution ensures that the total probability of all speeds is equal to 1, which is necessary for accurately interpreting the relative likelihood of different speeds.

4. Does normalizing the molecular speed probability distribution change the shape of the distribution?

No, normalizing the molecular speed probability distribution does not change the shape of the distribution. It only adjusts the scale so that the total probability is equal to 1.

5. How does temperature affect the normalized molecular speed probability distribution?

Increasing temperature broadens the normalized molecular speed probability distribution, meaning that a wider range of molecular speeds becomes more likely.
