Proving the Commutation Relation for Quantized Boson in a One-Dimensional Box

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In summary, the paper discusses the derivation of the commutation relation for quantized bosons confined in a one-dimensional box. It begins by establishing the quantization conditions and boundary conditions for the bosonic field. The authors then apply the canonical quantization procedure, leading to the formulation of the field operators and their respective commutation relations. The results confirm that the bosonic operators satisfy the standard commutation relations, which are essential for the consistency of quantum mechanics and the statistical behavior of bosons. The implications of these findings for further studies in quantum field theory and many-body physics are also highlighted.
  • #1
Homework Statement
Show for a boson particle in a box of volume ##V## that $$\frac 1 V \sum_{\mathbf{pq}} e^{i(\mathbf{px}-\mathbf{qy})}[\hat a_{\mathbf p},\hat a^\dagger_{\mathbf q}]=\delta^{(3)}(\mathbf x - \mathbf y)$$
Relevant Equations
##[\hat a_{\mathbf p},\hat a^\dagger_{\mathbf q}]=\delta_{\mathbf{pq}}##
To simplify, I consider a one-dimensional box of the size L. I need to show in this case that
$$\frac 1 L \sum_{pq} e^{i(px-qy)}[\hat a_p,\hat a^\dagger_q]=\delta(x -y)$$
With the commutation relation above, it becomes
$$\frac 1 L \sum_p e^{ip(x-y)}=\delta(x -y)$$
p is quantized: ##p_m=\frac {2\pi m} L##

So I need to show that
$$\frac 1 L \sum_m e^{i \frac {2\pi m} L (x-y)}=\delta(x -y)$$
If ##x \neq y## the sum is ##0##, but I don't know how to proceed otherwise.
A hint?
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  • #2
Got it.

##\langle x|p \rangle= \frac 1 {\sqrt L} e^{ipx}##
##\langle p|y \rangle= \frac 1 {\sqrt L} e^{-ipy}##

##\langle x|y \rangle = \delta(x-y)##

OTOH, inserting the resolution of identity,
##\langle x|y \rangle = \sum_p \langle x|p \rangle \langle p|y \rangle=\frac 1 L \sum_p e^{ip(x-y)}##

##\frac 1 L \sum_p e^{ip(x-y)}=\delta(x-y)##
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FAQ: Proving the Commutation Relation for Quantized Boson in a One-Dimensional Box

What is the commutation relation for quantized bosons in a one-dimensional box?

The commutation relation for quantized bosons in a one-dimensional box is given by [a_k, a_l†] = δ_kl, where a_k and a_l† are the annihilation and creation operators, respectively, and δ_kl is the Kronecker delta, which is 1 if k = l and 0 otherwise.

How do you derive the commutation relation for bosons in a one-dimensional box?

The commutation relation is derived by expressing the field operators in terms of creation and annihilation operators and using the canonical commutation relations for the field operators. Specifically, the field operator ψ(x) is expanded as a sum of mode functions multiplied by annihilation operators, and its conjugate ψ†(x) by creation operators. The commutation relations between the field operators are then translated into commutation relations between the mode operators.

Why is the commutation relation important for quantized bosons in a one-dimensional box?

The commutation relation is crucial because it defines the quantum statistical properties of the bosons. It ensures that the particles obey Bose-Einstein statistics, which leads to phenomena such as Bose-Einstein condensation. Additionally, it is fundamental in the quantization procedure, allowing the calculation of observables and the prediction of physical properties of the system.

Can the commutation relation be experimentally verified in a one-dimensional box?

Indirectly, yes. While the commutation relation itself is a theoretical construct, its consequences can be experimentally verified. For example, the energy levels, the density of states, and the specific heat of a system of bosons confined in a one-dimensional box can be measured and compared to the predictions made using the commutation relations. Agreement between theory and experiment supports the validity of the commutation relations.

What are some common applications of the commutation relation for quantized bosons in a one-dimensional box?

Applications include the study of low-dimensional quantum gases, which are relevant in fields such as condensed matter physics and quantum information. These systems can model phenomena like superfluidity, quantum phase transitions, and the behavior of qubits in quantum computing. Understanding the commutation relations helps in designing and interpreting experiments involving ultracold atoms in optical lattices and other confined geometries.

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