Research Paper on Time Travel: Ideas for Modern Physics

In summary, the conversation revolves around the possibility of writing a 10 page research paper on time travel and the potential challenges and complexities associated with the topic. The individual is seeking suggestions for alternative topics in modern physics and is also looking for someone to discuss their ideas with. The conversation also delves into the structure and organization of an academic paper and the importance of following style guidelines. Finally, the individual expresses their difficulty in finding a focus or thesis for their paper and requests for specific guidance and help.
  • #1
do you think it's a good idea to write a 10 page research paper on time travel?

if not on time travel, could you possibly suggest something in modern physics that i can easily write a research paper on?
Physics news on
  • #2
Time travel is to modern physics as the Loch Ness monster is to zoology.

What are you interested in? There's a plethora of topics, ranging from the basics of band-gap theory and semiconductors to field theory and frontiers in quantum gravity. What class is this for, and maybe that'll give us a better idea of what you're looking for.
  • #3
abszero said:
Time travel is to modern physics as the Loch Ness monster is to zoology.

What are you interested in? There's a plethora of topics, ranging from the basics of band-gap theory and semiconductors to field theory and frontiers in quantum gravity. What class is this for, and maybe that'll give us a better idea of what you're looking for.
is there any way we can talk one on one? like on aim or yahoo or something?
  • #4
I need help writing papers for modern physics

No, I'm not going to tell you to write them for me or anything

I just need someone to discuss a couple of things with me before I even start doing research, because I want to make sure I'm going in right direction.

So if you're good at phys as well as writing papers, can you please I am me or something?
  • #5
btw my sn on yahoo/aim is pvirgohere
  • #6
my sn on yahoo/aim is pvirgohere
  • #7
What class is this for?

The only real world theories for time travel are VERY abstract and complicated...
  • #8
Pengwuino said:
What class is this for?

The only real world theories for time travel are VERY abstract and complicated...

Well ... can i possibly have a chat with you on yahoo/aim/msn?
  • #9
well well well.
look who i found
  • #10
while actual 4-th dimensional travel is abstract, there are some real world phenomena that would be akin to time-travel.
like the twins paradox.
or the [itex] e^+ [/itex] being equivalent to an [itex] e^- [/itex] going backwards through time.
  • #11
emptymaximum said:
well well well.
look who i found
  • #12
can someone please I am me?

I'm really lost! I need to discuss a couple of things!
  • #13
Hi, I can help you write your paper, but I don't have yahoo messenger. Why not post your topic here, and I can suggest a few things. Also, if you can post the details of the specifics of the paper, that would be good too.

- harsh
  • #14
harsh said:
Hi, I can help you write your paper, but I don't have yahoo messenger. Why not post your topic here, and I can suggest a few things. Also, if you can post the details of the specifics of the paper, that would be good too.
- harsh
do you have aim? ... or even msn?

there is a reason I can't post specifics of the paper here
  • #15
Like what?
  • #16
Academic manuscripts in pretty much all scientific fields follow the same general layout. Read a lot of papers from the journal that you are going to submit to and you will get the idea about the organization. Abstract, Intro, Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion, References is pretty standard.

Some key points: the abstract is the most important part. Intro sets up the motivation talk about the state-of-the-art and the work of others. Methods includes theory and experimental set-up, particularly important is a discussion of your planned analysis and statistical methods. Results are just the observations from your experiments, the most difficult point here is to avoid any and all discussion, i.e. tell what you observed, but never any implications. Discussion is where you talk about the implications of your observations and put it in the context of the current state-of-the-art. Conclusion is a short paragraph on the take-home message.

Always exactly follow the "style guide" for the journal to which you are submitting. Reviewers can get irritated if you don't and irritating a reviewer never helped a manuscript get published. Also, always get as many co-workers and advisors as possible to look over a manuscript before submission.

  • #17
I'm writing a paper on time travel ... and I'm kinda stuck! Any help will be greatly appreciated!

Edit: Removed the obnoxious font size.
Last edited by a moderator:
  • #18
Wow, was that ever the wrong way to ask! What, exactly, are you stuck on??
  • #19
Maxwell said:
Wow, was that ever the wrong way to ask! What, exactly, are you stuck on??

I'm sorry ... I didnt mean to be rude or anything.

The problem is I can't seem to focus. I'm writing my paper on time travel, but I need a thesis ... a focus. Right now, I have no ideqa what I'm writing about.

Can I get your sn on aim?
  • #20
Perhaps you could address the following conundrum:

A time traveller goes from point (x1, t1) to (x2, t2). Does she pass through all times between t1 and t2? What do observers between the two points see?
  • #21
Tide said:
Perhaps you could address the following conundrum:
A time traveller goes from point (x1, t1) to (x2, t2). Does she pass through all times between t1 and t2? What do observers between the two points see?

i have to write 12 pages! lol
  • #22
It was just a thought! :)
  • #23
I think you'd have to think about the arrow of time in terms of the universe, the second law of thermodynamics and our local time. I know I'm being a bit vague, but there is stuff on this.
  • #24
Vixus said:
I think you'd have to think about the arrow of time in terms of the universe, the second law of thermodynamics and our local time. I know I'm being a bit vague, but there is stuff on this.
yeah i need more specific help than that lol
  • #25
You need to ask more specific questions.

- Warren
  • #26
chroot said:
You need to ask more specific questions.

- Warren
you're right

I need to write a 12 page research paper on time travel ...

i need help developing thesis statement/question ... or just an argument in general

my prof suggested to include movies ... I'm not sure if that's a good idea
  • #27
Since this question was asked in two different places, and already received some responses in both places, I've merged the two threads. In the future, only ask your question in one place.

If you want help, you need to explain more about your assignment and explain your efforts so far. Do not expect people to contact you via IM on this. People come to this forum for help on this forum. If you can't explain your question here, then we'll be happy to close the thread for you since it can't go anywhere without more input on your end.
  • #28
And please include what level you want help at. You're obviously in college (you mentioned "professor"), so what type of class is this for? Is this for a modern physics class?
  • #29
Maxwell said:
And please include what level you want help at. You're obviously in college (you mentioned "professor"), so what type of class is this for? Is this for a modern physics class?
it's for a humanities class
  • #30
You really do need to post specifics about this paper or else no one is going to help you.
  • #31
Pengwuino said:
You really do need to post specifics about this paper or else no one is going to help you.
I need to write a 12 page research paper on time travel for a humanities class ...

i need help developing thesis statement/question ... or just an argument in general

my prof suggested to include movies ... I'm not sure if that's a good idea

i might need to be more specific than that, I don't know ... I usually have hard time presenting my thoughts ... if you are still confused about my assignment, please let me know and i'll try to explain it more in detail :(
  • #32
Well what do you want to know about? What are you trying to present?

Why it may be possible? Why it may not be possible? Theories behind possible time travel? Just a history of time travel theories?

I'm not sure why this professor wants movies because even the utmost ignorant professor should know movies are about as accurate as... hmm.. can't think of a good analogy but they are very inaccurate! Or well, I'm not sure, there have been a lot of very accurate movies when it comes to things like history... but movies with science in them are almost always dead wrong or way off the mark.
  • #33
Pengwuino said:
Well what do you want to know about? What are you trying to present?

Why it may be possible? Why it may not be possible? Theories behind possible time travel? Just a history of time travel theories?

I'm not sure why this professor wants movies because even the utmost ignorant professor should know movies are about as accurate as... hmm.. can't think of a good analogy but they are very inaccurate! Or well, I'm not sure, there have been a lot of very accurate movies when it comes to things like history... but movies with science in them are almost always dead wrong or way off the mark.

i can present anything i want

and what my prof wanted me to do is to use my knowledge on time travel and dissect Back to the Future (i presume on a philosophical level rather than scientific level)
now what my poor soul doesn't understand is how can i write 12 pages on that?!
  • #34
Sounds kinda stupid to be honest...

12 pages from a philisophical angle still seems like an insurmountable task. I mean all you can really ask are questions and I wouldn't think there's much out there to help answer or even think about those questions.
  • #35
i'm tryin to come up with a good thesis statement as of now

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