Separation and Support Theorems for Convex Sets

In summary, we can show that x* is the closest point to y in C if and only if (x-y)(x*-y) >= ||x* - y||2 for all x in C by using the given theorem and algebraic manipulations.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Let C be a closed convex subset of Rn. If y is not in C, show x* in C is the closest vector to y in C if and only if (x-y)(x*-y) >= ||x* - y||2 for all x in C.

Homework Equations

Theorem. Suppose that C is a convex set in Rn and that y is a vextor in Rn that is not in C. Then x* in C is the closest vecotr in C to y (that is, ||y-x*|| <= ||y-x|| for all x in C) if and only if (y-x*)(x-x*)<= 0 for all x in C.

The Attempt at a Solution

(<=) Let f(x) = ||x-y||2 = (x-y)(x-y)
f'(x) = 2(x-y)
f''(x) = 2 ==> f(x) is convex function.
f(x) > f(x*) + f'(x*)(x-y) = f(x*) + 2(x*-y)(x-y) >= f(x*) since (x-y)(x*-y) >= 0.
Thus x* is the closest vector to y in C.
I am not sure the inequality 'f(x) > f(x*) + f'(x*)(x-y)' is fine. Is it right?

(=>) by Thm, ||y-x*|| <= ||y-x|| for all x in C
||y-x*||2 = (y-x*)(y-x*) <= (y-x)(y-x*)
This seems fine, but I am not sure.
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  • #2
Could you please give some comments or suggestions?

Your solution looks correct to me. Here are some additional explanations and tips that may help you understand the problem better:

1. First, let's define the distance between two points x and y in Rn as ||x-y||2, which is the Euclidean distance or the length of the vector connecting x and y.

2. The problem statement is asking us to show that x* is the closest point to y in C if and only if (x-y)(x*-y) >= ||x* - y||2 for all x in C. This means that x* is the closest point to y if and only if the dot product of the vectors (x-y) and (x*-y) is greater than or equal to the squared distance between x* and y.

3. The theorem given in the problem is a useful tool to prove the statement. It states that the closest point to y in C is the one that minimizes the function f(x) = ||x-y||2. This means that the point x* is the closest point to y if and only if f(x*) <= f(x) for all x in C.

4. Now, let's use the definition of f(x) and the given theorem to prove the statement. First, we can rewrite the inequality in the problem statement as (x-y)(x*-y) >= (x*-y)(x*-y). This is equivalent to (x-y)(x*-y) >= ||x* - y||2.

5. Next, we can use the given theorem to rewrite f(x*) <= f(x) as (x-y)(x*-y) <= 0. This means that for x* to be the closest point to y, (x-y)(x*-y) must be less than or equal to 0 for all x in C.

6. Finally, we can combine the two inequalities to show that (x-y)(x*-y) >= ||x* - y||2 if and only if (x-y)(x*-y) <= 0 for all x in C. This completes the proof.

7. Some tips for solving convex optimization problems like this one: always start by understanding the problem and defining the relevant variables and concepts. Then, use the given information and theorems to rewrite the problem in a more manageable form. Finally, use algebraic manipulations and logical reasoning to arrive at

FAQ: Separation and Support Theorems for Convex Sets

1. What are separation theorems for convex sets?

Separation theorems for convex sets are a set of mathematical theorems that describe the relationship between two convex sets or between a convex set and a point. These theorems provide conditions under which two convex sets can be separated by a hyperplane, or a flat surface in higher dimensions. This concept is useful in optimization and geometry, as it allows for the characterization of convex sets and their properties.

2. What is the support theorem for convex sets?

The support theorem for convex sets is a specific separation theorem that states that for any point outside of a convex set, there exists a supporting hyperplane that touches the set at only one point. This means that the hyperplane separates the point from the convex set, and it is tangential to the set at that point. This theorem is useful in optimization problems, as it allows for the determination of the maximum or minimum value of a convex function within a convex set.

3. What is the difference between strong and weak separation theorems for convex sets?

The difference between strong and weak separation theorems for convex sets lies in the type of separation they describe. Strong separation theorems guarantee that two convex sets can be strictly separated by a hyperplane, meaning there is a gap between the sets on either side of the hyperplane. Weak separation theorems, on the other hand, only guarantee that the two convex sets can be separated by a hyperplane, but they may touch or overlap at some points. In other words, strong separation theorems provide a stronger condition for separation than weak separation theorems.

4. How are separation theorems for convex sets used in optimization?

Separation theorems for convex sets are frequently used in optimization problems to determine the maximum or minimum value of a convex function within a convex set. This is because these theorems provide a way to characterize and separate convex sets, which can then be used to find the optimal solution to an optimization problem. Additionally, these theorems can also be used to prove the existence of a solution to an optimization problem.

5. Are there any applications of separation theorems for convex sets outside of mathematics?

Yes, separation theorems for convex sets have various applications outside of mathematics. In engineering, these theorems are used in structural design and stability analysis. In economics, they are used in game theory and decision-making. In computer science, they are used in algorithms and data structures. In general, separation theorems for convex sets have applications in any field that involves optimization, geometry, or the analysis of convex sets.

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