Proving Injectivity & Surjectivity of f: Palindromes over X

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In summary, injectivity and surjectivity are two key properties of a function that describe its behavior. Injectivity means that every element in the domain maps to a unique element in the range, while surjectivity means that every element in the range is mapped to by at least one element in the domain. To prove injectivity, one must demonstrate that no two elements in the domain map to the same element in the range. Similarly, to prove surjectivity, one must show that every element in the range has at least one corresponding element in the domain. These properties are essential for determining the inverse of a function and understanding its behavior and properties.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Let X = {a,b}.

A palindrome over X is a string α for which α = αR (i.e., a string that reads the same forward and backward). An example of a palindrome over X is bbaabb.

Define a function from X* to the set of palindromes over X as f(α) = ααR.
Is f one-to-one? Is f onto? Prove your answers.

Homework Equations

X* = set of all strings over X
αR = α in reverse

so if α = abb, αR = bba, and ααR = abbbba

The Attempt at a Solution

Let f(α) = f(β).
Then ααR = ββR.
Show α = β.
We can reverse each side and get αRα = βRβ.
The cardinality of some string is equal to that of itself in reverse: |γ| = |γR|.
Therefore the cardinality of either side of the equation must be equal...

I don't quite know where I'm going with that. I know it is injective because
if [( f(α) = αR ) ∧ ( f(α) = f(β) )] → [ αR = βR ];
reverse both sides, α = β. The above seems to be a logically equivalent extension of that. But how to prove it?

Suppose that β ∈ the set of palindromes over X.
Then the string is a palindrome composed only with characters in {a,b}.
Any substring will therefore rightfully belong to the domain X as well, as the codomain of ƒ is a subset of the domain X... for every β, there is an α... therefore the codomain and the range are equal and the function maps onto the set of palindromes over X... I think it is.
Let ααR = β and solve for α? But if so how?
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  • #2
Two ideas that might help you organize your thoughts a little better;

Given two strings ##\alpha=\alpha_1\alpha_2\ldots \alpha_n## and ##\beta=\beta_1\beta_2\ldots \beta_m## over ##X##, ##\alpha=\beta## if and only if ##n=m## (i.e. ##|\alpha|=|\beta|##) and ##\alpha_i=\beta_i## for all ##i=1,\ldots,n##.

Given strings ##\alpha## and ##\beta## over ##X##, ##|\alpha\beta|=|\alpha|+|\beta|##.

FAQ: Proving Injectivity & Surjectivity of f: Palindromes over X

1. What does it mean to prove injectivity and surjectivity of a function?

Injectivity and surjectivity are two important properties of a function that describe its behavior. Injectivity means that every element in the domain maps to a unique element in the range, while surjectivity means that every element in the range is mapped to by at least one element in the domain.

2. How do you prove injectivity of a function?

To prove injectivity of a function, you need to show that no two elements in the domain are mapped to the same element in the range. This can be done by comparing the outputs of the function for different inputs and showing that they are always distinct.

3. How do you prove surjectivity of a function?

To prove surjectivity of a function, you need to show that every element in the range is mapped to by at least one element in the domain. This can be done by taking an arbitrary element in the range and finding an input in the domain that maps to it.

4. How do you prove injectivity and surjectivity for palindromes over X?

To prove injectivity and surjectivity for palindromes over X, you would need to show that for any palindrome in X, there is a unique input that produces it as an output, and that every palindrome in X can be produced as an output by at least one input.

5. Why is it important to prove injectivity and surjectivity of a function?

Proving injectivity and surjectivity of a function is important because it ensures that the function has a well-defined inverse, which is necessary for many mathematical operations and applications. It also helps to determine the range and domain of the function, and understand its behavior and properties.
