Particular integral problem for a Differential Equation.

In summary, the conversation is about solving a differential equation describing the deflection of a suspension due to a bumpy surface. The first question is to solve the associated homogeneous equation, which is done by finding a conjugate pair of solutions of the auxiliary equation. The general solution is then obtained by substituting these solutions into the equation. The next part asks for a particular integral that satisfies the original equation and the method of undetermined coefficients is used. The conversation then moves on to finding values for p and q in the general solution, which is done by rearranging the equations and substituting for one variable in terms of the other. The final question is to show that as t approaches infinity, the solution approaches a specific form which can be obtained by
  • #1

Homework Statement

Hi this is my first post here... just started a new course, and in the prep material I've been given this question which is doing my head in!

The DE

[tex]\frac{d^2 x}{dy^2}+\frac{dx}{dt}+x=sin(wt)[/tex]

describes the deflection x of some suspension as a function of t, in response to a bumby surface. Here w>0 is a parameter that describes the frequency of the bumps.
(hopefully the LaTeX equation looks ok, because for some reason this works computer doesn't want to show me it!)

Homework Equations

The first question asks me to solve the Associated Homogeneous equation,

for which I got [tex]-\frac{1}{2}+-\sqrt{\frac{3}{4}}i[/tex] as a conjugate pair of solutions of the aux. equation. This gives me the General solution,

[tex]x_{c}=e^{-1/2t}(C cos\sqrt{\frac{3}{4}}t+D sin\sqrt{\frac{3}{4}}t)[/tex]

Hopefully I'm all good so far?

The Attempt at a Solution

So the next part asks me to find a particular integral which satisfies the DE and hence obtain the general solution...(I should add, I've only ever learn't the method of undertermined coefficients from previous courses, so the method can't be to exotic.)

So I guessed a solution of the form:
[tex]x=p cos(wt)+q sin(wt)[/tex]

Differentiating (twice), we end up with
[tex]\frac{dx}{dt}=-wp sin(wt)+wq cos(wt)[/tex]
[tex]\frac{d^2 x}{dt^2}=-w^2 p cos(wt)-w^2 q sin(wt)[/tex]

I then substituted these back into the equation, which after some jiggery pokery I got

[tex](-w^2 p+wq+p)cos(wt)+(-w^2 q-wp+q)sin(wt)=sin(wt)[/tex]


[tex](-w^2 p+wq+p)=0[/tex]
[tex](-w^2 q-wp+q)=1[/tex]

But now I'm stuck, how do I find the values for p and q? Can anyone give me a clue as to how to find them?
Physics news on
  • #2
Everything looks fine in what you did, based on a quick scan. Your last two equations are really in two variables, p and q, and those are what you are solving for. w is merely a parameter.

Here's your system a little more explicitly. You can find p and q, right?

(1 - w2)p + wq = 0
-wp + (1 - w2)q = 1
  • #3
Yeah thanks... rearrange the first equation to get a term for q, then substitute that into the second to get a equation for p interms of w. This can the be resubstituted into my first equation to solve q in terms of w.

For some reason, I did this way back... and thought that there was a different way that I could determine actual values for p and q, like 2 and 3 or something... not sure why I thought that now?

Thanks again... Might be back for the next question soon!
  • #4
Right still got problems...Heres my general solution,

x_c+x_p=e^{-1/2 t} (C cos(\sqrt{\frac{3}{4}}t)+D sin(\sqrt{\frac{3}{4}}t))-\frac{w}{1-w^2+w^4} cos(wt)+\frac{1-w^2}{1-w^2+w^4}sin(wt)

Hopefully that's ok. Now the question,

as [tex]t\rightarrow \infty[/tex] the solution approaches [tex] x(t) = k sin(w(t-t_0)) [/tex]
where [tex]t_0[/tex] and [tex] k [/tex] depend on [tex]w[/tex]

Show that, [tex]k=\frac{1}{\sqrt{w^4-w^2+1}}[/tex]

I assume, seeing as the transient portion of my general equation disappears as t approaches infinity, they are asking me to equate

[tex] -\frac{w}{1-w^2+w^4} cos(wt)+\frac{1-w^2}{1-w^2+w^4}sin(wt) =k sin(w(t-t_0))

I tried using a trig identity, [tex] sin(x+y)=sin(x)cos(y)+cos(x)sin(y) [\tex]

but quickly get bogged down, and can't seem to work through the re-arrangement? Am I on the right lines? IS there an easier way?
  • #5
Any help?
  • #6
Whenever you have something that looks like [itex]A\cos\alpha+B\sin\alpha[/itex], you can consider A and B to be the length of the legs of a right triangle so that

[tex]\frac{A}{\sqrt{A^2+B^2}} = \sin\beta[/tex]

[tex]\frac{B}{\sqrt{A^2+B^2}} = \cos\beta[/tex]

So you can write

[tex]A\cos\alpha+B\sin\alpha = \sqrt{A^2+B^2}(\sin\beta\cos\alpha+\cos\beta\sin\alpha) = \sqrt{A^2+B^2}\sin(\alpha+\beta)[/tex]


[tex]\beta = \arctan\frac{A}{B}[/tex]

FAQ: Particular integral problem for a Differential Equation.

What is a particular integral problem for a Differential Equation?

A particular integral problem for a Differential Equation is a type of initial value problem in which a specific solution, known as the particular integral, is sought for a given differential equation. It involves finding a solution that satisfies both the differential equation and specified initial conditions.

Why is finding the particular integral important?

Finding the particular integral is important because it allows us to solve for a specific solution to a differential equation, rather than just the general solution. This can be useful in real-world applications where specific initial conditions are given.

What methods can be used to find the particular integral?

There are several methods that can be used to find the particular integral, including undetermined coefficients, variation of parameters, and the method of annihilators. The choice of method depends on the type of differential equation and its initial conditions.

Can every differential equation have a particular integral?

No, not every differential equation has a particular integral. Some differential equations do not have a particular integral because they are either not solvable or have unique solutions without the need for a particular integral.

What is the difference between a particular integral and a general solution?

A particular integral is a specific solution to a differential equation that satisfies both the equation and specified initial conditions. On the other hand, a general solution is a family of solutions that satisfies the differential equation, but does not have specific initial conditions. A particular integral is a part of the general solution, but not the entire solution.
