Poll: Do you go to the movies alone?

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    Movies Poll
In summary, the person didn't go to the movies alone and didn't like it. They preferred going out with friends. They also preferred going to see movies with a hot friend.

do you go to the movies alone

  • always, because I have no friends

    Votes: 1 2.4%
  • always, because I like to go alone

    Votes: 2 4.8%
  • often

    Votes: 5 11.9%
  • occasionally

    Votes: 9 21.4%
  • never, I don't want

    Votes: 22 52.4%
  • never, I have too many friends that won't let my be alone for one minute

    Votes: 3 7.1%

  • Total voters
  • #1
Physics is Phun
I don't usually.

and that option should say 'I don't want to'

and it should say 'won't let me be alone'

I really can't spell today, sheesh !
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  • #2
  • #3
i do sometimes. i go to the movies to see the movie. it would be best if it were just me in the theatre.

i don't see why movies are such a cliche date. imo, they are really bad for dates. i guess people like to go to the movies on dates so they have a dark place to grope each other. but then, why would you pay for a dark place to fool around when you can turn off the lights in your bedroom for free?
  • #4
Better question is.. do you trust rottentomatoes.com to give you an objective look at the movie you want to see?

I say these 'critics' don't know jack squad about movies. Look at those ratings. They gave 72% freshness to War of the Worlds and 23% to Fantastic 4. Well I've got news for you - Fantastic 4 is far better of a movie than War of the Worlds. I mean read those reviews, its like those people didnt even see the movie or are deaf and blind

I mean read those criticisms they wrote. They have no mastery of english language or let alone an understanding of creativity and imagination
  • #5
Yep, buy a bucket of popcorn, take out the bottom and... ohh, umm... o:)

I rarely watch movies, so I am probably not a good person to ask, but I think I have been to the movies by myself once. Movie was Austin Powers 2.
  • #6
mattmns said:
Yep, buy a bucket of popcorn, take out the bottom and... ohh, umm... o:)

I rarely watch movies, so I am probably not a good person to ask, but I think I have been to the movies by myself once. Movie was Austin Powers 2.

Gross dude! Are you one of those guys that makes a hole in the popcorn bucket, unzips his pants, and puts the bucket on his lap while letting his date take the popcorn until.. well until your imagination takes you so low you get the point
  • #7
I sometimes go alone. It doesn't make any difference to me, because, like Pogo said, it's not like you are talking to someone during the movie or anything. If my friends want to see the same movie as me, we'll go out to eat before or after or do something else social the same day, but the movie itself is just watching the movie. And if I really want to see a movie, then I sometimes prefer going alone because it means I won't be late waiting around for my friends who are always late for stuff.
  • #8
Yes, i always go with a hot friend. How people can go alone boggles my mind. And yes, when i say hot friend, I am not kidding as far as i can remember.
  • #9
Pengwuino said:
Yes, i always go with a hot friend.

Does he put the popcorn on his lap like mattmns?
  • #10
*shakes head*

Yea I go alone sometimes. Most of the time its because my "friends" have better things to do, or simply too lazy to go or too broke at the moment. The funny thing is, about 15-20 percent of those lonely trips to the theatre are to prove a point which nobody raised, but I had to prove anyway
  • #11
Townsend said:
Does he put the popcorn on his lap like mattmns?

haha, jerk :D
  • #12
I prefer to go as a date situation simply because it's more cost effective. If I'm going to see the thing anyhow, then half of the evening is covered with an extra $10 for a ticket as opposed to the $50 of drinks that those 2 1/2 hours would have cost if we'd just gone to the bar. On the other hand, that 19 year-old that I was hanging with was my date for Spider-Man I, X-2, The Hulk, Star Wars I & II (and she made me go to 'Signs' with her, which she found unpredictable and frightening!) In each case her idea of being on time was to get to the theatre at starting time. I was very pissed off because I can't stand missing one second of a show, but I loved her too much to protest. Good thing it didn't last, I guess. :rolleyes:
  • #13
I've never gone to the movies alone in my life!

mostly because i can't be stuffed to go by myself... its damn peer presure i say! and like what is with the insane pricing of food at cinemas..

i remember asking "what's the smallest popcorn i can get with 5 dollars", only to hear "the smallest starts at $5:50". *cry
  • #14
decs said:
"the smallest starts at $5:50". *cry
Well, that's one thing that I never worry about. I buy a small bag of bulk chocolate-covered almonds at Food For Less or Safeway for about $1.50. Even when Sheena was sharing them with me, they lasted for the whole movie. So my only expense that way was if she wanted a pop (about $2.00). I don't drink anything before or during a show, for fear of missing something by having to hit the can.

edit: By the way, I just went to Fantastic 4 alone. It was sort of refreshing. I think that I might catch it again, even though it's $10.50 per ticket! That's cheap by Calgary standards, but still a couple of bucks more than it usually costs here.
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  • #15
Is there some PR campaign trying to make people feel bad about going to the movies alone? I swear I have seen references to this all over the net. People being shamed because they are "losers" who go to the movies alone.

What is wrong with going to the movies alone?

I go to a movie to go to another world. Whatever the movie is about, I want to be in that world living with the characters on screen. If i take someone with me, I have to be polite to them out of respect and courtesy. I am their companion so my attention is diverted to being good company to them. I am unable to fully immerse myself into the movie.

I think that people that go to movies in groups are wasting their money. They are not watching the movie. They are having a party like going to the bar or having a barbecue. Talking, laughing, joking. Not paying attention to the movie.

If I go to a movie with my wife, I am passing the coke and popcorn back and forth, we are making comments to each other about what is happening. Maybe she is screaming in my ear if it is a scary movie. It is a social thing, not a movie experience.
  • #16
Happeh said:
I go to a movie to go to another world. Whatever the movie is about, I want to be in that world living with the characters on screen. If i take someone with me, I have to be polite to them out of respect and courtesy. I am their companion so my attention is diverted to being good company to them. I am unable to fully immerse myself into the movie.

I go to advance myself with girls i know :shy:
  • #17
I only go to movies alone. I'm going there to watch the movie... not to socialize. I'd much rather watch the movie in an empty theatre if that was possible. I think much like Happeh does. Going in a group defeats the whole purpose of the movie for me. I use the movie as an escape from reality, at least for 2 hours. Why would I wanted to be reminded of my real life while in the theatre?
  • #18
Oh man come on... in a dark room sitting somewhat alone with a hot chick... where else can you get that!

I think we all know what my views are on movies and this thread by now
  • #19
Pengwuino said:
Oh man come on... in a dark room sitting somewhat alone with a hot chick... where else can you get that!
i could get that at my house for a lot less than it would cost to go to a movie.
  • #20
yourdadonapogostick said:
i could get that at my house for a lot less than it would cost to go to a movie.

Well some people need movies lol.
  • #21
Pengwuino said:
Well some people need movies lol.
Does 'L' look familiar?
A movie is a perfectly acceptable first stage of a date, followed by a nice supper and some clubbing. As Peewee Herman can attest, sex is best not done in the theatre.
  • #22
I don't get the chance to go alone but i would if i had to, the only movie i was sure that i was goin alone, my friends thought they shouldn't let me down and went with me...

Ofcourse the company gives a different feeling, but my friends and i we don't like gettin distracted by each other, depends on the movie...Most comedies love distraction, having some more people arround, funny comments and a party...

I really didn't get the chance to go alone, not once...I hope i'll, i really want to have this.
  • #23
Happeh said:
Is there some PR campaign trying to make people feel bad about going to the movies alone? I swear I have seen references to this all over the net. People being shamed because they are "losers" who go to the movies alone.

Actually, that might be me. I have posted this on 3 other forums aswell.

I had feeling this would be the results. I don't ever think I would go to see something that I know would be full. Too great a chance that I will see someone I know there and ask who I am with. And what if that someone is hot. Man that would be embarassing.
I AM thinking about going to see starwars by again myself. Since it's out of the two local theatres that everyone I know goes to and the place I would be going to has few people from my area go, I would probably be safe. But I'd still feel very self conscious about it. I'll probably go on a wednesday or something, or a saturday morning, so no one I know will be there.

I would like to go see WOTW again on the digital projector in my local theatre but that is right smack in the middle of people I know zone. It would be awfully risky. :eek:
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  • #24
I can't understand what's so awful about going alone to the movies. I do that quite a bit (and yes, I DO have friends with whom I also go to the movies occasionally).

In particular, if it was a movie I really liked, and wanted to see again to discover new things about it, I actually prefer going by myself.
To me, it's like re-reading a good book.
  • #25
Happeh said:
I think that people that go to movies in groups are wasting their money. They are not watching the movie. They are having a party like going to the bar or having a barbecue. Talking, laughing, joking. Not paying attention to the movie.
I'd kill my friends if they started talking to me during a movie. I guess that's why I don't mind going alone. About the only time having friends around is better than going alone is if there are long lines to get tickets, so you have someone to chat with while waiting in line. As it is, too many people are talking through the movies in theaters nowadays. I wish the ushers would do their jobs and tell them to shut up! When I want to see a movie in the theater enough to shell out the $8 for a ticket (or whatever it costs now), I want to see and hear the movie, not some irritating teens in the next row.
  • #26
always blaming it on the teens, we don't even get a chance!
I find that's it usually ignorant parents with their <5 year old kids who won't shut the hell up, or worse with babies, although babies can be better as long as they're not crying, because then they make no noise.
  • #27
yeah, people get pretty annoying at the movies. a few weeks ago, I went to go see something, and there were 5 kids in the next row playing on their cellphone. there were also 2 people next to us who couldn't stop giigling, and a guy behind is who thought that instead of laughing, it was more appropriate to yell: "$HIT!"
  • #28
ya, i think little kids are most annoying in theaters. i went to see Madagascar, (with a friend... a boy... but he was engaged... arg...) and this one kid behind me kept asking his mum questions every 5 seconds. what was worse though, is that the mom just kept answering, and so neither would shut up! "whats the difference between an alligator and a crocodile?" "alligators live in florida, crocodiles live in the nile." "where's the nile?" "its a river in egypt." "where's egypt?" "its over in northern africa." "did grammy go to africa last summer?" "no, that was alabama." "oh, are there alligators in alabama?"

seriously... the alligator part was ages ago... SHUT UP! arg...

with regards to the original question... i'd really like to go to the theater alone some time, or even dinner myself some times... but i dunno. i do feel like it'd mean I'm a loser... which i am frankly... but still... i sort of hope that if i ever did go alone, maybe some kind, handsome stranger would feel sorry, and decide to sit with me because i was cute and deserved company... hehe... ok, ya, I'm dork...
  • #29
Gale17 said:
ya, i think little kids are most annoying in theaters. i went to see Madagascar, (with a friend... a boy... but he was engaged... arg...) and this one kid behind me kept asking his mum questions every 5 seconds. what was worse though, is that the mom just kept answering, and so neither would shut up! "whats the difference between an alligator and a crocodile?" "alligators live in florida, crocodiles live in the nile." "where's the nile?" "its a river in egypt." "where's egypt?" "its over in northern africa." "did grammy go to africa last summer?" "no, that was alabama." "oh, are there alligators in alabama?"

seriously... the alligator part was ages ago... SHUT UP! arg...
:smile: :smile: :smile: I would've leaned back and told that mother to shut up!
  • #30
I have seen couple of movies alone back in the days. Only if my friends are out of town, then I woudn't mind going to movies alone. It's great experience to spend some time alone.
  • #31
I've never gone alone to the cinema, but that also means I've missed some of the movies i wanted to see!. Nevertheles, maybe i should try going alone to the cinema from time to time, like Moonbear said, it's just watching a screen, no much to talk to.
  • #32
When I go to the movies, it is usually with either friends or family. I don't consider it a conducive place for a date... a visit to the park would be a far more relaxing environment, and the social interaction would be present.

But I do agree that it is distracting on occasions with all of the commotion; especially on Friday nights when much of the town's youth congregate in that one building. Egh. Yeah they are "cool" and all, but their "coolness" infringes upon the rest of our movie experience.
  • #33
This is really weird. I don't think it has even occurred to me to go alone. I seem to have implicity defined this as a social function and never thought about it.
  • #34
Ivan Seeking said:
This is really weird. I don't think it has even occurred to me to go alone. I seem to have implicity defined this as a social function and never thought about it.

Then I'm sure Tsu doesn't talk through the whole movie...
  • #35
Physics is Phun said:
always blaming it on the teens, we don't even get a chance!
I find that's it usually ignorant parents with their <5 year old kids who won't shut the hell up, or worse with babies, although babies can be better as long as they're not crying, because then they make no noise.

I guess I don't see many movies in the theater that are appropriate for children that young, so it's just the teens being too loud with their cell phones and gabbing on and on. But it's no wonder the teens talk through the movie if the parents don't teach them when they are 5 to sit still and be quiet (who is so masochistic as to bring a 5 year-old to a theater anyway? No 5 yr old can sit quietly for the full length of a movie. That makes no sense (unless it's one of those special early matinees intended for mom's with small children where the lights are kept a bit brighter so they can see to change babies, and it's more for moms to get out of the house than for the kids).

Related to Poll: Do you go to the movies alone?

1. Can going to the movies alone be enjoyable?

Yes, many people find that going to the movies alone can be a relaxing and enjoyable experience. It allows you to fully immerse yourself in the film without any distractions or interruptions.

2. Is it common for people to go to the movies alone?

While it may not be as common as going with friends or family, there are many people who choose to go to the movies alone. It can be a great way to unwind and have some alone time.

3. Are there any benefits to going to the movies alone?

Yes, there are several benefits to going to the movies alone. It allows you to choose the movie and showtime without having to compromise with others. It also gives you the freedom to fully focus on the film and your own thoughts without any distractions.

4. Do people who go to the movies alone feel self-conscious?

Some people may feel self-conscious about going to the movies alone, but it ultimately depends on the individual. It can be a great opportunity to learn to enjoy your own company and not worry about what others may think.

5. Is it safe to go to the movies alone?

Yes, it is generally safe to go to the movies alone. Theaters typically have security measures in place and you are surrounded by other movie-goers. However, it is always important to be aware of your surroundings and take necessary precautions.

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