Questions About TNB Frenet Frames

  • Thread starter Prologue
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You can pick any one of them but there is no "natural" choice. This is consistent with the fact that the curvature is defined as the rate of change of the tangent vector wrt arc length. If the tangent doesn't change, the curvature is 0. In summary, the TNB frame only works for curves and not for straight lines.
  • #1
I have some questions about the TNB frame.

The T unit vector is defined this way:
[tex]\hat{T} = \frac{dr(t)/dt}{ds/dt} = \frac{dr(s(t))}{ds}[/tex]
So, it is parametrized by arc length. Why can't t be left as the parameter? Is this just for definition-of-curvature-sake? If so is there any reason why the TNB frame couldn't be parametrized all in time, not by arc length?

Ok, next question. I see that the N unit vector is defined this way:
[tex]\hat{N} = \frac{d\hat{T}/ds}{|d\hat{T}/ds|} = \frac{(d\hat{T}/dt)/(dt/ds)}{|d\hat{T}/dt|/|dt/ds|} = \frac{d\hat{T}/dt}{|d\hat{T}/dt|}[/tex]

Ok, confusion. The T unit vector is defined by parameter s, but then let's compute the N unit vector and for fun make it parametrized by t?! What is going on?

Another thing about the N unit vector. It seems to me that if this TNB frame is so great it should be able to deal with a straight line.

However if the path is a straight line:
[tex]\frac{d\hat{T}}{ds} = \frac{d\hat{T}}{dt} = 0[/tex]
So, there would be no way to find an N unit vector.

For this reason I am assuming that it must be a curve in order to be defined. Is this a reasonable assumption?
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  • #2
I know this is digging up the archives but I still have these same questions. Anybody got any insight?
  • #3
Hi Prologue,

In general, if you think of t as time as s as arc length, then dr/dt is the velocity which might not be a unit vector. But T=dr/ds is the unit tangent vector. Other than that, there is really no difference between using s or t since they are 1-1. The choice of whether to use s or t or some other parametrization makes no different at all except maybe one choice is easier to compute than another.
dT/ds measures the change of the unit tangent. If the curve is a straight line, there is of course no change to the tangent and N doesn't exist.
  • #4
Prologue said:
I have some questions about the TNB frame.

The T unit vector is defined this way:
[tex]\hat{T} = \frac{dr(t)/dt}{ds/dt} = \frac{dr(s(t))}{ds}[/tex]
So, it is parametrized by arc length. Why can't t be left as the parameter? Is this just for definition-of-curvature-sake? If so is there any reason why the TNB frame couldn't be parametrized all in time, not by arc length?
If the parameter, t, is not arclength, then dr/dt is not a unit vector. The unit tangent vector would be T= (dr/dt)/||dr/dt||. You can leave t as the parameter but it makes the formulas much more complicated.

Ok, next question. I see that the N unit vector is defined this way:
[tex]\hat{N} = \frac{d\hat{T}/ds}{|d\hat{T}/ds|} = \frac{(d\hat{T}/dt)/(dt/ds)}{|d\hat{T}/dt|/|dt/ds|} = \frac{d\hat{T}/dt}{|d\hat{T}/dt|}[/tex]

Ok, confusion. The T unit vector is defined by parameter s, but then let's compute the N unit vector and for fun make it parametrized by t?! What is going on?
The point is that they use s to do the calculation but then convert back to the more general t so that you don't have to convert to areclength just to use the formula.

Another thing about the N unit vector. It seems to me that if this TNB frame is so great it should be able to deal with a straight line.

However if the path is a straight line:
[tex]\frac{d\hat{T}}{ds} = \frac{d\hat{T}}{dt} = 0[/tex]
So, there would be no way to find an N unit vector.

For this reason I am assuming that it must be a curve in order to be defined. Is this a reasonable assumption?
Yes, a straight line does not HAVE a normal vector. For a straight line, the tangent vector is a constant. It's derivative is the 0 vector so you can't divide by ||dT/ds||. The geometric problem is that because the curvature is 0, all vectors normal to the line have equal right to be called "the" normal vector.

Related to Questions About TNB Frenet Frames

1. What is a TNB Frenet frame?

A TNB Frenet frame is a mathematical concept used in differential geometry to describe the local properties of a curve in three-dimensional space. It consists of three mutually orthogonal unit vectors: the tangent vector (T), the normal vector (N), and the binormal vector (B).

2. How is a TNB Frenet frame calculated?

A TNB Frenet frame is calculated using derivatives of the position vector of a curve. Specifically, the tangent vector is the first derivative, the normal vector is the second derivative, and the binormal vector is the cross product of the first two derivatives.

3. What is the significance of a TNB Frenet frame?

A TNB Frenet frame is significant because it provides a way to describe the local geometry of a curve and its derivatives. It is used in fields such as physics, engineering, and computer graphics to analyze and model the behavior of curves in three-dimensional space.

4. How is a TNB Frenet frame used in computer graphics?

In computer graphics, a TNB Frenet frame is used to create smooth and realistic animations of curves and surfaces. By calculating the frame at different points along a curve, the animation software can create smooth motion and accurately depict the behavior of the curve in 3D space.

5. Are there any real-world applications of TNB Frenet frames?

Yes, TNB Frenet frames have many real-world applications in fields such as robotics, computer-aided design, and computer vision. They are also used in medical imaging to analyze and model the shape and movement of arteries and other biological structures.

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