Raman Shifts of Metals for PhD Students

In summary, the speaker, a Phd student, is conducting research on surface enhanced spectroscopy (SERS) and is in need of a reference for the Raman Shifts of various metals, including Gold (colloid or film), titan tungesten, and black silicon. They have a reference for black silicon but require one for the other materials to confirm their own results.
  • #1
nicolas khoury
I'm a Phd student my Phd subject is about surface enhanced spectroscopy (SERS). i need a reference for the Raman Shifts of metals (ex: Gold (colloid or film), titan tungesten..). Plz if anyone can help me.
thank you in advance
  • #3
It is black silicon (microstructured surface) on which were formed of gold clusters arranged substantially periodically follows a gold sputtering, and to attached the gold clusters they used titan tungsten TiW. I have a my own spectre of these three materials, but i need to confirm my results. I have a reference for the Black-Si but i need a reference for the other materials.

FAQ: Raman Shifts of Metals for PhD Students

1. What is a Raman shift?

A Raman shift refers to the change in frequency of a scattered light signal compared to the incident light, caused by interactions between light and the chemical bonds of a material. In the context of metals, Raman shifts can provide information about the vibrational modes and electronic structure of the metal.

2. How are Raman shifts measured?

Raman shifts are typically measured using a technique called Raman spectroscopy, which involves shining a laser onto a sample and analyzing the scattered light. The Raman spectrum, which plots the intensity of the scattered light as a function of frequency, can then be analyzed to determine the Raman shifts of the material.

3. Why are Raman shifts important for PhD students studying metals?

Raman shifts can provide valuable information about the structural and electronic properties of metals, making them an important tool for PhD students studying these materials. Raman spectroscopy can also be used to study the effects of external factors such as temperature or pressure on the metal, providing insights into its behavior under different conditions.

4. What factors can affect Raman shifts in metals?

There are several factors that can affect Raman shifts in metals, including the composition and structure of the metal, the laser wavelength used in the measurement, and external factors such as temperature and pressure. Additionally, defects and impurities in the metal can also affect Raman shifts.

5. How can Raman shifts be used in real-world applications?

Raman shifts have many practical applications in fields such as materials science, chemistry, and pharmaceuticals. For example, Raman spectroscopy can be used to identify and analyze different types of materials, monitor the progress of chemical reactions, and study the properties of pharmaceutical compounds. In the context of metals, Raman shifts can provide insights into the behavior of these materials in industrial processes or in different environments.
