Obvious Magnetic potential question

In summary: I'm a little rusty here.Could you show some results?Then perhaps I might be able to be of some assistance.The question is effectively the same as a dielectric sphere in a uniform electric field (I think): there, the potential V = - z E_o = - r cos (\theta) E_o . That's going from a uniform field to a potential in the form of A cos(\theta) which I suppose is proof enough, but I'd rather work back from the given potential and find that the field does not vary in any Cartesian direction. The rest of the question is just using the spherical solutions to Laplace's equation and fitting the boundary
  • #1

Homework Statement

I've been given a scalar magnetic potential of [tex]\phi = D cos (\theta) [/tex] and asked to prove that this corresponds to a constant magnetic field. It's obvious that it does but I keep running into walls!

Homework Equations

[tex] \bar{H} = - \nabla \phi [/tex]
[tex] \bar{H} = -D cos (\theta) \hat{r} + D sin (\theta) \hat{\theta}[/tex]

The Attempt at a Solution

I tried to find [tex] \left (\frac{\partial \bar{H}}{\partial z} \right)_{x,y} [/tex]
and [tex] \left (\frac{\partial \bar{H}}{\partial x} \right)_{z} [/tex] but it came out non-zero (and I'm pretty sure I did it wrong).

I also did [tex] \frac{\partial H}{\partial r} [/tex] and [tex] \frac{\partial H}{\partial \theta} [/tex] and got 0 for R, but non zero for theta. Doing [tex] \frac{\partial (H^2)}{\partial r} [/tex] gives 0 but that's not proof..
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
hey dude! I'm no expert and I'm not in an advance physics course, but this looks loike really hard stuff. WHen it comes to partial derivatives, that's going to be me in like 2 years. I am way behind it all. So, I am curious, what level of physics are you in?
  • #3
Rayquesto said:
hey dude! I'm no expert and I'm not in an advance physics course, but this looks loike really hard stuff. WHen it comes to partial derivatives, that's going to be me in like 2 years. I am way behind it all. So, I am curious, what level of physics are you in?

It's not as bad as it looks, I'm just having trouble with something that should be simple. I'm a second year undergrad in the UK.
  • #4
bayners123 said:
I've been given a scalar magnetic potential of [tex]\phi = D cos (\theta) [/tex] and asked to prove that this corresponds to a constant magnetic field. It's obvious that it does but I keep running into walls!

Hi bayners, welcome to PF! :smile:

Just an observation, but if the field were not constant, shouldn't phi have a dependency on time?

(Btw, I'm impressed that you obviously know how to calculate a gradient in spherical coordinates! :wink:)
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  • #5
I like Serena said:
Hi bayners, welcome to PF! :smile:

Just an observation, but if the field were not constant, shouldn't phi have dependency on time?

(Btw, I'm impressed that you obviously know how to calculate a gradient in spherical coordinates! :wink:)

Hi ILSe! I've been a long time lurker but only just started posting :smile:

Sorry, I've been a bit unclear: I meant a uniform field, not constant. If the field varied on time then I suppose it wouldn't be valid to use the scalar potential anyway.

The larger question this comes from is a ferromagnetic sphere inserted into what was previously a uniform magnetic field. I've done Laplace's equation and narrowed it down to the [tex] D cos(\theta) [/tex] potential inside the sphere but I'm trying to show that this potential is that of another uniform H field, parallel to the original field but weaker.
  • #6
bayners123 said:
Hi ILSe! I've been a long time lurker but only just started posting :smile:

That sounds nice.
I hope you've seen only good things from me then. ;)

bayners123 said:
Sorry, I've been a bit unclear: I meant a uniform field, not constant. If the field varied on time then I suppose it wouldn't be valid to use the scalar potential anyway.

Mmh, as I've learned it, a uniform magnetic field is a field that has the same strength and direction everywhere.
It seems to me that your field does not have this property.

bayners123 said:
The larger question this comes from is a ferromagnetic sphere inserted into what was previously a uniform magnetic field. I've done Laplace's equation and narrowed it down to the [tex] D cos(\theta) [/tex] potential inside the sphere but I'm trying to show that this potential is that of another uniform H field, parallel to the original field but weaker.

I'm a little rusty here.
Could you show some results?
Then perhaps I might be able to be of some assistance.
  • #7
I like Serena said:
Mmh, as I've learned it, a uniform magnetic field is a field that has the same strength and direction everywhere.
It seems to me that your field does not have this property.

I'm a little rusty here.
Could you show some results?
Then perhaps I might be able to be of some assistance.

The question is effectively the same as a dielectric sphere in a uniform electric field (I think): there, the potential [tex] V = - z E_o = - r cos (\theta) E_o [/tex] . That's going from a uniform field to a potential in the form of [tex] A cos(\theta)[/tex] which I suppose is proof enough, but I'd rather work back from the given potential and find that the field does not vary in any Cartesian direction. The rest of the question is just using the spherical solutions to Laplace's equation and fitting the boundary conditions to it:
  • [tex] \lim_{r \to +\infty} \bar{H} = - E_o r cos(\theta) [/tex]
  • [tex] \lim_{r \to 0} \bar{H} [/tex] is finite
  • at [tex] r=a, (B_r)_{in} = (B_r)_{out} [/tex]
  • at [tex] r=a, (H_\theta)_{in} = (H_\theta)_{out} [/tex] since there are no surface currents
  • #8
bayners123 said:
The question is effectively the same as a dielectric sphere in a uniform electric field (I think): there, the potential [tex] V = - z E_o = - r cos (\theta) E_o [/tex] . That's going from a uniform field to a potential in the form of [tex] A cos(\theta)[/tex] which I suppose is proof enough, but I'd rather work back from the given potential and find that the field does not vary in any Cartesian direction. The rest of the question is just using the spherical solutions to Laplace's equation and fitting the boundary conditions to it:
  • [tex] \lim_{r \to +\infty} \bar{H} = - E_o r cos(\theta) [/tex]
  • [tex] \lim_{r \to 0} \bar{H} [/tex] is finite
  • at [tex] r=a, (B_r)_{in} = (B_r)_{out} [/tex]
  • at [tex] r=a, (H_\theta)_{in} = (H_\theta)_{out} [/tex] since there are no surface currents

Hmm, well I know a sphere in an static electric field is different from a sphere in a static magnetic field.
The first behaves like a cage of Faraday, while the second does not.
I'd have to rework Maxwell's equations to remember why that is though.
But I think we should be able to find that on e.g. wikipedia...

It's not enough to solve Laplace's equation for the field outside the sphere though...

Either way, I'll have to admit that your field is uniform after all.

A field of the type E=E0, will indeed have a potential of :

[tex] V = - z E_o = - r cos (\theta) E_o [/tex]

Something similar holds for a magnetic field (vector potential!).

But still, this is outside the sphere...

I'd have to work on this a bit more to be of more help.

Or if you'd like I can see if I can call in more expert help...?
  • #9
I like Serena said:
Hmm, well I know a sphere in an static electric field is different from a sphere in a static magnetic field.
The first behaves like a cage of Faraday, while the second does not.
I'd have to rework Maxwell's equations to remember why that is though.
But I think we should be able to find that on e.g. wikipedia...

I think you're thinking of a conductive shell there (or sphere for that matter): if you put an insulating dielectric sphere in an electric field you do get a similar uniform electric field.

I know in general it's a vector potential, but since [tex] \nabla \times H = \bar{J} + \frac{\partial D}{\partial t} = 0 [/tex] we know a closed line integral of H . dl would always be 0 so we can also use a scalar potential. You can get to the field inside being only dependant on an r cos(theta) term by making the field finite at r=0, eliminating the [tex] r^{-2} [/tex] term, but that's actually given in the question. I was just wondering if there was a nifty way of showing that the [tex]A r cos(\theta)[/tex] potential corresponds to a uniform field, because it's not immediately obvious.
  • #10
And of course, it's blindingly obvious once you notice it! Just looked at your last post again: all you do is say [tex] \phi = A r cos(\theta) = A z [/tex] therefore:
[tex] \bar{H}_z = -\frac{\partial \phi}{\partial z} = -A, \frac{\partial \phi}{\partial x} = \frac{\partial \phi}{\partial y} = 0 [/tex]

You just need to convert to cartesians at the [tex] \bar{H} = -\nabla \phi [/tex] stage rather than once you've found the field in polars.
Thanks so much for all your help!
  • #11
bayners123 said:
And of course, it's blindingly obvious once you notice it! Just looked at your last post again: all you do is say [tex] \phi = A r cos(\theta) = A z [/tex] therefore:
[tex] \bar{H}_z = -\frac{\partial \phi}{\partial z} = -A, \frac{\partial \phi}{\partial x} = \frac{\partial \phi}{\partial y} = 0 [/tex]

You just need to convert to cartesians at the [tex] \bar{H} = -\nabla \phi [/tex] stage rather than once you've found the field in polars.
Thanks so much for all your help!

That looks right!

And you're welcome! :smile:

FAQ: Obvious Magnetic potential question

1. What is "Obvious Magnetic potential question"?

"Obvious Magnetic potential question" refers to a type of question that involves the study and understanding of magnetic fields and their potential outcomes. It typically involves the measurement and analysis of magnetic forces and their effects on various objects.

2. How is "Obvious Magnetic potential question" relevant in science?

"Obvious Magnetic potential question" is relevant in science because it helps us understand the fundamental principles of magnetism and its applications in various fields such as physics, engineering, and medicine. It also allows us to study the effects of magnetic fields on different materials and objects, leading to advancements in technology and research.

3. What are some examples of "Obvious Magnetic potential question" in everyday life?

Some examples of "Obvious Magnetic potential question" in everyday life include using a compass to determine direction, using magnetic fields in MRI machines for medical imaging, and using electromagnets in motors and generators for various appliances and devices.

4. How do scientists study "Obvious Magnetic potential question"?

Scientists study "Obvious Magnetic potential question" through various methods such as conducting experiments, using mathematical models and simulations, and analyzing data collected from observations and measurements. They also use specialized equipment such as magnetic field sensors to study and measure magnetic fields.

5. What are some potential future developments in "Obvious Magnetic potential question"?

Some potential future developments in "Obvious Magnetic potential question" include advancements in magnetic levitation technology, development of more efficient and powerful electromagnets, and further understanding of the role of magnetic fields in the universe, such as in the formation of galaxies and stars.
