Prove that the period of a thick ring would be this formula

In summary: R is the difference between the inner and outer radii. In summary, the period for a thick ring can be derived using the parallel axis theorem and is equal to T=2π√[d/g+(ΔR)^2/4Rg].
  • #1
1. Homework Statement

Derive and show that the period for a thick ring would be


2. Homework Equations

"the ring pendulum consists of a thin metal ring that can be suspended from a knife edge. The ring has inner radius Ri and outer radius Ro. A notch is cut into the ring so that it can be suspended without slipping. The center of the notch is a distance r from the center of mass of the ring. The average of Ri and Ro is equal to r. The moment of inertia of the ring about its center of mass is


At this point you can make an approximation. If the ring is thin relative to its radius, that is if Ri and Ro are nearly equal and the difference between them is small compared to Ri, the moment of inertia of the ring about its center of gravity can be approximated by I=MR^2. The parallel axis theorem says that the moment of inertia about an axis parallel to that going through the center of mass is Itotal=Icm + MD^2 where D is the distance from the center of mass to the axis of rotation. In the case if the rings in this experiment D equals R. You can use the parallel axis theorem to find the moment of inertia of the ring about the pivot point. The period of a thin ring should be T=(2π√d/g) where d is the average diameter of the ring. It equals 2R or 1/2(do+di). di and do are the inner and outer diameters of each ring and d is the average of the two."

3. The Attempt at a Solution

Obviously, delta R means the difference between Ri and Ro would be considerable. So ΔR=Ro-Ri. Then Ro=R+ΔR/2 and Ri=R-ΔR/2
I also know that T=2π√(I/mgr) and Itotal=Icenter of mass + MR^2...
Can you guys help me? I'm lost here. Thanks a lot.
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  • #2
The period of a thin ring should be T=(2π√d/g) where d is the average diameter of the ring. It equals 2R or 1/2(do+di). di and do are the inner and outer diameters of each ring and d is the average of the two. Using the parallel axis theorem, we can find the moment of inertia for the ring about the pivot point:Itotal=Icm + MD^2= (1/2[M(Ro^2+Ri^2)]) + MR^2 Substituting in the values of Ro and Ri yields:Itotal = (1/2[M((R+ΔR/2)^2+(R-ΔR/2)^2)]) + MR^2 Itotal = (1/2[M(R^2+ ΔR^2/4 + 2RΔR)]) + MR^2 Itotal = (1/2[M(R^2+ ΔR^2/4)) + MR^2 + MRΔR Itotal = (1/2[MR^2+ MΔR^2/4)) + MR^2 Therefore, the period of the thick ring is:T=2π√[d/g+(ΔR)^2/4Rg]

FAQ: Prove that the period of a thick ring would be this formula

What is the formula for calculating the period of a thick ring?

The formula for calculating the period of a thick ring is T = 2π√(mR^2 + I), where T is the period, m is the mass of the ring, R is the radius of the ring, and I is the moment of inertia of the ring.

Why is this formula used to calculate the period of a thick ring?

This formula is used because it takes into account both the mass and the distribution of mass (moment of inertia) of the ring, which are both important factors in determining the period of an object's oscillation.

How is the formula derived?

The formula is derived using the principles of rotational motion and conservation of energy. By setting the kinetic energy of the ring equal to the potential energy at the highest point of its oscillation, the formula can be derived.

Can this formula be applied to all types of rings?

No, this formula is specifically for thick rings with a uniform distribution of mass. For thin rings or rings with non-uniform mass distribution, a different formula would need to be used.

Are there any other factors that may affect the accuracy of this formula?

Yes, factors such as air resistance, friction, and external forces can affect the accuracy of this formula in real-world scenarios. These factors are often negligible, but should be taken into consideration in more precise calculations.

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