How to Calculate the Kinetic Energy of He Nuclei in a Proton-Lithium Reaction?

In summary, the problem involves a reaction between a proton and a lithium nucleus, resulting in two helium nuclei. The mass of the lithium nucleus is given, and the task is to calculate the kinetic energy of each helium nucleus when the incident proton has nearly zero kinetic energy. After attempting to apply the concept of conservation of momentum, a different approach is taken using the relativistic kinetic energy formula. However, an error is made in the calculation, and after correcting it, the correct answer is found.
  • #1

Homework Statement

[tex] p+^{7}Li \rightarrow ^{4}He +^{4}He[/tex]
Mass of 7Li = 6533.8 MeV/c^2
Calculate the kinetic energy of each helium nucleus if the incident proton has nearly zero kinetic energy. Answer: 8.68MeV

Homework Equations

[tex] E_{total}=\frac{mc^{2}}{\sqrt{1-(\frac{v}{c})^2}}[/tex]

The Attempt at a Solution

I tried to apply conservation of momentum here:

[tex]E_{iLi} = 6533.8MeV[/tex]

By conservation, these quantities should be conserved, so I add them which gives me the wrong answer. I'm definitely missing some crucial concept here. If anyone could help me figure this out I would appreciate it greatly.
Physics news on
  • #2
I tried a different approach and I got the right magnitude, but still wrong.
Since the protons are at rest, I assign only rest energies. I now assume that the 2 products are moving in the same direction (which is erroneous I am pretty sure). Doing so allows me to define a second frame S', in which the momentum of the two product particles is zero:
In [tex] S' [/tex]
[tex] p'_{x,f}=0[/tex]
since they are at rest in this frame, their combined energies must equal their rest energies:
Now, i convert this energy back into the unprimed frame, S.
[tex]E_{f}=\gamma (E'_{f}-Vp'_{x,f})[/tex]
The second term is zero
[tex]E_{f}=\gamma E'_{f}[/tex]
I set the initial and final energies equal to each other and solve for the velocity to find:
[tex]v = 0.02914660097c[/tex]
Using the relativistic kinetic energy:
[tex] KE = m_{^{4}He}c^{2}(\gamma - 1)=1.58MeV[/tex]
This is incorrect. once again I'm pretty sure that I shouldn't have made a new frame, since even in the unprimed S frame the momentum should be zero, because the initial momentum is zero (thus by conservation). However, that doesn't get me anywhere near the right answer. Can someone please help me out and give me some ideas of what else i could try? Thank you
  • #3
what is the mass of 4He?
  • #4
its about 4*mp = 4*(1.67*10^-27)
  • #5
thats not good enough. it should have been supplied in the question. or at least the book.
  • #6
the exact number in the book (not supplied in the question) is 4.002602u where 1u = 1.66054*10^-27kg
  • #7
and energy must be conserved.
  • #8
Figured it out:
[tex] E_{i}=m_{p}c^{2}+m_{Li}c^{2} [/tex]
[tex] E_{f}=2m_{He}c^2+2KE_{He}[/tex]
[tex]KE_{He}=8.65MeV [/tex]
I forgot to subtract off the rest energies in the very first post for some dumb reason!

FAQ: How to Calculate the Kinetic Energy of He Nuclei in a Proton-Lithium Reaction?

1. What is the significance of the reaction P+7Li->4He+4He in terms of energy of He nuclei?

The reaction P+7Li->4He+4He is a nuclear fusion reaction, where two atoms of 7Li combine with one proton to produce two atoms of 4He. This reaction releases a large amount of energy in the form of kinetic energy and gamma rays.

2. How much energy is produced in the P+7Li->4He+4He reaction?

The energy produced in this reaction is approximately 17.3 MeV (mega electron volts). This is equivalent to about 2.7 x 10^-12 joules of energy.

3. What is the role of 7Li in this reaction?

7Li is one of the reactants in this reaction and it plays a crucial role in initiating the fusion process. When a proton collides with 7Li, it creates an excited state in the nucleus, which then decays into two 4He nuclei, releasing a large amount of energy.

4. How does the energy of He nuclei compare to other types of nuclear reactions?

The energy released in the P+7Li->4He+4He reaction is relatively low compared to other nuclear reactions, such as fission reactions. However, in terms of energy density, nuclear fusion reactions like this one have the potential to produce much more energy per unit mass than other types of reactions.

5. What are the potential applications of the P+7Li->4He+4He reaction?

This reaction has the potential to be a sustainable and clean source of energy. It is the same process that powers the sun and other stars. If harnessed effectively, nuclear fusion reactions could provide a nearly limitless supply of energy for humanity.
