Relativity Concerning Small Particles

In summary, the concept of time dilation is not dependent on the scale at which it is observed. It is based on the velocity of entire objects, as well as their component particles. Even at the atomic or subatomic level, clocks operate in a similar manner, with the use of identical atoms and the effects of motion being more pronounced in larger clocks. This can be seen in the development of accurate clocks, where smaller and more accurate devices were created to counteract the effects of motion.
  • #1
At what scale does time dilation manifest itself?

Is time dilation dictated only by the velocity of entire large objects (people, watches)?

Or is it based upon its component particles?

For example if a clock is at rest with respect to a room, but its component atoms are vibrating at a speed of 1 km/s, is the latter speed used?

Or is a much smaller scale used (objects vibrating on the Planck scale, etc.)?

I would also like to know, just out of curiosity, what kinds of speeds are seen at the atomic or subatomic level. There is obviously very little net displacement, but I am wondering about the speeds at which objects "vibrate."
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  • #2
Supercritical said:
At what scale does time dilation manifest itself?

Is time dilation dictated only by the velocity of entire large objects (people, watches)?

Or is it based upon its component particles?

For example if a clock is at rest with respect to a room, but its component atoms are vibrating at a speed of 1 km/s, is the latter speed used?

Or is a much smaller scale used (objects vibrating on the Planck scale, etc.)?

I would also like to know, just out of curiosity, what kinds of speeds are seen at the atomic or subatomic level. There is obviously very little net displacement, but I am wondering about the speeds at which objects "vibrate."

If you could place or define clocks inside those little particles, you would really notice those little clocks going slower with respect to our common clocks. A common clock like a wrist watch, instead, is made up of a huge number of those vibrating little particles, so its average speed is very low for relativistic effects to appear. Other kinds of clocks works in a different way but they however consist of some physical effects which involve an entire system and not single particles only, so you should better says that the time measured is not the time of every particle of the system, but of the system as a whole thing.
  • #3
What makes you think that time depends on scale at all?

The standard belief, which appears to be consistent with experiment, is that atomic clocks keep the same sort of time as pendulum clocks. It's simply that the atomic clocks are better. There are two reasons for this: atoms are all the same, having no "manufacturing variation" as long as indentical isotopes are used. The second reason is a little more subtle. While both large and small clocks keep the same sort of time, the disturbing effects of motion on the larger clocks is more pronounced.

This shows up in, for examle , the historical development of the naval chronometer. The evolution of the accurate clock has been from larger less accurate devices to smaller more accureate ones.

FAQ: Relativity Concerning Small Particles

1. What is relativity concerning small particles?

Relativity concerning small particles is a branch of physics that studies the behavior of particles at the atomic and subatomic level. It takes into account the principles of both special and general relativity in order to explain the movement and interactions of these particles.

2. How does relativity apply to small particles?

Relativity applies to small particles in the sense that it describes their behavior and interactions in terms of space and time. It takes into account the fact that particles at the subatomic level move at incredibly high speeds and are affected by the curvature of space-time, as predicted by Einstein's theories of special and general relativity.

3. Why is relativity important in understanding small particles?

Relativity is important in understanding small particles because it provides a more accurate and comprehensive explanation of their behavior and interactions. It takes into account the effects of high speeds and small scales, which are not accounted for in classical physics. Relativity also helps to reconcile the discrepancies between classical mechanics and quantum mechanics at the subatomic level.

4. What are some real-world applications of relativity concerning small particles?

Some real-world applications of relativity concerning small particles include the development of nuclear energy and weapons, the creation of particle accelerators such as the Large Hadron Collider, and the advancement of technologies such as MRI machines and GPS systems.

5. What are some current research topics in relativity concerning small particles?

Current research topics in relativity concerning small particles include the search for a theory of quantum gravity, the study of the behavior of particles at extremely high energies and densities, and the exploration of the role of quantum entanglement in the behavior of particles at the subatomic level.
