Phase front of a quantity e^jwt

  • Thread starter TheArun
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In summary, the conversation discusses the representation of a spherical wavefront in a complex quantity with exponential time variation. It also explores the physical meaning of the term wt and its relation to the phase of the emitted field at a distance from the antenna. The textbook mentions that the phase front of a spherical wave is represented by e-jkR, but this may not be entirely accurate as the phase front is dependent on the distance from the antenna and not the frequency of oscillation.
  • #1

Homework Statement

This is a statement i found in one of my textbook of "Antenna analysis".

The phase front of a exponential time varying quantity(charge distribution) 'ejwt' is a spherical wave front and is represented by e-jkR.

Homework Equations

1. How can we represent spherical wavefront as e-jkR for a quantity exponential time variation ejwt ?
2. Does the term wt have a physical meaning?

The Attempt at a Solution

Please look into my attempt from the beginning and correct me if I am wrong anywhere.

Consider a complex quantity ejwt = cos wt + j sin wt.
Re{ejwt} = cos wt
Im{ejwt} = sin wt

Now, if we plot this quantity with one axis as real axis i.e., cos wt and other axis as imaginary axis i.e., sin wt. Then we obtain a circle for different values of wt.

Is this the circle we that is the constant phase spherical wavefront of ejwt. But in this circle actually the phase wt does vary which is how we obtain the circle.
How do we relate this circle to e-jkR?
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  • #2
TheArun said:
The phase front of a exponential time varying quantity(charge distribution) 'ejwt' is a spherical wave front and is represented by e-jkR.
Is that exactly what your textbook says? It sounds a little off to me, because the phase front doesn't really depend on the frequency of oscillation. In fact, the spherical phase front of antenna is only justified for distances very large compared to the emitted wavelength, for distances close from the antenna, the phase front is far from being spherical, yet the field still oscillates sinusoidally in time as ##e^{j\omega t}##.
TheArun said:
1. How can we represent spherical wavefront as e-jkR for a quantity exponential time variation ejwt ?
You may write the emitted field at large distance as ##E(\mathbf{R},t) \propto e^{j(\omega t - kR)}##, where ##R = |\mathbf{R}|##.
TheArun said:
2. Does the term wt have a physical meaning?
##\omega t## is the phase at the observation point a distance ##R## from the antenna, it's then also related to the phase at the antenna itself. Imagine you take a snapshot of ##E(\mathbf{R},t) \propto e^{j(\omega t - kR)}## (i.e. ##t## is fixed), you will then observe as group of concentric spheres with spacing equal to ##\lambda = 2\pi/k##. This is where spherical wave got its name.

FAQ: Phase front of a quantity e^jwt

1. What is a phase front?

A phase front is an imaginary surface that represents the continuous points of a wave that are in the same phase, or have the same amplitude and direction of oscillation.

2. What does the "j" in e^jwt represent?

The "j" in e^jwt represents an imaginary number, also known as the imaginary unit, which is the square root of -1. It is commonly used in complex numbers to represent the vertical component of a vector.

3. How does the phase front of e^jwt differ from other functions?

The phase front of e^jwt is unique in that it represents a complex exponential function, which combines a real and imaginary component. This means that the wave represented by e^jwt has both amplitude and phase information.

4. What is the significance of the "w" in e^jwt?

The "w" in e^jwt represents the angular frequency of the wave, which is the rate at which the wave oscillates. It is measured in radians per second and is related to the more commonly known frequency by the equation w = 2πf.

5. How is the phase front of e^jwt used in science?

The phase front of e^jwt is used in various fields of science, including physics, engineering, and signal processing. It is especially useful in analyzing and understanding the behavior of waves, such as electromagnetic waves, sound waves, and mechanical waves.

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