Optimization: maximize a triangle surface

In summary, the conversation discusses using the formula A=\sqrt[ ]{p(p-x)(p-y)(p-z)} to find the triangle with the largest area among all triangles with a perimeter of P. The conversation suggests using Lagrange multipliers to solve this problem and discusses the steps taken to do so. Ultimately, it is determined that the solution is an isosceles triangle where x=y=z.
  • #1
See if anyone can help me with this: Among all triangles of perimeter equal to P, find the one with the largest area. (Hint: use the formula [tex]A=\sqrt[ ]{p(p-x)(p-y)(p-z)}[/tex] where [tex]P=2p[/tex], [tex]P[/tex] is the perimeter).

So, I have [tex]f|_s [/tex], I think that must be solved using Lagrange multipliers, at least I don't see any other way.

I've proceeded this way: [tex]f=\sqrt[ ]{p(p-x)(p-y)(p-z)}[/tex], [tex]s=p=\displaystyle\frac{x+y+z}{2}[/tex]

Well, I have done so, but all derivatives did wrong (I did [tex]A^2[/tex] arising as if [tex]f=A^2[/tex] and then apply the multiplier to with the 4 conditions ), it became ugly, maybe it was because of that. Anyway, would you tell me if what I did here is ok? Greetings.
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  • #2
Yes, what you're doing is good. And since f is an ugly function, I can imagine that the partial derivatives of f are very ugly to...
  • #3
Thanks. I know that I must arrive to x=z=y, an isosceles triangle, but it seems to be harder than what I thought.

Then I call: [tex]f=p(p^2-py-xp+xy)(p-z)=p^4-p^3y-p^3x+p^2xy-p^3z+p^2zy+p^2zx-pzxy[/tex]

And [tex]s=p=\displaystyle\frac{P}{2}=\displaystyle\frac{x+y+z}{2}[/tex]


[tex]\begin{Bmatrix}py+pz-zy-p^2=\displaystyle\frac{\lambda}{2}\\px+pz-zx-p^2=\displaystyle\frac{\lambda}{2}\\px+py-p^2-xy=\displaystyle\frac{\lambda}{2}\\p=\displaystyle\frac{x+y+z}{2} \end{matrix}[/tex]

From the last condition I replaced p to get lambda.
Then I've found that:
Then I replace in one of the equations

So I get into what I think its an absurd:
I think its an absurd, but I haven't go ahead from hear. And the reason is that I think I should have an isosceles triangel, so I would be dividing be zero on this equality.
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  • #4
At the end, you have to discriminate between to cases: x=y and x is not y. In the last case, you indeed have

[tex] z=\frac{2x^2-2y^2}{2x-2y}=x+y[/tex]

Together with x+y+z=2p, this yields that z=p. And thus this gives the point (0,0,p).
  • #5
I think I've arrived at this conclusion before following another way. But I thought I was wrong, because I've arrived to x=p, z=y=x, and then I thought that what I had was a point, not a surface, so I thought I had a minimum there, not a maximum. And here I think the same, if we got z=p then A=0 from here: [tex]A=\sqrt[ ]{p(p-x)(p-y)(p-z)}[/tex]

I think the solution must be [tex]x=y=z\neq{p}[/tex]
  • #6
It will probably make things a lot clearer if you don't expand all of those products. It looks to me like your f_x equation is -(y-p)(z-p)=lambda/2 and your f_y equation is -(x-p)(z-p)=lambda/2. I think you can draw an important conclusion from those two alone.
  • #7
Alright, thanks Dick, I'll try that way, and then I'll tell you :P
  • #8
Dick said:
I think you can draw an important conclusion from those two alone.
Exactly. Since the perimeter P is a given constant and x+y+z=P, there are only two degrees of freedom here.
  • #9
I thought so, I think I did something like this in calculus 1 but with a square, that's what's in part drives me to think that the isosceles triangle is the one I'm looking for. But anyway this case seems complicated, maybe it is because I'm not seeing it clearly.
  • #10
Telemachus said:
I thought so, I think I did something like this in calculus 1 but with a square, that's what's in part drives me to think that the isosceles triangle is the one I'm looking for. But anyway this case seems complicated, maybe it is because I'm not seeing it clearly.

It LOOKS complicated because you are multiplying everything out. Don't do that. It's not complicated.
  • #11
This is what I have without the multiplications:

[tex]\begin{Bmatrix}-p(p-y)(p-z)=\displaystyle\frac{\lambda}{2}\\-p(p-x)(p-z)=\displaystyle\frac{\lambda}{2}\\-p(p-x)(p-y)=\displaystyle\frac{\lambda}{2}\\p=\displaystyle \frac{x+y+z}{2} \end{matrix}[/tex]

Then I did: [tex]-p(p-y)(p-z)=\displaystyle\frac{\lambda}{2}\rightarrow{}z=\displaystyle\frac{\lambda}{2p(p-y)}+p[/tex]

[tex]p=\displaystyle \frac{x+y+z}{2}\rightarrow{}z=-x-y+2p[/tex]




Now the problem is "y".
[tex]p=\displaystyle \frac{x+y+z}{2}\rightarrow{}y=2p-2x[/tex] it should give equal to x and z...
  • #12
Ok, I did something really stupid there. I've found the way. Thank you all guys.
  • #13
Telemachus said:
Ok, I did something really stupid there. I've found the way. Thank you all guys.

You're welcome and glad you got it. But I still don't think you are seeing the easy way. Look at the first two derivative equations. Don't they tell you really directly that (p-x)=(p-y)?
  • #14
Haha yes, that's what I saw after I've posted here :P

Related to Optimization: maximize a triangle surface

1. What is optimization in regards to maximizing a triangle surface?

Optimization refers to the process of finding the maximum value of a given function, in this case, the surface area of a triangle.

2. How is the surface area of a triangle calculated?

The surface area of a triangle is calculated by multiplying the base by the height and dividing the result by 2. The formula for calculating the surface area of a triangle is A = (1/2)bh, where A is the area, b is the base, and h is the height.

3. What are the variables that can be manipulated to maximize the surface area of a triangle?

The two variables that can be manipulated to maximize the surface area of a triangle are the base and the height. By changing the values of these variables, the surface area of the triangle can be increased or decreased.

4. What is the goal of maximizing a triangle surface?

The goal of maximizing a triangle surface is to find the optimal values for the base and height that will result in the largest possible surface area. This can be useful in real-world applications such as designing structures or maximizing efficiency in engineering projects.

5. What techniques are commonly used to solve optimization problems for maximizing a triangle surface?

Some commonly used techniques for solving optimization problems for maximizing a triangle surface include calculus, linear programming, and the method of Lagrange multipliers. These methods involve finding critical points and using derivatives to determine the maximum value of the surface area function.

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