Why does a duck appear split in half when viewed at an angle through water?

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In summary: This means that when light travels from air to water, the angle between the path of the light and the normal to the water surface changes. The angle increases when the light travels from air to water, and decreases when the light travels from water to air. So when the light hits the duck from the front, it sees the duck as if it's at a distance of 1m from the glass. If you look at the duck from an angle, however, the duck seems to be spilt in half, with the feet paddling ahead of the upper body.
  • #1
Suppose that you look at an aquarium with your eyes at the lever of the water surface. A duck swims on the surface of the water. When you look at the duck from the front, everything seems normal. However, when you look at the duck at an angle to the glass surface, the duck seems to be spilt in half, with the feet paddling ahead of the upper body. Explain this phenomenon.

(I know this has to do with refraction, but how can I explain that?)

Suppose that both the duck and your eyes are at a distance of 1m from the glass, and the line connecting them forms a 30 degree angle with the glass. Calculate the difference between the directions of the line of sight of the upper and lower halves of the duck.

(I know I am not following the rules very well, but I am really not understanding this phenomenon.)
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
The phenomena arises from the idea that your eyes cannot tell whether light that reaches it has gone through refraction or not. It assumes a straight line path. That's also why there appears to be a virtual world in a mirror.

To the physics of it. You can use Snell's law to determine the change in angle with air being n = 1, and water approximately n = 1.5 if I call. Draw the ray going from the duck to your eyes. Then trace the ray backwards the same distance in a straight line (i.e. as if there was no refraction). This is where your eyes think that part of the duck is.
  • #3
You can't tell where the virtual image is (where the duck "appears to be")
unless you draw 2 rays, slightly diverging, from the same place on the duck.
Suppose one goes in one eye, the other ray into your other eye.
Your brain looks back along those rays (knowing where eyes point).
YOU trace the two rays backwards (undeflected) to see where they cross.
Snell's Law leads to a simple small-angle formula for apparent depth.

Water has index of refraction of about 1.33 (ignore the glass).

FAQ: Why does a duck appear split in half when viewed at an angle through water?

1. What is refraction and how does it relate to ducks?

Refraction is the bending of light as it passes through different mediums. This can affect the way we see objects, including ducks, as the light is bent when it enters and exits the water, making the duck appear distorted or in a different position.

2. Why do ducks appear closer or farther away when they are in the water?

This is due to the phenomenon of refraction. When light passes from one medium (air) to another (water), it bends and changes its direction. This makes the duck appear closer or farther away than its actual position.

3. How does the shape of a duck's body affect refraction?

The shape of a duck's body, specifically its curved surface, can also contribute to the bending of light. This is because the curvature of the duck's body causes light to bend at different angles, resulting in a distorted image.

4. Can refraction affect the color of a duck's feathers?

Yes, refraction can affect the color of a duck's feathers. When light passes through water, it separates into different wavelengths, which can cause the colors of the duck's feathers to appear different than they would in the air.

5. How does refraction impact a duck's ability to see underwater?

Refraction can impact a duck's ability to see underwater as it can cause objects to appear distorted or in different positions. This can make it difficult for ducks to accurately perceive their surroundings and find food or avoid predators while underwater.
