Quantum effects in biological systems

In summary, people who research quantum mechanical effects in proteins or cells may find it an interesting and realistic topic. However, Roger Penrose's books may not be the best choice for a future career in this field.
  • #1
I am going into my fourth year of studying physics and math as an undergrad. So I'm starting to think about what I want to research after I graduate. So far I'm pretty sure I want to go into biophysics. Specifically, I'm interesting in studying quantum mechanical effects in biological or organic systems, such as proteins or cells. Does anyone know of people that research this? Also does anyone think this is an unrealistic topic for research?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
There's a lot of work out there on photosynthesis and molecular motors (kinesin, dynein, etc), so you could check out that literature and see if it's what you had in mind.

There's also some work on channel/transporter proteins, but since the structures are not known as well, there's less existing stuff: i.e., a good opportunity to contribute.
  • #3
Roger Penrose's "The Emperor's New Mind", "Shadows of the Mind" and "The Large, the Small and the Human Mind" come to mind. But IMHO treating them too seriously may prove dangerous for your further career.
  • #4
With proteins and cells, you're not really looking at quantum mechanical effects anymore - these would be considered macroscopic systems. I know our biophysics department does a lot of research on how proteins assemble themselves and how they are likely to be formed. The physics they use is often found more in the analysis, modeling, and statistics.
  • #5
I was thinking about stuff like this http://lphys.chem.utoronto.ca/newpage/research/coherent-control/" , where people look for coherent quantum effects in a macroscopic system.
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  • #6
Given that bacteriorhodopsin's function is dependent upon absorption of light, it's not unexpected that it is amenable to such laser-based studies. It's a bit like photosynthetic systems in that regard, which were mentioned above.

There is also interest in understanding the role of hydrogen tunneling in enzyme catalysis, but that tends to be a bit more "chemistry"-focused from what I've seen.
  • #7
This is what you're talking about - very cool. Possibly the next wave.


FAQ: Quantum effects in biological systems

What are quantum effects in biological systems?

Quantum effects in biological systems refer to the application of the principles of quantum mechanics to understand and explain biological processes and phenomena. This includes the study of how quantum mechanics affects the behavior of molecules, cells, and other biological structures.

What types of biological systems are affected by quantum effects?

Quantum effects can be observed in a variety of biological systems, including proteins, enzymes, photosynthetic organisms, and even the human brain. Essentially, any living system that exhibits complex and dynamic behavior can be influenced by quantum effects.

How do quantum effects impact biological processes?

Quantum effects can play a significant role in biological processes, such as energy transfer, chemical reactions, and sensory perception. For example, quantum coherence has been observed in photosynthetic organisms, which allows them to efficiently convert light energy into chemical energy.

What are some potential applications of understanding quantum effects in biological systems?

The study of quantum effects in biological systems has the potential to lead to advancements in fields such as medicine, biotechnology, and agriculture. For instance, understanding how quantum mechanics influences protein folding could lead to the development of more effective drugs.

What challenges exist in studying quantum effects in biological systems?

One of the main challenges in studying quantum effects in biological systems is the difficulty in isolating and controlling these effects in a complex and constantly changing environment. Additionally, the scale and intricacy of biological systems can make it challenging to apply traditional quantum mechanical models and theories.

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