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Homework Statement
I am translating so bear with me.
We have two group homomorphisms:
α : G → G'
β : G' → G
Let β(α(x)) = x ∀x ∈ G
Show that
1)β is a surjection
2)α an injection
3) ker(β) = ker(α ο β) (Here ο is the composition of functions.)
Homework Equations
This is from a introductory Group Theory course.
I know:
the definition of homomorphisms
Let f: G → G' and e and e' are the two neutral elements.
f is injective if and only if Ker(f) = e
f is surjective if and only if image(f) = G'
The Attempt at a Solution
My initial reflex would have been writing α = β-1 but I know that we don't know that yet.
I started with let x,y ∈ G so that α(x) = x' and α(y) = y'
Showing β as a surjection means that image(β) = G. I am unsure of where to start proving that.
Showing that α is injective means I need to show that α-1(e') = e
Again I am unsure of where to start.
Thank you