How does gauge symmetry arise in QFT and its implications?

In summary, the QFT Lagrangian contains two separate fields, one massless and one with mass. To make the system have a continuous intrinsic quantum number (like a "continuous polarization degree of freedom"), the Lagrangian must have a global symmetry. To make sure that no "unphysical degrees of freedom" mix into the dynamics, the Lagrangian must be invariant under local transformations. The Lagrangian for QED describes electrons, positrons and photons when setting ##q=-e##.
  • #1
TL;DR Summary
QFT and the Origin of Gauge Invariance
In an earlier question I asked if the EM field was truly a separate field from the matter field in QFT, as it's field structure is naturally complementary to phase changes in the matter field in just the right way to restore gauge invariance (poorly formed question, but hopefully you get the gist). One response gave a succinct answer in that the QFT Lagrangian clearly contains two separate coupled fields and so there is the answer; however, this does seem to beg the question of how gauge symmetry arises. As the field solutions to the QFT Lagrangian clearly do have a tight gauge symmetry, is there some clearly identifiable structure of the QFT Lagrangian that would cause one to expect that only gauge invariant field solutions would result?
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  • #2
Gauge invariance first occurs when thinking about how to realize the fundamental space-time symmetry of Minkowski space, i.e., how to realize the proper orthochonous Poincare group. Wigner's famous analysis of the unitary irreducible representations, from which any representation can be built, shows that for physically meaningful realization (admitting microcausal realizations leading to a unitary S-matrix) there are the realizations with ##m^2>0## and ##m^2=0##. In the latter case for fields with spin ##\geq 1## you need gauge symmetry, because otherwise you get continuous intrinsic quantum numbers, i.e., something like a "continuous polarization degree of freedom" for the corresponding single-particle Fock states, and such a thing has never been observed.

For the electromagnetic field you have a massless spin-1 representation, and to make the continuous part of the "little group" realized trivially, you have to assume gauge invariance, which leads to the usual two polarization degrees of photons (instead of the 3 spin states for massive vector bosons).

If you now consider interacting field theories thus you have to obey local gauge invariance to make sure that no "unphysical degrees of freedom" mix into the dynamics and thus contribute to the S-matrix, because this would lead to a completely inconsistent theory that cannot be physically interpreted at all (particularly the S-matrix wouldn't be unitary).
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Likes DarMM
  • #3
I appreciate your feedback - can you comment on how the QFT Lagrangian is structured to implement the requirement you outline to ensure that 'no "unphysical degrees of freedom" mix into the dynamics and thus contribute to the S-matrix' ? As the Lagrangian solves for the final field structure it seems any requirements must be addressed in it's definition.
  • #4
The usual heuristic scheme is "minimal coupling", i.e., you start from a theory with a global symmetry, e.g., the Dirac Lagrangian for free Dirac fields,
$$\mathcal{L}_0=\bar{\psi}(\mathrm{i} \gamma^{\mu} \partial_{\mu}-m) \psi.$$
The symmetry is symmetry under multiplication with a phase factor
$$\psi =\rightarrow \exp(-\mathrm{i} \alpha) \psi.$$
Then you want to make the Lagrangian invariant under local transformations, i.e., when ##\alpha \rightarrow \alpha(x)##. To that end you introduce the gauge-boson field and use
$$\partial_{\mu} \rightarrow \partial_{\mu} +\mathrm{i} q A_{\mu}=\mathrm{D}_{\mu},$$
leading to
$$\mathcal{L}_0'=\bar{\psi} (\mathrm{i} \gamma^{\mu} \mathrm{D}_{\mu}-m) \psi,$$
which is invariant under the gauge transformation
$$\psi \rightarrow \exp(-\mathrm{i} q \chi) \psi, \quad A_{\mu} \rightarrow A_{\mu} + \partial_{\mu} \chi.$$
Finally you also want the gauge field being a dynamical field. So you add the free field Lagrangian, which should be gauge invariant. The one with the least order of derivatives is
$$\mathcal{L}_{0\text{gauge}}=-\frac{1}{4} F_{\mu \nu} F^{\mu \nu}$$
$$F_{\mu \nu}=\partial_{\mu} A_{\mu}-\partial_{\nu} A_{\mu}.$$
Adding these lagrangians you end up with the Lagrangian for QED describing electrons, positrons and photons (when setting ##q=-e##).
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Likes DarMM
  • #5
That is a perfect explanation, many thanks!

FAQ: How does gauge symmetry arise in QFT and its implications?

1. What is gauge symmetry in QFT?

Gauge symmetry in QFT refers to the invariance of the physical laws under a transformation of the fields involved. This means that the equations of motion and the physical observables remain unchanged even when the fields are transformed in a certain way. This symmetry is a fundamental concept in QFT and plays a crucial role in understanding the behavior of particles and forces at the subatomic level.

2. How does gauge symmetry arise in QFT?

Gauge symmetry arises in QFT through the use of gauge fields, which are mathematical constructs that describe the interactions between particles. These gauge fields are introduced to ensure that the equations of motion and physical observables remain invariant under certain transformations. This leads to the emergence of gauge symmetry, which is a fundamental principle in QFT.

3. What are the implications of gauge symmetry in QFT?

The implications of gauge symmetry in QFT are far-reaching. It allows for the unification of different forces, such as the electromagnetic and weak forces, into a single theoretical framework. It also leads to the existence of gauge bosons, which are particles responsible for carrying the forces between particles. Additionally, gauge symmetry is essential in understanding the behavior of particles and their interactions at the subatomic level.

4. How is gauge symmetry related to the Standard Model of particle physics?

The Standard Model of particle physics is a theoretical framework that describes the fundamental particles and their interactions. It is based on the principles of gauge symmetry, specifically the gauge group SU(3) x SU(2) x U(1). The gauge fields associated with these groups give rise to the strong, weak, and electromagnetic forces, respectively. Without gauge symmetry, the Standard Model would not be able to accurately describe the behavior of particles and their interactions.

5. Can gauge symmetry be broken in QFT?

Yes, gauge symmetry can be broken in QFT. This occurs when the symmetry of a system is not preserved at the quantum level, leading to the emergence of massless particles and the breakdown of the gauge symmetry. This phenomenon is known as spontaneous symmetry breaking and is responsible for giving mass to certain particles, such as the W and Z bosons in the Standard Model. The breaking of gauge symmetry is a crucial aspect in understanding the behavior of particles and their interactions in the universe.

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