- #1
member 141513
Homework Statement
suppose we have two particles, first with probable states A1,A2,A3 and state B1,B2,B3 each with a certain probability P
Now if we know the probability of composite state |C> is Q
what is the probability to get the first particle to be A1?
im troubled. please help thanks
Here ,probability of getting C is any linear combination of A and B = aP(A)+bP(B)
Homework Equations
The Attempt at a Solution
i have tried to do like this
because C equals one of these 9 states (A1,A2,A3)+(B1,B2,B3)
lets call them |1>,|2>,...,|9>
i don't know how to relate use the "resultant" prbability to get back the original component probability
is it correct to use, for example <C|1> in calculation, I am in trouble