Use a GEOCENTRIC reference frame to explain the earth's orbit

In summary, the geocentric reference frame should be easy for you to understand, but you are not understanding how rotation works in the geocentric reference frame. You are supposed to show that the sun rotates around the Earth, but you are not doing that correctly.
  • #1
Yes i understand that i posted this earlier, but it was perhaps just glanced over since it had got replies (by me trying to bump it up, sorry, again). But i seriously would like to know how to solve this question ANy help would be appreciated

Note that i have copiedd the question exactly from the test!

Given the sun's mass (Ms = 2 x 10^30 kg) then Earth sun distnace (1.5 x 10^11 m) Newtons Constant G = 6.7 x 10^-11 Nm^2 kg^-2 use a GEOCENTRIC reference frame to explain the Earth's orbit (approcximate as a circle)

This was a question on my test and at first sight i was shocked.

But geocentric... if geocentric then the Earth would be at the centre and the sun would revolve around the sun. Would the sun have its own circular orbit around orbit as well?

So far i have been thinking and thinking (and thinking...) i have no clue. Would the diagram for this look like the one posted here?
this is my effort so farr

the force between the sun an the Earth is
[tex] F_{g} = G \frac{m_{sun} m_{earth}}{r^2} [/tex]

the centripetal force of the sun is [tex] F_{C1} = m_{sun} \frac{v_{1}^2}{r_{1}} [/tex]

But since the sun is revolving around some axis it also experiences anotehr centripetal force [tex] F_{C2} = m_{sun} \frac{v_{2}^2}{r_{2}} [/tex]

equate all those toegether when the sun is at the max distance
[tex] G \frac{m_{earth}}{r} + v_{1}^2 + v_{2}^2 = 0 [/tex]

and when the minimum distance is taken
[tex] G \frac{m_{earth}}{r} + v_{1}^2 - v_{2}^2 = 0 [/tex]

thus [tex] v_{2}^2 = -v_{2}^2 [/tex]
thus v2 = 0?? Is this good enough?? Is this valid??

i am really supposed to take the Ptolemean system like i have? Or have i lost the point of the question??


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  • #2
Okay...let's take a look at your conceptual understanding of the problem before we tackle anything else. The geocentric reference frame shouldn't be too hard, considering we're in it! So, to us, what does the sun appear to do? Revolve around us in a roughly circular orbit once every ~365 days...right? That's about it. So, let's look at that diagram: you have two circles drawn (not including the celestial bodies). One of them is centred on the Earth. What does it represent? Then, strangely, you have drawn another circle centred on the sun. For the life of me, I cannot figure out what it is. It would be very helpful to me if you could explain your thinking. Also, I've attached my (very crude diagram). What do you, (or anyone else) think of it?


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  • #3
As long as you are only considering the Earth and the sun, a geocentric viewpoint is as easy as heliocentric. Instead of the Earth rotating around the sun in a circle of radius 93 million miles, the sun rotates around the Earth in a circle of radius 93 million miles.
  • #4
i drew the sun orbiting something while in its orbit because isn't that how they explained the different phases of the year with the ptoleman system?? I thought that that is what had to be done.

SO then all i have to do is simply show the sun rotates around the Earth but how does that explain the rotation of the Earth itself?

FAQ: Use a GEOCENTRIC reference frame to explain the earth's orbit

What is a geocentric reference frame?

A geocentric reference frame is a coordinate system that uses the center of the Earth as its origin. It is used to describe the position and motion of objects in relation to the Earth's surface.

How does a geocentric reference frame explain the Earth's orbit?

A geocentric reference frame explains the Earth's orbit by describing the Earth's position and motion relative to the Sun. In this frame of reference, the Earth appears to orbit around a stationary Sun.

What is the shape of the Earth's orbit in a geocentric reference frame?

The shape of the Earth's orbit in a geocentric reference frame is an ellipse, with the Sun located at one of the foci. This is known as Kepler's first law of planetary motion.

Why is a geocentric reference frame important in understanding the Earth's orbit?

A geocentric reference frame is important in understanding the Earth's orbit because it helps us to accurately describe and predict the Earth's movement around the Sun. It also allows us to compare the Earth's orbit to the orbits of other planets in our solar system.

Does a geocentric reference frame accurately represent the Earth's orbit?

In modern science, we use a heliocentric reference frame to accurately represent the Earth's orbit. This means that the Sun is at the center of our coordinate system and the Earth orbits around it. However, a geocentric reference frame is still useful for certain calculations and historical purposes.

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