Solving Claire's Physics Problem: Minimum Angle to Outrun an Arrow

  • Thread starter gemini2904
  • Start date
In summary, the question involves finding the minimum angle above the horizontal at which a man must aim in order to outrun an arrow launched at 20ms-1 while he can run at 7.0ms-1. The horizontal component of the velocities is the key to solving this problem. The man's velocity can be represented as Vx = Vo cos theta, and setting this equal to 7/20 gives us a minimum angle of 69.5 degrees. However, this angle would cause the man to shoot himself in the back if he keeps running.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Hi, From a previous question I have just worked out that the speed of the arrow launch is 20ms-1. The speed the mans can run is 7.0ms-1. Question, find the minimum angle above the horizontal at which the man must aim in order to outun the arrow. (you may assume the man is at rest when he fires the arrow and you may ignore the short times it takes him to accelerate from rest to his running speed).

Please help, I have been looking at this question for about a week now and I can't see for the life of me how you can possibly work this out without knowing the distance or anything else? I would be grateful if someone could please at least point me in the right direction. I'm doing a modular degree, 2nd year but this is my first physics course...ahhhhhh So please explain in detail, my maths is somewhat limited. I think I should have stuck to biology!

Many thanks,


Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

Physics news on
  • #2
Welcome to PF!

gemini2904 said:
From a previous question I have just worked out that the speed of the arrow launch is 20ms-1. The speed the mans can run is 7.0ms-1. Question, find the minimum angle above the horizontal at which the man must aim in order to outun the arrow. (you may assume the man is at rest when he fires the arrow and you may ignore the short times it takes him to accelerate from rest to his running speed).

Hi Claire! Welcome to PF! :smile:

Hint: you only need the horizontal component of the velocities.

So how does the arrow's horizontal component change over time? :wink:

(in other words: what's the equation for the horizontal component?)
  • #3
Hi, Thanks very much for replying.

Do you mean Vox = Vo cos theta

cos theta = 7/20 = 0.35 so theta = 69.5

Many thanks,
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  • #4
Not only that, but if he shoots at exactly at that angle and keeps runing, he shoots himself in the back!1

FAQ: Solving Claire's Physics Problem: Minimum Angle to Outrun an Arrow

1. What is the minimum angle needed to outrun an arrow?

The minimum angle needed to outrun an arrow depends on the speed of the arrow and the speed of the person trying to outrun it. It can be calculated using the formula: minimum angle = arctan (speed of arrow / speed of person).

2. What is the significance of solving this physics problem?

Solving this physics problem can help us understand the physical principles involved in outrunning an arrow and can also be applied to other scenarios involving objects in motion.

3. Can this problem be solved using only basic physics concepts?

Yes, this problem can be solved using basic physics concepts such as speed, distance, and angles. It does not require any advanced knowledge or complex equations.

4. Are there any real-life applications for this problem?

Yes, this problem has real-life applications in sports like archery and in situations where objects are moving towards a person at a high speed, such as in self-defense.

5. What are the limitations of this problem?

This problem assumes that the person trying to outrun the arrow is running in a straight line and that the arrow is traveling in a straight path. It also does not take into account other factors such as wind resistance and changes in speed during the course of the run.
