- #1
Aeronautic Freek
- 121
- 7
Fluid can exert force to object(move object) only through pressure and tangential stress caused by viscosity.
if we look at balloon rocket ,here is Newton 3 law action-reaction,but this 3 law as usual don't tell nothing how fluid really exert force to the ballon..
it exert through pressure imbalance,because on open end there is no internal pressure to push against,so thrust = (Pc-Pa) x A(area of open end)
just like sail /wing pressure differentila x area = force(lift)
But if we have balloon with water at 5bars and balloon with air at 5bars,same nozzles,ballon with water will have far more bigger thrust..
How we can explain why balloon with water will has bigger thrust IN SENSE OF PRESSURE DFFERENTIAL?(i know that thrust formula inculde mass flow rate(so water due to higher density has bigger mass flow rate,so that make difference in thurst magnitude),but i want explanation through pressure differetnial because that is really and only physical way how fluid can move object...)
So if both balloon are at 5 bars where is that bigger pressure differential(imbalance) in water case??
if we look at balloon rocket ,here is Newton 3 law action-reaction,but this 3 law as usual don't tell nothing how fluid really exert force to the ballon..
it exert through pressure imbalance,because on open end there is no internal pressure to push against,so thrust = (Pc-Pa) x A(area of open end)
just like sail /wing pressure differentila x area = force(lift)
But if we have balloon with water at 5bars and balloon with air at 5bars,same nozzles,ballon with water will have far more bigger thrust..
How we can explain why balloon with water will has bigger thrust IN SENSE OF PRESSURE DFFERENTIAL?(i know that thrust formula inculde mass flow rate(so water due to higher density has bigger mass flow rate,so that make difference in thurst magnitude),but i want explanation through pressure differetnial because that is really and only physical way how fluid can move object...)
So if both balloon are at 5 bars where is that bigger pressure differential(imbalance) in water case??