Prove using induction that if a graph has no odd cycles it is bipartite

In summary, the conversation discussed how to prove a problem using induction, specifically in regards to a bipartite graph. The base case involves three vertices and three edges, with the last one looping back to create a cycle. The inductive step involves assuming the graph is already bipartite and then adding one more vertex and appropriate edges. It was mentioned that adding a vertex that connects to both red and blue vertices will produce an odd cycle.
  • #1
We learned in class how to do this problem the more traditional way, but we are required to reprove this using induction, which I'm not too sure how to do.

My Attempt: For the base case I had three vertices connected by three edges, with the last one looping back to the first to create a cycle of edge length three. I said this was bipartite since you could color the two vertices that weren't adjacent red and the middle one blue and no two vertices of the same color would be adjacent to each other. However, I'm not too sure how to proceed from there for the inductive step.
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  • #2
I think the key to this is to assume that you have a bipartite graph, and add one more vertex.

So let's assume that the original graph is split into blue vertices and red vertices. Being bipartite means that every edge leaving a blue vertex connects to a red vertex, and vice-versa.

Now, let's introduce another vertex and some more edges connecting it to the original graph. If it connects to only red vertices, then it can be a blue vertex, and we have a new bipartite graph with one more vertex. If it connects only to blue vertices, then it can be a red vertex, and we still have a bipartite graph. Notice that in both cases, you don't introduce any new cycles.

Now, suppose that the new vertex connects to both a red vertex and a blue vertex. What you need to argue is that connecting to both red and blue vertices must produce an odd cycle (if those vertices are themselves connected by edges---you might have to reason separately about disconnected vertices).

FAQ: Prove using induction that if a graph has no odd cycles it is bipartite

1. What is induction and how is it used in this proof?

Induction is a mathematical proof technique that involves proving a statement for all natural numbers by first proving it for the base case (usually 0 or 1) and then showing that if it holds for any given number, it also holds for the next number. In this proof, induction is used to show that the statement holds for all natural numbers, starting with 0.

2. What is a graph and what is an odd cycle?

A graph is a set of vertices (points) connected by edges (lines). An odd cycle in a graph is a sequence of vertices and edges that starts and ends at the same vertex, and has an odd number of edges. In other words, it is a closed loop with an odd number of lines.

3. How does the absence of odd cycles prove that a graph is bipartite?

If a graph has no odd cycles, it means that there are no closed loops with an odd number of lines. This implies that the graph can be divided into two sets of vertices, where each set contains only even cycles. This division is known as bipartition, and it proves that the graph is bipartite.

4. Can you provide an example of a graph with no odd cycles that is not bipartite?

No, a graph with no odd cycles must be bipartite. This is because the absence of odd cycles guarantees that the graph can be divided into two sets of vertices with only even cycles, which is the definition of bipartite. Any graph that cannot be divided into two sets in this way must have an odd cycle.

5. Is this proof applicable to all types of graphs?

Yes, this proof can be applied to any type of graph, including directed and undirected graphs, connected and disconnected graphs, and even infinite graphs. As long as the graph has no odd cycles, this proof holds true.
