Nth derivative of a trignometric function

In summary, the conversation discusses a problem involving finding the pattern of the derivative of a function with a product involved. It is suggested to write out the first few derivatives and observe the pattern, with the reminder that the value of the derivative at x=0 is the only information needed.
  • #1
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By looking at the question, I can see that the number of terms of the derivative of this function is increasing exponentially, but since there's a product involved, I'm having problem finding a pattern..But i can see it has something to do with the odd/eveness of the order of derivative.

Any help would be appreciated


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  • #2
What usually helps with these problems is writing out the first few derivatives of the function. You should be able to notice the pattern, but until you do, keep differentiating.
  • #3
Notice that you are only asked for the value of that derivative at x= 0. That pattern might be much easier to spot (and prove) than the general derivative.