Relative Motion: Solving Kinematic Problems with Multiple Moving Objects

  • #1

I'm having trouble on figuring out on how to go about this one.

I know that I have to use the kinematic equations for each dimensions, find time, and set the x components equal to each other, but the relative velocity of the missile is throwing me off.

Thanks for the help!
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  • #2
In boat A's reference frame, boat B's velocity is Vbj, so what is boat B's velocity in the lake's reference frame?

Now do the same thing for the missile.

Once you have the missile's velocity in the lake's reference frame, you can solve the problem like a projectile motion problem.
  • #3
So the missile velocity is relative to an observer on a?

So to find it's absolute velocity (with respect to the lake)

I do Vm-Va=the given relative missile velocity and solve for Vm?
  • #4
I believe the problem is giving you the missile velocity relative to b
  • #5
Yeah, it was (I asked my professor to clarify) and I was able to successfully solve the problem! Thank you!

But I do have one more problem that is a head scratcher!

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