Which Books Are Best for Physics Olympiad Preparation?

In summary: H.H. Wilson. Basically it's all about classical mechanics and Newtonian physics. It's really good for learning how to think about physics problems.For Thermodynamics, I would suggest either reading a more introductory text or doing some exercises from a problem book.For Fluid Statics, I would definitely recommend either reading a more introductory text or doing exercises from a problem book.For Optics, I would recommend either reading a more introductory text or doing exercises from a problem book.For Electricity and Magnetism, I would recommend either reading a more introductory text or doing exercises from a problem book.For topics which are usually not dug out like Thermodynamics, Geometric
  • #1
I am a high school student and I am preparing for physics olympiad and I need some help regarding resources.
Talking about what I have done , I have read Physics by Resnick and halliday 5th edi both volumes.I have also read Thomas's Calculus(most part).

and I am currently doing 'An introduction to mechanics by Kleppner'

Could someone help me by telling about books for Thermodynamics,Fluid Statics,Optics and electricity and magnetism.
Moreover books which have good explanation and thought provoking questions are recommended.
Thank you!
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
A friend who competed in the international physics olympiad said the level up to the national finals, albeit in the Netherlands, was comparable to University Physics by Young and Freedman
  • #3
Definitely study that Kleppner book. In my freshman year I was surprised to find just how many problems from the Olympiad where from there (at least in my country).

For problems I suggest the Kvant magazines if you can get any copies in english, and Irodov (the general problems one) which should be on amazon.

A good intro to EM would be the Berkeley Electricity and Magnetism. If you're serious about this there is of course Jackson (obviously just the electro/magnetostatics part).

Also be sure to do all the IPhO problems. Also the A(sian)PhO which is usually more computationally intense.

But I guess it depends for what level you're aiming?
  • #4
Although I am aiming of the International level participation, but for that that I have to clear national level first.
  • #5
I would not suggest Jackson for EM or some other books at that level. Though the olympiad involves lots of calculation, but it's just at the basic level of calculus. You won't encounter much differential equations, just some basic types. Something like grad, div, rot is way too far. However you should still have a look at grad, div, rot, etc, for better understanding and visualizing what is happening, but not for calculating.

At the level of the olympiad, the first thing is to gain understanding. Believe me, without understanding, you will easily trap yourself in weird reasoning or solutions. The book on EM of Purcell in Berkeley series is a good one, but not a good start. Some introductory books such as University Physics by Freedman or Fundamental of Physics of Halliday are good enough at the beginning. Then comes something more advanced like EM book of Purcell, Feymann's lectures on physics, Vibrations and Waves of A.P.French.

For topics which are usually not dug out like Thermodynamics, Geometric optics, Fluid mechanics, I couldn't find appropriate English books (I don't read much books by the way). But the scope of the olympiad of these topics doesn't go far from introductory level, so the best way is to do exercises. Some good problem books: Irodov's Problems in General Physics, Introduction to Classical Mechanics by David Morin, Problems and Solutions on Physics by Lim, A Guide to Physics Problems, etc.

The internet and Wikipedia are also your good friends; don't ever forget that :smile:

P.S.: By the way, I didn't even start with Fundamentals of Physics; at the beginning, I only used standard high school textbooks. Those textbooks can prompt you think more than you could imagine. Knowledge is crucial, but after all what's more important is understanding :smile:
  • #6
Hey there,

I was lucky enough to participate in the 2009 Finals in Mexico, and my oppinion is:

Your preparation time is best spend calculating a lot of hard problems, on the IPho website you can find all the problems and solutions from all the competitions - do as many of them as you have time for before your plane leaves for (is it Bangkok?) that you can.

I've found that the concepts they use in their problems, are typically not that advanced (the questions they ask are very difficult nonetheless), so using a lot of time understanding grad books like Jackson is not a good idea. Instead read introductory texts
like University Physics and understand them completely.

You'll find then, that it is enough to get started on many problems, and typically, if you get stuck, then it wouldn't really have helped to have read more advanced texts, because the answer (when you read it) will be deductible from the topics in the simpler text, used in a clever way.
  • #7
alphabeta1720 said:
I am a high school student and I am preparing for physics olympiad and I need some help regarding resources.
Talking about what I have done , I have read Physics by Resnick and halliday 5th edi both volumes.I have also read Thomas's Calculus(most part).

and I am currently doing 'An introduction to mechanics by Kleppner'

Could someone help me by telling about books for Thermodynamics,Fluid Statics,Optics and electricity and magnetism.
Moreover books which have good explanation and thought provoking questions are recommended.
Thank you!

you should try the "Principle Of Physic"

FAQ: Which Books Are Best for Physics Olympiad Preparation?

What is the purpose of preparing for a physics olympiad?

The purpose of preparing for a physics olympiad is to test and challenge your knowledge and skills in physics. It also allows you to compete with other students on a national or international level and potentially earn recognition and prizes for your achievements.

How should I start preparing for a physics olympiad?

The best way to start preparing for a physics olympiad is to familiarize yourself with the format and content of the competition. This can include reviewing past exams, studying relevant textbooks and resources, and practicing problem-solving techniques. It's also important to set a study schedule and stick to it in order to cover all necessary topics.

What are some effective study techniques for preparing for a physics olympiad?

Some effective study techniques for preparing for a physics olympiad include reviewing and understanding fundamental concepts, practicing solving problems and equations, and working through past exams and challenging problems. It can also be helpful to form study groups with other students to discuss and work on problems together.

How important is it to have a strong foundation in math for a physics olympiad?

Having a strong foundation in math is crucial for success in a physics olympiad. Many concepts in physics involve complex mathematical equations and problem-solving skills, so it's important to have a solid understanding of algebra, geometry, and calculus. It's also beneficial to practice applying mathematical concepts to physics problems.

Are there any tips for managing time during the physics olympiad?

Yes, it's important to manage your time effectively during the physics olympiad. This can include reading through the exam and identifying which questions you feel most confident in solving first, and then allocating your time accordingly. It's also important to leave some time at the end to review and check your answers. Practicing time management techniques during preparation can also help improve your speed during the actual competition.

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