Researching Gold Thin Films: Electrical & Optical Properties

  • #1
Hi Physics folks,I am currently collecting resources for my senior seminar project at my university and would like to ask if anyone has any good references for gold thin films. I am planning on focusing primarily on the electrical and optical properties of gold thin films. I appreciate any suggestions that you might be able to provide.
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  • #2
You do not seem to be getting any response here. Try posting in Materials and Chemical Eng subforum
  • #3
I think part of the problem is that the subject matter lacks definition. I want to write about gold...thin gold...where should I look? Electrical and optical properties is pretty loose. You need some specificity. Anyone you can talk to?
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Likes Lord Jestocost
  • #4
Hi Hutch, I did do thin film research last summer with an REU, and asked my mentor there and was able to secure some resources. I also have a mentor on campus but he hasn't been very helpful in narrowing my search, which is probably why I'm trying to reach out wherever I can to stake out some resources to start with to begin narrowing. I appreciate your suggestion!
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Likes hutchphd
  • #5
What is it you wish to do? Describe the details of what is expected of you and what you would like to learn inthe process. (How much? how long? originality?) Smaller, well defined efforts usually work best. Thin film gold for instance is used in myriad biosensors. Rutherford discovered the nucleus using gold films.! Where is your interest?

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