Schwartz inequality proof over complex

In summary, the Schwartz inequality states that for any two vectors, |a\rangle and |b\rangle, the magnitude of their inner product squared is less than or equal to the product of their individual magnitudes. This holds true for both real and complex vector spaces. The inequality can be proven by considering the vector |\psi\rangle = |b\rangle - \frac{ \langle a|b\rangle }{\langle a|a\rangle }|a\rangle and showing that its inner product with itself is always greater than or equal to zero. The equality holds when |a\rangle and |b\rangle are parallel.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Consider any two vectors, [itex]|a\rangle[/itex] and [itex]|b\rangle[/itex]. Prove the Schwartz inequality
|\langle a|b \rangle |^2 \leq \langle a|a \rangle \langle b|b \rangle

Homework Equations

a basic understanding of vector calculus over [itex]\mathbb{C}[/itex]...

The Attempt at a Solution

I wanted to do this proof almost the same way I do it over [itex]\mathbb{R}[/itex], except I'm not sure if I can follow through with the normal quadratic part...

I start with [itex]|\psi\rangle =|a\rangle + c |b\rangle [/itex] and using the fact that [itex]\langle\psi | \psi \rangle \geq 0[/itex] I get
0\leq \langle \psi | \psi \rangle = \langle a|a \rangle + c\langle a|b\rangle + c^{\ast}\langle b|a\rangle + |c|^2\langle b|b\rangle
which can be written
0\leq \langle a|a\rangle + 2\Re[c\langle a|b\rangle ] +|c|^2\langle b|b\rangle
So I'm wondering if I can consider this quadratic in [itex]c[/itex] and claim that
(2|\langle a|b\rangle |)^2-4\langle a|a\rangle \langle b|b\rangle \leq 0

Any help would be appreciated, Thanks.
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  • #2
so for the real case
[tex] 0\leq \langle a|a\rangle + 2\Re[c\langle a|b\rangle ] +|c|^2\langle b|b\rangle [/tex]

[tex] 0\leq \langle a|a\rangle + c\langle a|b\rangle +c^2\langle b|b\rangle [/tex]

however for the complex case, that simplification does not occur. so I'm not convinced you can treat the quadratic the same as both the complex parts of c & <a|b> will cause complication - that said I'm not that familiar with this method...

The way I've seen that works for a general inner product space is to write |b> in as a summation of components perpendicular and parallel to |a> and prove it direct form there
[tex] |b\rangle = \langle a|b \rangle|a \rangle + |z\rangle [/tex]
  • #3
Why do you think c must be complex? All the inner products you are using result in real numbers.
  • #4
as the vectors are arbitrary <a|b> may be complex

now unless a constraint is put on c, then I would assume it can also be complex

now it is true that all the terms in the following expression are real, otherwise the inequality would not make sense
[tex] 0 \leq \langle a|a\rangle + 2\Re[c\langle a|b\rangle ] +|c|^2\langle b|b\rangle [/tex]

now say we set c to be from the reals, then the inequality becomes
[tex] 0 \leq \langle a|a\rangle + 2c\Re[\langle a|b\rangle ] +|c|^2\langle b|b\rangle [/tex]

this is a real quadratic in c, though I'm not sure how the part about Re{<a|b>} could be massaged into the required form?
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  • #5
If all else fails, split things into real and imaginary parts.
  • #6
I think I got it, let
|\psi\rangle = |b\rangle - \frac{ \langle a|b\rangle }{\langle a|a\rangle }|a\rangle
0\leq \langle \psi|\psi\rangle &= \left( \langle b|-\frac{\langle b|a\rangle}{\langle a|a\rangle}\langle a| \right) \left( |b\rangle -\frac{\langle a|b\rangle}{\langle a|a\rangle}|a\rangle \right) \\
&=\langle b|b\rangle - \frac{\langle a|b\rangle \langle b|a\rangle}{\langle a|a\rangle}
and the result clearly follows.

How does this look?
  • #7
yep that's looking good to me

its worth noting the equality holds when |a> and |b> are parallel

FAQ: Schwartz inequality proof over complex

1. What is the Schwartz inequality?

The Schwartz inequality, also known as the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality, is a fundamental theorem in mathematics that relates to the dot product of two vectors in a vector space. It states that the absolute value of the dot product of two vectors is less than or equal to the product of the magnitudes of the vectors.

2. What is the Schwartz inequality proof over complex?

The Schwartz inequality proof over complex is a variation of the Schwartz inequality that extends the theorem to complex vector spaces. It uses the concept of complex conjugation to prove that the dot product of two complex vectors is also less than or equal to the product of their magnitudes.

3. How is the Schwartz inequality proof over complex different from the original proof?

The original Schwartz inequality proof only applies to real vector spaces, while the Schwartz inequality proof over complex applies to complex vector spaces. This means that the proof over complex takes into account the complex nature of the numbers, while the original proof does not.

4. Why is the Schwartz inequality important?

The Schwartz inequality is important because it has a wide range of applications in mathematics, physics, and engineering. It is used in many areas such as optimization problems, probability theory, and functional analysis. It is also a fundamental tool in proving other theorems and inequalities.

5. Are there any generalizations of the Schwartz inequality?

Yes, there are several generalizations of the Schwartz inequality, such as the Bessel's inequality, Minkowski's inequality, and Hölder's inequality. These generalizations extend the theorem to different types of vector spaces and have various applications in mathematics and other fields.
