What is the optimal angle for shooting a cannon?

In summary: But at lower altitudes, the air resistance becomes a bigger factor, and you need to aim for an angle that takes into account both the air resistance and the gravity.
  • #1
I was trying to figure out the best angle to shoot a cannon, with air resistance in the differential equation. I came up with ~36.5 degrees, is that right?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
I would bend a little more towards 30 degrees...
  • #3
wanna explain how u got that one. It shouldn't depend on anything except gravity mabye and the air resistance possibly. (assuming we are talking about only 1 type of cannon ball)
  • #4
TheLaughingMan said:
wanna explain how u got that one. It shouldn't depend on anything except gravity mabye and the air resistance possibly. (assuming we are talking about only 1 type of cannon ball)

Well of course you would have to consider the amount of air resistance, but then of course there's the weight of the cannon ball (those are pretty heavy). Most cannons can fire cannon balls pretty far, but to get it to fly the farthest at 45 degrees would take a pretty strong shot. At 36.5 it still would take a little more power than a regular cannon to shoot it farther than 30. I also aimed for 30 because that's the angle that most cannons are aimed at anyway.
  • #5
Im talking about an idealized situation where the cannon balls are the same and the air is exactly the same.

Anyone else have an opinion?
  • #6
How did you arrive at your answer?
  • #7
TheLaughingMan said:
I was trying to figure out the best angle to shoot a cannon, with air resistance in the differential equation. I came up with ~36.5 degrees, is that right?
What differential equation? And what value are you using for the air resistance? Don't you think we would need to know that?
  • #8
For realtively low muzzle velocity, it matters whether the distance is measured at the same elevation as the muzzle. For relatively high muzzle velocity, the radius of the planet you are on becomes an issue. With a high enough muzzle velocity, you could put a projectile in orbit using an angle of zero degrees.
  • #9
The angle is dependant on a number of variables including initial ball velocity, mass of ball and size of ball (cross sectional area for drag calculation). If you wanted to get more accurate, the variation of air density with altitude and variation of coefficient of drag as a function of velocity would need to be added.

There is no single value for the angle which is optimal.
  • #10
TheLaughingMan said:
I was trying to figure out the best angle to shoot a cannon, with air resistance in the differential equation. I came up with ~36.5 degrees, is that right?

From all these responses it should be clear that you need to specify your initial conditions, and specify the resisting force function. It simplifies things if you can assume the initial speed and height of the projectile are the same in all cases. If you get down to the level of detail of accounting for differences in those initial conditions, you hve more work to do.
  • #11
Q_Goest said:
The angle is dependant on a number of variables including initial ball velocity, mass of ball and size of ball (cross sectional area for drag calculation). If you wanted to get more accurate, the variation of air density with altitude and variation of coefficient of drag as a function of velocity would need to be added.

There is no single value for the angle which is optimal.

The altitude is a factor - especially for very high flights. Angles of 60 degrees can be used to take advantage of the low air resistance at high altitudes.

FAQ: What is the optimal angle for shooting a cannon?

1. What is the optimal angle for a cannon?

The optimal angle for a cannon depends on several factors, such as the velocity and trajectory of the projectile, the distance to the target, and the force of gravity. Generally, a 45-degree angle is considered the most efficient for maximizing distance and accuracy.

2. How do you calculate the optimal angle for a cannon?

To calculate the optimal angle for a cannon, you can use the equations of motion and basic trigonometry. First, determine the velocity of the projectile and the distance to the target. Then, use the equation tan(theta) = (v^2 sin(2theta)) / gD, where theta is the angle, v is the initial velocity, g is the force of gravity, and D is the distance to the target. This will give you the optimal angle for maximum distance.

3. Can the optimal angle for a cannon be different for different types of projectiles?

Yes, the optimal angle for a cannon may vary depending on the type of projectile being used. This is because different projectiles have different velocities, trajectories, and weights, which can affect the optimal angle for maximum distance and accuracy.

4. Is the optimal angle for a cannon affected by external factors?

Yes, external factors such as wind speed and direction, air resistance, and elevation can all affect the optimal angle for a cannon. These factors should be taken into consideration when calculating the optimal angle for maximum distance and accuracy.

5. Are there any real-life applications for determining the optimal angle for a cannon?

Yes, determining the optimal angle for a cannon has many real-life applications, such as in military operations, sports like archery and javelin throwing, and even in engineering for designing projectile launchers. Knowing the optimal angle can help improve accuracy and efficiency in these fields.

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