Reimann Integral definition confusion.

In summary: The upper Darboux sum is the supremum of the length of all interval that contain x within the domain, and the lower Darboux sum is the infimum of the length of all interval that contain x within the domain. We also say that if x is in an interval, then the Darboux sum of that interval is greater than or equal to the lower Darboux sum of any other interval that contains x. If we try to find the Riemann integral of f, we need to make sure that the value of the Darboux sum of every interval that contains x is less than or equal to the value of the Riemann integral of that interval.
  • #1
My lecture notes say:

Let f:[a,b]->R be bounded.
F is said to rienmann integrable if:

[tex] L=\int_{a}^{b} f(x)=U [/tex]

where :




but everywhere else(internet) there's a definition with epsilon.
I have the epsilon stuff later under "riemann criterion" so was wondering if the above definition is okay or I copied something wrong
Physics news on
  • #3
Never heard of a darboux integral will this definition suffice if asked for a riemann integral?
  • #4
sid9221 said:
My lecture notes say:

Let f:[a,b]->R be bounded.
F is said to rienmann integrable if:

[tex] L=\int_{a}^{b} f(x)=U [/tex]

where :




but everywhere else(internet) there's a definition with epsilon.
I have the epsilon stuff later under "riemann criterion" so was wondering if the above definition is okay or I copied something wrong

Actually, this is an equality in the limit, i.e., you need to be able to make the difference

L-U as small as possible, i.e., show that there are partitions such that, for all e>0,

L-U<e .

Or, if you really want to go over the top, use net-convergence on the partitions.
  • #5
sid9221 said:
My lecture notes say:

Let f:[a,b]->R be bounded.
F is said to rienmann integrable if:

[tex] L=\int_{a}^{b} f(x)=U [/tex]

where :




but everywhere else(internet) there's a definition with epsilon.
I have the epsilon stuff later under "riemann criterion" so was wondering if the above definition is okay or I copied something wrong
Yes, the "epsilon stuff" is hidden in the sup and inf- they are limits. If they are equal, then f is "integrable" and their common value is the integral of f.

Here is an example in which it does NOT work and so f is not integrable: let f(x)= 0 if x is rational and 1 if x is irrational. Now, divide the interval from a to b into n sub-intervals. Inside any such sub-interval, there exist both rational and irrational numbers so f(x) has values of both 0 and 1 inside each interval. That means that each [itex]L(f, P)[/itex], the sum of the minimum height and base of each interval, is 0 and each [itex]U(f, P)[/itex], the sum of the maximum height and base of each interval is 1. The "sup" is 1 and the "inf" is 0. They are not the same so f is not integrable.
  • #6
In real analysis, a branch of mathematics, the Darboux integral or Darboux sum is one possible definition of the integral of a function. Darboux integrals are equivalent to Riemann integrals, meaning that a function is Darboux-integrable if and only if it is Riemann-integrable, and the values of the two integrals, if they exist, are equal.

Darboux sum is important here.

We define upper Darboux sum and lower Darboux sum, and say that function is Riemann-integrable iff [itex]\displaystyle\sup_{P}L_{f,P} = \displaystyle\inf_{P}U_{f,P}[/itex] iff [itex]\forall \varepsilon>0 ~\forall P ~ \exists \delta>0~ \mbox{if} ~\lambda(P)<\delta ~\mbox{then} ~|U_{f,P}-L_{f,P}|<\varepsilon[/itex], where [itex]\lambda =
\displaystyle\max_{1\le k \le n} |x_{k}-x_{k-1}|[/itex]

We supposed that [itex]f[/itex] is bounded.

FAQ: Reimann Integral definition confusion.

1. What is the definition of a Riemann Integral?

The Riemann Integral is a mathematical concept that represents the area under a curve on a graph. It is used to calculate the total area between the graph and the x-axis over a given interval.

2. What is the difference between a Riemann Integral and other types of integrals?

The main difference between a Riemann Integral and other types of integrals, such as the Lebesgue Integral, is the method used to calculate the area under the curve. Riemann Integration uses rectangles to approximate the area, while other types of integrals use more advanced techniques.

3. How do you determine the limits of integration for a Riemann Integral?

The limits of integration for a Riemann Integral are determined by the interval over which the area under the curve is being calculated. The lower limit is the starting point on the x-axis and the upper limit is the endpoint on the x-axis.

4. What is the significance of the partition size in a Riemann Integral?

The partition size, also known as the width of the rectangles, is a crucial factor in the accuracy of a Riemann Integral. A smaller partition size will result in a more precise approximation of the area under the curve, while a larger partition size will lead to a less accurate approximation.

5. How can I tell if a function is Riemann Integrable?

A function is Riemann Integrable if it meets the necessary conditions for the Riemann Integral to exist. These conditions include the function being bounded and having a finite number of discontinuities within the interval of integration. If these conditions are met, the function is considered Riemann Integrable.

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