Proton and anti-proton annihilation can produce extra pions

In summary: However, in a very small number of cases, the EM interaction can be strong enough to produce photons. This is due to the fact that the electron and positron have the same mass but opposite charges, which means that their interactions can be very strong.
  • #1
Why do proton and anti-proton annihilation can produce extra pions, in addition to the photons; whereas the electron and positron interaction only gives photons?
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  • #2
Think about the rest masses before employing the machinery of Feynman diagrams.Apart from the neutrinos,the electron & its antiparticle are the lightest massive particles.

Then you could employ Feynman calculus and assert that the proton is a composite particle and several quark processes take place,whivh could result in bound states like pions.

  • #4
One has to consider the kinetic energy of the incident (mostly likely anti-proton) particle in order to understand the possible annihilation products.

Annihilation of colliding positron-electron pairs will produce particles other than photons provided the kinetic energy is above certain thresholds.

In a collision, the additional kinetic energy allows for other particles to be formed as demonstrated in the link provided by juvenal.
  • #5
Juvenal, it looks, there are lots of different possibilities relating to the outcome products. Are they all by chance or is there a mechanism involved?
  • #6
The products will be determined by the total energy available and the other conservation laws.
  • #7
One calculates the differential cross section for a particular scattering process using the standard model. This essentially gives the probability distribution for that process.

If the process is mostly QED - e+e- -> e+e-, mu+mu-, etc, then the cross section is well known. (In fact it's one of the first calculations one does in a particle physics class). If QCD is involved, it can get ugly.
  • #8

Your question about proton / antiproton collisions mostly making pions, while electron / positron collisions mostly making photons deals with the fascinating subject of the difference betweeen "electromagnetic" showers and "hadronic" showers. The differences in rest mass is not the answer. You can accelerate electrons and positrons up to energies far in excess of the rest mass of the proton, and still the results of the collision will give fewer hadrons than a proton / antiproton collision at the same energy.

This is a fact that is well known to people who read papers on cosmic rays because one can distinguish the primary particles in cosmic rays by looking at the ratio of hadronic (i.e. pions) to electromagnetic (i.e. photons, electrons and positrons) in their showers. I just finished an outlandish paper that touches on this subject:

An intuitive explanation (that is wrong in that it ignores gluons and stuff) I've seen for the extra pions produced in hadronic interactions, is to say that at short distances, the quarks act like free particles. So when you have a collision between protons, the 6 quarks involved are very likely to end up split in ways that are not color neutral. For example, three quarks might go one way, one another way, and the other two in a third direction.

There is no problem with such a collision at first, but if the debris is not color neutral, and since the color force increases with distance, the separating quarks cause the vacuum to make more quark antiquark pairs. So all those extra pions get extracted from the vacuum by the color force.

Since leptons don't have color charge, their collisions don't make nearly as many pions.

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  • #9
Protons and antiprotons have strong interactions with pions, but electrons and positrons do not. Most p-pbar annihilations do not produce photons, because that requires the weaker EM interaction.

FAQ: Proton and anti-proton annihilation can produce extra pions

What is "proton and anti-proton annihilation"?

Proton and anti-proton annihilation is a process in which a proton and its antiparticle, the anti-proton, collide and are converted into energy. This process is most commonly studied in particle physics experiments.

How does proton and anti-proton annihilation produce extra pions?

During the annihilation process, the energy from the collision is converted into new particles, including pions. This is due to the conservation of energy and mass, as the total energy and mass of the initial particles must be equal to the total energy and mass of the resulting particles.

What are pions and why are they important in this process?

Pions are subatomic particles that belong to a family of particles called mesons. They are made up of a quark and an anti-quark and are important in this process because they are one of the main particles produced during proton and anti-proton annihilation.

What are the potential applications of studying proton and anti-proton annihilation?

Studying proton and anti-proton annihilation can provide valuable insights into the fundamental forces and particles of the universe. It can also help in developing new technologies, such as particle accelerators and medical imaging techniques.

Are there any risks associated with proton and anti-proton annihilation?

No, there are no known risks associated with proton and anti-proton annihilation. This process occurs naturally in high-energy cosmic rays and has been studied extensively in controlled experiments without any harmful effects.

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