Radioactive Decay - Beta Particles

In summary, Beta Particles are electrons that are shot out of the nucleus of an atom during the process of beta decay. This occurs when a neutron changes into a proton, releasing an electron and an anti-electron-neutrino. This process is mediated by a negative charged W-boson. The equation for this process is d \rightarrow u + e^{-} + {\overline \nu}_e. This is a fundamental process in subatomic physics and is not just a way to account for differences in mass between a neutron and a proton.
  • #1
One thing that is really confusing me is Beta Particles.

This site states that Beta Particles are electrons that are shot out of the nucleus (atomic core) of an atom.

To rationalize this claim it states that a neutron will decay to a proton and an electron. And that the electron gets shot out of the nucleus.

This doesn't make much sense to me. Protons are 2 up quarks and a down quark and Neutrons are 2 down quarks and an up quark. When a neutron decays to a proton one of the down quarks changes to an up quark.
Does this process release an electron?
Or is the site wrong?

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  • #2
I only know that neutrons do decay into and electron and a neutrino, giving off radiation. and the free electron is called the beta particle. As for the quark equations I do not know, but the way quarks interact with each other at that level, are much different than what other particles usualy do.

A lot of the math is explained here:

My thoughts are that there are massive particles composed of multiple fundamental particles and free, fast fundamental particles. Our current univese likes to have particles that are in the middle. With the amount of gravity pressent, neutrons are much to massive to be floatting around alone, and then break apart, losing some mass, and then releasing energy. Thus giving off some radiation and some smaller and faster moving particles.

But in nuetron starts, were gravity just has enogh striength to over-come the electromagnetic the electrons collide with the protons, and then become nuetrons again. It seems that the stablity of particles really realize on the amount gravity and pressure on the object.
  • #3
pfalk said:
When a neutron decays to a proton one of the down quarks changes to an up quark.
Does this process release an electron?

Yes. It also releases an anti-electron-neutrino. The complete process is

[tex]d \rightarrow u + e^{-} + {\overline \nu}_e[/tex]

This is understood as a two-step process involving a virtual [itex]W^{-}[/itex]:

[tex]d \rightarrow u + W^{-}[/tex]

followed by

[tex]W^{-} \rightarrow e^{-} + {\overline \nu}_e[/tex]
  • #4
Thanks for the answers.
But I'm alittle bit confused now.

Initially I thought that when a neutron decayed to a proton that it also released (as stated in the replies) an electron and an anti-neutrino.
I was talking with a condensed matter physicist and got chewed apart for saying that.
She told me that electrons are leptons and that leptons are fundamentally different from quarks. And that an electron would never be produced by the decay of a neutron to a proton.
She stated that the notion of a neutron = a proton + an electron + an anti-neutrino is wrong. That this formula is only used because it accounts for the differing mass between a neutron and a proton.

So, is she incorrect?
  • #5
jtbell said:
Yes. It also releases an anti-electron-neutrino. The complete process is

[tex]d \rightarrow u + e^{-} + {\overline \nu}_e[/tex]

This is understood as a two-step process involving a virtual [itex]W^{-}[/itex]:

[tex]d \rightarrow u + W^{-}[/tex]

followed by

[tex]W^{-} \rightarrow e^{-} + {\overline \nu}_e[/tex]

Hi jtbell,
I don't mean to be a pest.
But could you explain/define the terms being used?
I'm a novice's novice when it comes to this.
Thank you very much.
  • #6
She is incorrect pfalk.

The nomenclature by jtbell is as follows:

[tex]d \rightarrow u + e^{-} + {\overline \nu}_e[/tex]

d is a d-quark
u is a u-quark
[tex]e^- [/tex] is an electron
[tex]{\overline \nu}_e[/tex] is an anti-electron-neutrino

The [tex] W^-[/tex] is the negative charged W-boson, the force carrier of the weak nuclear force.

The arrow means that what's on the left hand side is converted into what is on the right hand side.

That one puts an electron in the equation where the neutron goes to a proton just for the sake of mass conservation is not true. You should give her a copy of this conversation + an introductory textbook on subatomic physics.
  • #7
Thanks again for the responses!
Alot of things are getting cleared up for me.

FAQ: Radioactive Decay - Beta Particles

1. What are beta particles?

Beta particles are high-energy, negatively charged particles that are emitted during radioactive decay. They are also known as beta rays or beta radiation.

2. How are beta particles produced?

Beta particles are produced during the decay of a radioactive nucleus. This process occurs when a neutron in the nucleus is converted into a proton and an electron. The electron is then emitted as a beta particle.

3. What is the difference between beta-minus and beta-plus decay?

Beta-minus decay is when a neutron in the nucleus is converted into a proton and an electron, with the electron being emitted as a beta particle. Beta-plus decay is when a proton in the nucleus is converted into a neutron and a positron, with the positron being emitted as a beta particle. In both types of decay, the atomic number of the nucleus changes.

4. How far can beta particles travel in air?

The distance beta particles can travel in air depends on their energy. Low-energy beta particles can only travel a few centimeters, while high-energy beta particles can travel several meters in air before losing all their energy.

5. What are the dangers of beta particles?

Beta particles can be dangerous if they are ingested, inhaled, or absorbed into the body. They can cause damage to cells and tissues, and in high doses, can lead to radiation sickness or even death. However, beta particles can be shielded by materials such as aluminum or plastic, making them less dangerous to handle.

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