Proton Decay and Our Health: Exploring the Effects of One Proton Decay per Year

In summary, the conversation discusses the potential harm caused by the decay of protons in our body and how it is extremely negligible due to the small amount of energy released and the high number of decays happening in the human body every second.
  • #1
We're made of roughly 10^28 protons. Let's imagine that the average lifespan of a proton were 10^28 years even though it is much higher. That would mean one proton per year would decay in our body. How much harm would one proton decay cause us?
Physics news on
  • #3
I know that. What I'm wondering is how much energy does proton decay release and how much harm would that energy release cause us.
  • #4
robertjford80 said:
how much energy does proton decay release

The decay mode given by Wikipedia's article on proton decay has a net result of ##p \rightarrow e^+ +2 \gamma##. Can you calculate how much energy that would release, corresponding to the difference in mass?
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  • #5
About 100-1000 radioactive decays happen in an average human per second - not from protons, but from other particles. This is a rough estimate, but it is enough to show that proton decays (if possible) are completely negligible. In addion, some high-energetic muons cross a human body each second.
  • #6
Not to mention the (rough) 200 mrem per year from just radon decay.

FAQ: Proton Decay and Our Health: Exploring the Effects of One Proton Decay per Year

What is proton decay?

Proton decay is a theoretical process in which a proton, one of the building blocks of matter, decays into lighter particles. This process has not been observed in experiments yet, but it is predicted by some theories.

How does proton decay affect our health?

Proton decay has not been observed, so it does not currently have any known effects on our health. However, if it were to occur at a rate of one decay per year, it could potentially have significant impacts on the structure and stability of matter in the universe.

What are the potential consequences of one proton decay per year?

If one proton decay were to occur per year, it could lead to the destabilization of atoms and molecules, potentially disrupting essential processes in living organisms. It could also affect the behavior of fundamental forces, such as gravity and electromagnetism, which play crucial roles in our understanding of the universe.

Can proton decay be stopped or reversed?

As proton decay is a theoretical process, there is currently no way to stop or reverse it. However, ongoing research and experiments are being conducted to better understand this phenomenon and potentially find ways to control or prevent it.

Is proton decay related to radioactive decay?

Proton decay and radioactive decay are two different processes. Proton decay involves the decay of a single proton, while radioactive decay involves the decay of an unstable atomic nucleus. However, both processes involve the transformation of one type of particle into another, leading to changes in the composition and structure of matter.

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