Relating moment of Inertia and pendulum oscillation

In summary, the conversation discussed the moment of inertia for a rod and the period of oscillation. The formula for the period is T=2∏√(L/g) for a mathematical pendulum, but for a physical pendulum, a different formula should be used. The goal is to derive the equation rather than using it directly.
  • #1
I took a picture of the question to help.


I know that the moment of inertia for a rod (at one end, not the center) is:

And I know that the period of oscillation is:

But I don't know how to relate them... I tried doing Torque=Iα=Fdcosθ and solve in terms of Time... but it wasn't becoming the equation and I had a random ω I couldn't get rid of. And I don't think I'm allowed to use the oscillation equation at all since I'm supposed to be deriving it, I'm just not sure what to do.
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  • #3
so am I solving for α in that equation and that's identical to the period?
  • #4
No, α is the angular acceleration. The period is T.

  • #5

The moment of inertia and the period of oscillation of a pendulum are related through the equation T=2∏√(I/mgd), where I is the moment of inertia, m is the mass of the pendulum, g is the acceleration due to gravity, and d is the distance from the pivot point to the center of mass of the pendulum. This equation can be derived from the equation for torque, as you have attempted. However, it is important to note that the moment of inertia for a pendulum is not the same as the moment of inertia for a rod. The moment of inertia for a pendulum is given by I=ml^2, where l is the length of the pendulum. Therefore, the correct equation to use would be T=2∏√(ml^2/mgd), which simplifies to T=2∏√(l/g). This is the equation for the period of oscillation of a simple pendulum, and it shows that the period is directly proportional to the length of the pendulum and inversely proportional to the acceleration due to gravity.

FAQ: Relating moment of Inertia and pendulum oscillation

1. What is the moment of inertia?

The moment of inertia is a measure of an object's resistance to changes in rotational motion. It is dependent on the object's mass and distribution of mass relative to its axis of rotation.

2. How does moment of inertia affect pendulum oscillation?

The moment of inertia affects the period of a pendulum's oscillation. A larger moment of inertia will result in a longer period, while a smaller moment of inertia will result in a shorter period.

3. What is the relationship between moment of inertia and pendulum length?

According to the equation for the period of a pendulum, a longer pendulum length will result in a longer period. This is because a longer pendulum has a larger moment of inertia.

4. How does the shape of an object affect its moment of inertia?

The shape of an object can greatly affect its moment of inertia. Objects with more mass distributed farther away from the axis of rotation will have a larger moment of inertia. For example, a solid disk has a larger moment of inertia than a thin hoop with the same mass.

5. Can the moment of inertia be changed?

Yes, the moment of inertia can be changed by altering the distribution of mass of an object or by changing the object's shape. For example, by adding mass to the outer edge of a disk, the moment of inertia can be increased.
