Question about universe formation

In summary: No i mean like say you had to empty bubbles and both collided and the energy and heat created matter or 2 super massive black hole in another universe collided with each other an created our universe. From what I am told if 2 neutron stars collide there is a massive amount of energy and radiation released so imagine 2 supermassive black holes doing it. I am trying to understand how our universe was created because a sudden release of space time and matter from nothingness doesn't make sense.
  • #1
Could it be possible that our universe was created when another universe bumped into ours thus creating a chain reaction and perhapse sharing its matter with ours? I have this idea the there are billions, trillions or any number of universes in a empty space sort of like how galaxies are mostly in an empty space and occasionally collide sharing matter.
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  • #2
KTevolved said:
Could it be possible that our universe was created when another universe bumped into ours thus creating a chain reaction and perhapse sharing its matter with ours? I have this idea the there are billions, trillions or any number of universes in a empty space sort of like how galaxies are mostly in an empty space and occasionally collide sharing matter.

Did you read what you just wrote? You asked if our universe could have been created and in the same statement said it already existed.

Speculation about multiverses is just that ... speculation. You would be better off learning some real physics.
  • #3
No i mean like say you had to empty bubbles and both collided and the energy and heat created matter or 2 super massive black hole in another universe collided with each other an created our universe. From what I am told if 2 neutron stars collide there is a massive amount of energy and radiation released so imagine 2 supermassive black holes doing it. I am trying to understand how our universe was created because a sudden release of space time and matter from nothingness doesn't make sense.
  • #4
The problem common to all 'origin of the universe' models is you eventually face the issue of 'something from nothing' ,or 'turtles all the way down'.
  • #5
KTevolved said:
No i mean like say you had to empty bubbles and both collided and the energy and heat created matter or 2 super massive black hole in another universe collided with each other an created our universe. From what I am told if 2 neutron stars collide there is a massive amount of energy and radiation released so imagine 2 supermassive black holes doing it. I am trying to understand how our universe was created because a sudden release of space time and matter from nothingness doesn't make sense.

Ridiculous. If two supermassive black holes collide, what you get is a bigger supermassive black hole. You are positing another universe in order to explain OUR universe. Where did the other universe come from?

Chronos has it right. It's either something from nothing or turtles all the way down.
  • #6
This thread is moving close into the realm of speculation. Please ensure you read the forum rules on overly speculative posts.

Related to Question about universe formation

1. How did the universe form?

The most widely accepted theory is the Big Bang Theory, which states that the universe began as a singularity and expanded rapidly about 13.8 billion years ago. However, there are other theories such as the Steady State Theory and the Inflationary Theory that offer different explanations.

2. What existed before the Big Bang?

As of now, we do not have a definitive answer to this question. Some theories propose that there was nothing before the Big Bang, while others suggest that there may have been a previous universe or a multiverse. However, we currently do not have enough evidence to support any of these claims.

3. How long did it take for the universe to form?

The Big Bang Theory suggests that the universe expanded and cooled for about 13.8 billion years before it reached the state it is in today. However, the exact timeframe is still a topic of debate among scientists.

4. What caused the universe to form?

The cause of the universe's formation is still unknown. The Big Bang Theory proposes that it was a result of a singularity, but the origin of this singularity is still a topic of research. Other theories suggest that the universe may have always existed or that it was created by a higher power.

5. Will the universe continue to expand forever?

Based on current observations and measurements, it is predicted that the universe will continue to expand indefinitely. However, this expansion may slow down or speed up depending on the amount of matter and energy in the universe. Scientists are still studying the expansion of the universe to better understand its future.

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