Questions on exotic matter(Alcubierre type)

  • Thread starter ahnialator6
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In summary, the Alcubierre drive would require the mass energy of Voyager, which is a figure that is in a negative energy density. However, it is possible that exotic matter that would work for an Alcubierre drive would actually exist. It is also possible that it could be a simple element that would have to be created in a lab that would allow us to fulfill this negative energy problem.
  • #1
First off, I would like to say that my highest level of physics education is an AP high school physics class. So if my knowledge is incomplete, misunderstood, or just plain wrong, please forgive me.

On to the question. So I recently heard about the refinement of the Alcubierre drive(warp drive, essentially) to the extent where instead of requiring the mass energy of Jupiter, it would require the mass energy of Voyager. I don't remember the exact figure but I remember it being stated somewhere that it was the amount of energy the US uses in one year. The only flaw in the Alcubierre drive, however, is that it requires that figure to be in a negative energy density. I remember reading somewhere that negative energy densities do happen, however only in the quantum state.

My question is this: How probable is it that exotic matter that would work for an Alcubierre drive would actually exist? Is it possible that Dark Matter/energy could fill this requirement if we managed to manipulate it a certain way? Lastly, is it even possible that it could be a simple element that would have to be created in a lab that would allow us to fulfill this negative energy problem?

Any insights would be well appreciated!
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  • #2
I can only tell you that dark matter and dark energy are not suitable substances for this. Dark matter doesn't have negative energy density, and dark energy isn't even matter.
  • #3
Drakkith said:
I can only tell you that dark matter and dark energy are not suitable substances for this. Dark matter doesn't have negative energy density, and dark energy isn't even matter.

First I want to say that I do realize this is a video game but I feel like it is worth asking or thinking about.

In the game series Mass Effect, there was a substance called Element Zero, or "eezo" for short, that supposedly managed to manipulate the amount of mass in a substance without removing any of the matter. This happened when an electric current was applied to it.

As far as dark matter goes, are we(humans) absolutely certain that dark matter doesn't have some exotic properties? I'm not saying anything definitely, but as far as I am aware, we don't actually know much about dark matter.

For dark energy, if gravity is trying to pull everything together, and dark energy is (supposedly) pushing everything away, wouldn't that make one of them negative energy?

As another idea that I thought of while typing this, if we could manage to somehow manipulate the force carrier of gravity(I don't actually know what it is, but still), and also manage to manipulate dark energy as well(if its possible at all), would that not essentially be the same as what a warp drive does? if you can manage to manipulate both in the right way, that is.
  • #4
ahnialator6 said:
As far as dark matter goes, are we(humans) absolutely certain that dark matter doesn't have some exotic properties? I'm not saying anything definitely, but as far as I am aware, we don't actually know much about dark matter.

Absolutely certain? No, of course not.

For dark energy, if gravity is trying to pull everything together, and dark energy is (supposedly) pushing everything away, wouldn't that make one of them negative energy?

Dark energy is a property of space, it is not matter. You cannot collect it and use it for anything, including an Alcubierre drive.

As another idea that I thought of while typing this, if we could manage to somehow manipulate the force carrier of gravity(I don't actually know what it is, but still), and also manage to manipulate dark energy as well(if its possible at all), would that not essentially be the same as what a warp drive does? if you can manage to manipulate both in the right way, that is.

No, not necessarily. It depends on what kind of manipulation you are doing. Honestly this is a little too much speculation for PF. If you haven't already, please read the rules by clicking Site Info at the top of the page and then Rules and Guidelines.

In the meantime, I am going to lock this thread. You are free to continue using PF, just avoid speculation and "what ifs" of this nature. They really don't lead anywhere and usually don't help anyone understand anything.
  • #5

I am always excited to hear about advancements and refinements in theoretical concepts such as the Alcubierre drive. However, it is important to note that the concept of exotic matter, particularly in the context of the Alcubierre drive, is still largely theoretical and has not been observed or created in a laboratory setting.

Exotic matter is a term used to describe matter that has properties that are not found in ordinary matter. This includes negative mass or energy density, which is a key requirement for the Alcubierre drive to work. While negative energy density has been observed in certain quantum systems, it has not been observed or created on a macroscopic scale.

The possibility of using dark matter or energy as a source of exotic matter for the Alcubierre drive is an interesting idea, but it is currently not supported by any evidence. Dark matter and energy are still poorly understood and their properties are still being studied. It is also important to note that the amount of energy required for the Alcubierre drive, even with the refinement to the energy of Voyager, is still a massive amount and would likely be difficult to obtain from any source, including dark matter or energy.

In terms of creating exotic matter in a lab, this is also currently beyond our technological capabilities. The conditions required to create and manipulate exotic matter are extreme and would require advancements in our understanding and control of fundamental particles and forces.

In summary, while the concept of exotic matter is intriguing and has potential applications in theories such as the Alcubierre drive, it is still largely theoretical and has not been observed or created in a laboratory setting. More research and advancements in our understanding of fundamental particles and forces will be necessary before we can fully explore the possibilities of exotic matter.

FAQ: Questions on exotic matter(Alcubierre type)

1. What is exotic matter?

Exotic matter is a hypothetical type of matter that does not exist in nature and has properties that are not found in ordinary matter. It is often associated with sci-fi concepts and theories such as wormholes and faster-than-light travel.

2. How is exotic matter related to the Alcubierre drive?

The Alcubierre drive is a theoretical concept that proposes the use of exotic matter to create a warp bubble in space-time, allowing for faster-than-light travel. The negative energy density of exotic matter is necessary to bend space-time in front of the spacecraft while expanding it behind, creating a "bubble" of space-time that moves the spacecraft without violating the laws of physics.

3. Does exotic matter actually exist?

As of now, there is no evidence or confirmed discovery of exotic matter in the universe. It is purely a theoretical concept that has not been proven by scientific experiments. Some researchers believe that it may be possible to create small amounts of exotic matter in high-energy particle collisions, but this has not been achieved yet.

4. What are the potential risks of using Alcubierre-type exotic matter for space travel?

One potential risk is the possibility of causing damage to the fabric of space-time itself. The extreme warping of space-time required for the Alcubierre drive may have unintended consequences and could potentially disrupt the space-time continuum. Additionally, the creation and manipulation of exotic matter may also have unforeseen consequences for the environment and human health.

5. Are there any other proposed uses for exotic matter besides the Alcubierre drive?

Yes, some scientists have proposed using exotic matter for other applications such as creating stable wormholes for interstellar travel, manipulating black holes, and even as a potential power source for advanced technologies. However, these ideas are still highly theoretical and would require a better understanding of exotic matter and its properties before they can be realized.

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