PLEASE HELP: Relativity and Relativistic Kinematics

In summary, the conversation discusses the relationship between the four-momentum of a photon in the rest frame of a motorist and a traffic light, as well as the motorist's speed as a fraction of the speed of light when stopped by the police. The concept of the Doppler Shift effect is also mentioned as a factor to consider in understanding the change in wavelength of light due to relative velocity.
  • #1
Here is the question that i am struggling with.
A motorist passes a red traffic-light (wavelength = 650 nm). The motorist’s velocity
makes an angle theta to the direction of light from the traffic light. Write down in four-
vector and matrix form the relationship between the four-momentum of a photon as
seen in the motorists’ rest frame, and as seen in the rest frame of the traffic light.

Using the above result or otherwise, assume that the motorist was traveling directly
towards the traffic-light, and is stopped by the police. The motorist tells the police-
officer that he observed the traffic-light as being green (wavelength = 500 nm). What
was the motorist’s speed as a fraction of the speed of light?

All i know is that the 4-vector for a photon is the same (px,py,pz,E/c) and that as the photon is massless, the magnitude is 0. However i am unsure if i am meant to be incorporating doppler shift into this ?

all help will be much appreciated!
Physics news on
  • #2
Look up the Doppler Shift

FAQ: PLEASE HELP: Relativity and Relativistic Kinematics

1. What is the theory of relativity?

The theory of relativity is a scientific theory developed by Albert Einstein in the early 20th century. It explains the relationship between space and time, and how they are affected by the presence of massive objects.

2. What is the difference between special and general relativity?

Special relativity deals with the laws of physics in inertial reference frames, while general relativity includes the effects of gravity and accelerated motion on space and time.

3. How does relativity affect our understanding of time?

Relativity states that time is not absolute, but rather relative to an observer's frame of reference. This means that time can appear to move at different rates for different observers depending on their relative motion and the strength of gravity in their surroundings.

4. Can you explain the concept of time dilation in relativity?

Time dilation is a phenomenon predicted by relativity where time appears to pass slower for objects that are moving at high speeds or are in strong gravitational fields. This is due to the warping of space-time by massive objects.

5. How does relativity impact our understanding of the universe?

Relativity has greatly influenced our understanding of the universe by providing a framework for understanding the behavior of massive objects and their effects on space and time. It has also helped to explain many phenomena, such as the bending of light by gravity, the expansion of the universe, and the existence of black holes.
