Quantum Mechanics - Angular Momentum probability

In summary, the conversation discusses how to make a measurement using the J1 operator and the eigenstates of the observable. The process involves expanding the state of the system in terms of the eigenstates, picking off the coefficients, and squaring them to calculate the probabilities. There is also mention of orthonormality of the eigenstates.
  • #1
See the attachment for the question.

I'm stuck on the bit highlighted in yellow (have done the rest of the question).

I'm not sure if it's really trivial or more involved. Do I have to use the fact that U(pi/2)|j m> are eigenvectors of J1 with eigenvalue m somehow? Why is the answer not just:
|<j m'| J1 |j m>|2?



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  • #2
You don't generally apply the operator when you're making a measurement. Instead, what you do is expand the state of the system in terms of the eigenstates of the observable

[tex]\vert j m \rangle = \sum_{m' = -j}^j c_{m'} \vert j m' \rangle_{J_1}[/tex]

(where [itex]\vert j m' \rangle_{J_1}[/itex] are the eigenstates of J1) and then pick off the coefficients (taking advantage of the orthonormality of the eigenstates) and square them to calculate the probabilities.
  • #3
vela said:
You don't generally apply the operator when you're making a measurement. Instead, what you do is expand the state of the system in terms of the eigenstates of the observable

[tex]\vert j m \rangle = \sum_{m' = -j}^j c_{m'} \vert j m' \rangle_{J_1}[/tex]

(where [itex]\vert j m' \rangle_{J_1}[/itex] are the eigenstates of J1) and then pick off the coefficients (taking advantage of the orthonormality of the eigenstates) and square them to calculate the probabilities.

Ah yes of course! I've done it now, cheers.

FAQ: Quantum Mechanics - Angular Momentum probability

What is angular momentum in quantum mechanics?

Angular momentum is a physical property of a quantum system that measures the amount of rotational motion it possesses. In quantum mechanics, angular momentum is described by operators that act on the wave function of a particle and produce measurable values.

How is angular momentum probability calculated in quantum mechanics?

In quantum mechanics, the probability of a particle having a specific angular momentum is determined by the square of the magnitude of its wave function, also known as the probability density. This probability density is then integrated over all possible angles to obtain the total probability of the particle having a certain angular momentum.

What is the relationship between angular momentum and energy in quantum mechanics?

In quantum mechanics, angular momentum and energy are related through the Heisenberg uncertainty principle. This principle states that the more precisely the angular momentum of a particle is known, the less precisely its energy can be known, and vice versa. This relationship is crucial in understanding the properties and behavior of quantum systems.

How does the concept of superposition apply to angular momentum in quantum mechanics?

In quantum mechanics, a particle can exist in multiple states at the same time, a phenomenon known as superposition. This applies to angular momentum as well, meaning that a particle can have multiple angular momentum values simultaneously. However, upon measurement, the particle will collapse into a single state with a specific angular momentum value.

What is the role of angular momentum in quantum mechanics and its applications?

Angular momentum is a fundamental property of quantum systems and plays a crucial role in understanding the behavior of atoms, molecules, and other quantum particles. It is also essential in many technological applications, such as in quantum computing, where the manipulation of angular momentum is used to store and process information.
