Which pay scale is better for magazine subscription sales?

  • Thread starter physicsgal
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In summary: The expression inside the parentheses is the average pay per item. For payscale #2, the mean value per item is always going to be the same as the value of the middle item (for an odd number of items) or as the mean value of the middle two items (for an even number of items). For example, if you have an odd number of items, the mean value of an item is the value of the middle item times 2. If you have an even number of items, the mean value of an item is the
  • #1
n = number of items

pay scale #1
tn = n$0.65
so if n = 10, tn = $6.50

pay scale #2
$0.10 for each item, plus 0.05 for each additional item. so for the 2nd sale she'd make 0.15, third she'd make 0.20, etc.

if tn = 1. then it = 0.10
so 2 = 0.15 + 10 = 0.25
3 = 0.20 + 0.25 = 0.40
4 = 0.30 + 0.40 = 0.70

and so on..

so what's the formula for pay scale #2?
for the first part of the formula i have:
tn = 0.10 + 0.05n-1 and then to that i have to add the previous number (n-1)?

and at what point is pay scale #2 better than pay scale #1 (i got after 23 using the amy-method)

any help is appreciated!

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  • #2
but i have to add the total amount together. not just price per item. total amount.

  • #3
[tex] T_{n} = 0.10n +0.05(n-1) [/tex] starting from n = 1.[tex] S_{n} = \frac{n}{2}(a_{1}+a_{n})[/tex]

[tex] S_{n} = \left \frac{n}{2}(0.10+ 0.10n +0.05(n-1))\right[/tex]Set [tex] \frac{n}{2}(0.10+ 0.10n +0.05(n-1) = 0.65n [/tex] and solve for [tex] n [/tex]
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  • #4
thanks for the help, but it's still a little unclear to me.
what do you mean by 'set'? and what variable should i use for n? is 23 the right answer for when pay scale 2 is better than payscale 1?

btw: how hard would you say this question is? (grade level). i asked a high school math teacher yesterday and he didnt have the foggiest idea.

  • #5
Hi Amy,

By set courtrigard means 'make' or 'let'. In other words

"Let the LHS be equal to the RHS"

As courtirgard says above, you shouldn't be substituting anything for n, you should be solving for n.
  • #6
By "set" I meant solve the following equation for [tex] n [/tex]: [tex] \frac{n}{2}(0.10+ 0.10n +0.05(n-1) = 0.65n [/tex]
  • #7
courtrigrad said:
By "set" I meant solve the following equation for [tex] n [/tex]: [tex] \frac{n}{2}(0.10+ 0.10n +0.05(n-1) = 0.65n [/tex]

Apologies for butting in courtigrad :redface:
  • #8
Wait, so...
Pay Scale 1:
First item costs .65, second item costs .65, third item costs .65, etc.
Pay Scale 2:
First item costs .10, second item costs .15, third item costs .20, etc.

Is this what the question means?
  • #9
lotrgreengrapes7926 said:
Wait, so...
Pay Scale 1:
First item costs .65, second item costs .65, third item costs .65, etc.
Pay Scale 2:
First item costs .10, second item costs .15, third item costs .20, etc.

Is this what the question means?

No, not quite. Look at the question again, taking note of where the term n appears.
  • #10
Pay Scale 1:
First item costs .65, second item costs .65, third item costs .65, etc.
Pay Scale 2:
First item costs .10, second item costs .15, third item costs .20, etc.

Is this what the question means?

yes. but you have to figure out what pay scale is the better deal. like i calculated after 23 items pay scale #1 pays $14.95, payscale #2 pays $15. so for 23 items and over payscale #2 is the better deal. (according to the amy-method)

should i write the question exactly how it appears in the book? (maybe I am not making sense of it either) :blushing:

i see what you mean be solving for n, but don't know how.

  • #11
I get 13.80 for 23 items on Pay Scale 2.
  • #12
physicsgal said:
btw: how hard would you say this question is? (grade level). i asked a high school math teacher yesterday and he didnt have the foggiest idea.

There's a famous story about the mathematician Gauss who was given the assignment to add all of the numbers between 1 and 100 by a grade school teacher that was annoyed with Gauss. The teacher was rather incredulous when Gaus provided the answer in less than a minute.

Now, Gauss is considered one of the greatest mathematicians of all time, so expecting students in elementary school to be able to figure this out on their own is probably a bit of a push, but I was in the third grade when it was explained to me, and it made plenty of sense to me then.

For payscale #2, the mean value per item is always going to be the same as the value of the middle item (for an odd number of items) or as the mean value of the middle two items (for an even number of items). That is because the items outside the middle can be symetrically paired up with each pair having the same average. Now, it's easy to figure out the number items, and the pay per item. The closed form for your example is:

[tex]p(n)=\left(\frac{(n-1)}{2}\times 5 + 10 \right) \times n[/tex]

Where the expression inside the parentheses is the average pay per item.
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  • #13
I get 13.80 for 23 items on Pay Scale 2.
that was my answer for 22 items.

Nate. i tried your formula for the few numbers. like for 10 units, i ended up with 325. somethings missing.

here's the exact question:

"mabel is offered a job selling magazine substriptions. she has the choice of two pay scales.

Pay scale 1:
she can be paid $0.65 for each subscription she sells.

Pay scale 2:
she can be paid $0.10 for the first subscription, with the wage going to $0.05 more for each subscription after the first. for her first sale she would make $0.10, for her second sale she would make $0.15, for her third sale she would make $0.20, and so on.

analyze and compare the two pay scales. which pay scale is better? explain your reasoning. include the general term and some specific calculations in your analysis".


FAQ: Which pay scale is better for magazine subscription sales?

1. What is a sequence/series math problem?

A sequence/series math problem is a type of mathematical problem that involves finding the next number or term in a sequence or series of numbers. These problems often require identifying a pattern or rule in the given sequence or series in order to determine the missing term.

2. What is the difference between a sequence and a series?

A sequence is a list of numbers or terms that follow a specific pattern or rule, while a series is the sum of the terms in a sequence. In other words, a series is the result of adding together all the terms in a sequence.

3. How do I solve a sequence/series math problem?

To solve a sequence/series math problem, you first need to identify the pattern or rule in the given sequence or series. This can involve looking for relationships between the numbers, such as differences or ratios. Once you have identified the pattern, you can use it to find the missing term or calculate the sum of the series.

4. What are some common types of sequence/series math problems?

Common types of sequence/series math problems include arithmetic and geometric sequences and series. In arithmetic sequences, the difference between consecutive terms is constant, while in geometric sequences, the ratio between consecutive terms is constant. Other types of sequence/series math problems may involve more complex patterns or rules.

5. Why are sequence/series math problems important?

Sequence/series math problems are important because they help develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills. They also have practical applications in various fields, such as finance and computer science. Understanding sequences and series can also aid in understanding more complex mathematical concepts and equations.

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