Exploring Nuclear Energy Levels: Shell Model

In summary, the conversation discusses the potential inside the nucleus assumed to be harmonic oscillator potential and its value, as well as the Woods-Saxon potential. The use of spin-orbit coupling in the independent particle nuclear shell model is also mentioned. The conversation includes the Schrodinger's equation for the Quantum Harmonic oscillator and the calculation of nuclear energy levels without spin-orbit coupling. The relationship between quantum numbers and energy levels is also discussed. Finally, the conversation concludes with a discussion on finding the correct magic numbers for energy levels without spin-orbit coupling.
  • #1
I am trying to explain nuclear energy levels in terms of Shell model and I hope that you guys would assist me through this-
1. The potential which exists inside the nucleus is assumed to be harmonic oscillator potential and it's value is obviously given by [tex]V(r)=\frac{1}{2}m\omega ^2r^2[/tex] However in my friend's note it is given as[tex] V(r)= -V_{o}+\frac{1}{2}m\omega ^2r^2[/tex] I don't know whether my friend's note is correct or not as I couldnot understand his equation at all.
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  • #2
The constant V_0 is correct in that simple model, but it doesn't affect the order of the energy levels.
It is there because the potential is ot necessarily zero at the origin.
  • #3
independent particle nuclear shell model...

That potential is part of the independent particle nuclear shell model.

Harmonic oscillator potential:
[tex]V(r) = \frac{1}{2} m \omega^2 r^2[/tex]

According to Wikipedia, a 'more realistic' potential is the Woods–Saxon potential.

Woods–Saxon potential:
[tex]V(r) = -\frac{V_0}{1 + \exp(\frac{r - R}{a})}[/tex]

http://gcm.ac.in/downloads/elearning/Nuclear Shell Model.pdf"
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  • #4
So, which one will be better for me to use, the first one or the second one?
  • #5
The HO potential has simple wave functions and energy levels, helpful in identifying shell model states. The W-S potential has to be treated numerically. You do have to add a spin-orbit term (L.S)
to the HO to get the correct energy levels and states.
  • #6
Now, I am trying to find the nuclear energy levels without spin orbit coupling which goes like this-(correct me if I have made some mistakes here-)
The Schrodinger's equation for the Quantum harmonic oscillator is given by-
[tex]-\frac{\hbar^2}{2m}\triangledown ^2\psi (r)+\frac{1}{2}m\omega ^2r^2\psi(r)=E\psi(r)[/tex]
Solving this equation we have the quantum energy levels of the harmonic oscillator given by
On solving the radial and angular parts of this equation we get the quantum numbers [tex]n_{r}[/tex] and l which are related to n as [tex]n=2n_{r}+l-2[/tex] where [tex]n_{r}=1,2,3...[/tex] and l=0,1,2... are known as s,p,d,f,g... (orbitals of the nucleon)
The occupancy of the nucleons in nucleus is given by 2(2l+1) and I calculated different states and occupancy as
for n=0 I got 1s state with occupancy 2
for n=1 I got states 1s and 1p with occupancy 6
for n=2 I got states 1d and 2s with occupancy 12
for n=3 I got states 1f and 2p with occupancy 20
for n=4 I got states 1g,2d and 3s with occupancy 30
Now the problem is I just couldnot draw these energy levels like the one we have in the case of energy levels of nucleons after spin orbit coupling
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  • #7
The L.S coupling makes the J=L+S state lie lower than the J=L-S state. This changes the numbers because the ten 2d states split into 6 and then 4. By n= 2 (or maybe n=3), the 3d_5/2 lies lower than the 2p_1/2.
The common counting of states lists them so that what you call
1s and 1p for your n=1 are called 2s and 2p, and so on.
  • #8
nuclear shell model quantum energy level...

The equation that I derived including spin orbit coupling is...

Nuclear spin quantum number:
[tex]s = \frac{1}{2}[/tex]

Nuclear shell model quantum energy level:
[tex]\boxed{E_{nljs} = \hbar \omega \left[ \left( (2n_r + l - 2) + \frac{3}{2} \right) + C_1 \cdot l(l + 1) + \frac{C_2}{2} \left( j(j + 1) - l(l + 1) - s \left( s + 1 \right) \right) \right]}[/tex]

Nuclear shell model constants:
[tex]C_1 = -0.0225[/tex] - spherical harmonic constant
[tex]C_2 = -0.1[/tex] - spin orbit coupling constant

http://gcm.ac.in/downloads/elearning/Nuclear Shell Model.pdf"
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  • #9
Thanks,but the suggestions given by you guys is regarding spin orbit coupling. I am trying to draw only the energy levels without spin orbit coupling from the states and occupancy I have calculated.
  • #10
Then your post #4 is it, but it won't give the right magic numbers.
  • #11
roshan2004 said:
Thanks,but the suggestions given by you guys is regarding spin orbit coupling. I am trying to draw only the energy levels without spin orbit coupling from the states and occupancy I have calculated.

Even without spin orbit coupling there is a spherical harmonic constant resulting from degeneracy of states with different orbital angular_momentum quantum numbers.

Principal quantum number:
[tex]N = (2n_r + l - 2)[/tex]

[tex]n_r[/tex] - radial quantum number
[tex]l[/tex] - orbital angular_momentum quantum number

Nuclear shell model quantum energy level without spin orbit coupling:
[tex]\boxed{E_{nl} = \hbar \omega \left[ \left( (2n_r + l - 2) + \frac{3}{2} \right) + C_1 \cdot l(l + 1) \right]}[/tex]

[tex]C_1 = -0.0225[/tex] - spherical harmonic constant

Integration via substitution:
[tex]N_N = (N + 1)(N + 2) = ((2n_r + l - 2) + 1)((2n_r + l - 2) + 2) = (2n_r + l)(2n_r + l - 1)[/tex]

Number of occupied quantum states:
[tex]\boxed{N_N = (2n_r + l)(2n_r + l - 1)}[/tex]

http://gcm.ac.in/downloads/elearning/Nuclear Shell Model.pdf"
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Related to Exploring Nuclear Energy Levels: Shell Model

1. What is the shell model in nuclear energy?

The shell model in nuclear energy refers to a theoretical model used to describe and understand the structure of atomic nuclei. It proposes that the protons and neutrons in a nucleus are arranged in energy levels, or shells, similar to the electrons in an atom. The shell model helps to explain the stability and behavior of different isotopes of elements.

2. How does the shell model explain nuclear energy levels?

The shell model explains nuclear energy levels by organizing the protons and neutrons in a nucleus into distinct energy levels. These energy levels are similar to the electron orbitals in an atom, and they determine the stability and behavior of the nucleus. The shell model also shows that certain energy levels can only hold a specific number of protons and neutrons, leading to the formation of different isotopes.

3. What is the significance of the magic numbers in the shell model?

The magic numbers in the shell model refer to specific numbers of protons or neutrons that result in a particularly stable nucleus. These numbers are 2, 8, 20, 28, 50, 82, and 126. When a nucleus has one of these numbers of protons or neutrons, it is considered to be more stable and less likely to undergo radioactive decay. These numbers are significant because they help to explain the patterns observed in the behavior of different isotopes.

4. What is the relationship between the shell model and nuclear binding energy?

The shell model and nuclear binding energy are closely related. The nuclear binding energy refers to the energy required to break apart a nucleus into its individual protons and neutrons. The shell model helps to explain the patterns observed in nuclear binding energy, as it shows that certain energy levels are more stable than others and require more energy to break apart. This relationship between the shell model and nuclear binding energy is crucial in understanding the stability and behavior of different isotopes.

5. How has the shell model evolved over time?

The shell model has evolved significantly since its initial development in the 1940s. Early versions of the model only considered the energy levels of protons and neutrons in the nucleus, but it has since been expanded to include other factors such as spin and nuclear forces. Additionally, advancements in technology have allowed for more precise measurements and calculations, leading to a better understanding of the structure of atomic nuclei. The shell model continues to evolve as scientists conduct further research and make new discoveries in the field of nuclear physics.

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