Problem: Orbital Period - eclipse time - Illumination time ?

  • #1
Problem: Orbital Period - eclipse time - Illumination time ??

Homework Statement

An educational institute has decided to launch a small satellite having mass and volume of CubeSat specifications i.e. mass of 1.33kg and volume of 10 cm cube. Due to some launch constraints, there are three options for the target orbit of operation.

i. 600 Km circular orbit with 40 degree inclination
ii. 650 km Sun Synchronous orbit
iii. 700km apogee and 200km perigee elliptical orbit with 30 degree elevation

You are required to do the feasibility study of the above orbits to find, compare and comment on the
following parameters (You have to submit a formal report)

i. Orbital Period
ii. Maximum eclipse time
iii. Radiation effects
iv. Orbit decay due to atmospheric drag
v. Illumination time

Homework Equations

i. Use some standard text for the orbital calculation
ii. Same for the eclipse period

The Attempt at a Solution

Not even managed to use the kaplers eq. to find the orbital period.
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Physics news on
  • #2

Sounds to me like you have some reading to do. Perhaps you should try list up the equations you do think are relevant and show what you have tried so far.