Right-Hand Rule: Finding Induced Direction in a One Loop Wire on the Page

In summary, if a rectangular wire loop is lying on the page with one of its edges parallel to the right side of the page, a clockwise current of 1 A is flowing in the wire loop. If a magnetic field lies in the page pointing from left towards right side of the page, the torque on the current loop is to the top of the page, to the left, or to the bottom of the page.
  • #1
1. The problem statement, all variables, and given/known data
A one loop wire is lying on the page with a magnetic field pointing into the page. The magnetic field strength is increasing with time, the induced current direction in the loop is:

Assume magnetic field is pointing into the page and is increasing with time. If a wire loop is laying on the page perpendicular to the magnetic field the induced current will flow clockwise. T/F

Homework Equations

Right-Hand Rule

The Attempt at a Solution

So I know how to use the right-hand rule when I am using the 3 fingers w/ the 3 forces where:
middle: magnetic field
index: velocity
thumb: force field

I get confused when it starts saying it's lying on the page parallel to the right side then gives only one force..I know the other right-hand rule where we can have thumb be the direction of current the curling of fingers is the flow of the force. Then induced would be the opposite direction correct?

Thanks for any help, know it's kinda hard to explain over text.
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  • #2
Since the induced current will be in a direction as to oppose the change of flux, if you point your thumb in the direction of the induced field, your fingers will curl in the direction of the induced current.

In this problem, the field is pointing into the page and the flux through the loop is increasing. The induced field will want to oppose this increase this in flux and so which way do you think you should point your thumb? Which way do your fingers curl when you do this?
  • #3
RedDelicious said:
Since the induced current will be in a direction as to oppose the change of flux, if you point your thumb in the direction of the induced field, your fingers will curl in the direction of the induced current.

In this problem, the field is pointing into the page and the flux through the loop is increasing. The induced field will want to oppose this increase this in flux and so which way do you think you should point your thumb? Which way do your fingers curl when you do this?

So on the second one, we can say it's false because if we point thumb into the page the natural flow is clockwise so induced would be counterclockwise. The first one I know the answer is to the right but do know why.
  • #4
Noreturn said:
So on the second one, we can say it's false because if we point thumb into the page the natural flow is clockwise so induced would be counterclockwise. The first one I know the answer is to the right but do know why.


I think you may have miscopied the other question in your initial post. What exactly is the question?
  • #5
Oh I did, didn't even notice:
A rectangular wire loop is lying on the page with one of its edges parallel to the right side of the page. A clockwise current of 1 A is flowing in the wire loop. A magnetic field lies in the page pointing from left towards right side of the page, the torque on the current loop is a) points to the top of the page, b) to the left, c) to the bottom of the page, or d) into the page
  • #6
Where the current is parallel to the magnetic field, what do you expect the torque to be (in general)?
How about when it's perpendicular?

Look up "magnetic dipole moment" if you have no idea.

FAQ: Right-Hand Rule: Finding Induced Direction in a One Loop Wire on the Page

1. What is the purpose of the Right-Hand Rule?

The Right-Hand Rule is used to determine the direction of induced current in a one-loop wire on a page. It is a practical and easy way to visualize the relationship between magnetic fields and induced current.

2. How do I use the Right-Hand Rule?

To use the Right-Hand Rule, simply point your right thumb in the direction of the current flow and curl your fingers in the direction of the magnetic field. Your fingers will then point in the direction of the induced current.

3. What factors affect the direction of induced current in a one-loop wire?

The direction of induced current is affected by the strength and direction of the magnetic field, the orientation of the wire, and the speed at which the magnetic field changes.

4. Can the Right-Hand Rule be used for more complex wire configurations?

Yes, the Right-Hand Rule can be used for more complex wire configurations as long as the wire forms a closed loop and the direction of the magnetic field is known.

5. How is the Right-Hand Rule related to Faraday's Law of Induction?

The Right-Hand Rule is a visual representation of Faraday's Law of Induction, which states that a changing magnetic field induces an electric current in a conductor. By using the Right-Hand Rule, we can determine the direction of induced current based on the direction of the changing magnetic field.

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